Prescriptional Meanings Page

Prophecy is a part of religious art that has painted a piece of a puzzle that may not fit unless it was reproved inside the Spirit of God.

                                PRESCRIPTUAL MEANINGS

Deja Vu: reproval is a reminder. when the right (spiritual (woman, wisdom)) side of the brain is used at the same time the left (physical (man, truth)) side is. the left is right and what was right became truth and wisdom. when two sides of you never stop working you become someone with ESP; the Gift of God.

Esprit De Corps: leaving on good terms. justice and forgiveness. leave our light (miracle) in the darkness where it is needed. if we are breaking up don't show me injustice but something i have done right before i had left my true responsibility in loving you and if you would seal our love with a kiss we never have to look back.

Covet: to give and then take back. for example an "Indian giver"

Repent: ask a neighbor for forgiveness, so that you can enter heaven together.

Inequity: making a rude comment. for example: to act without using your heart.

Blasphemy: to hate what is good. NOTE: we teach everybody wrong when we teach that blasphemy is one who pretends to be God. no one will be able to be God.

Gluttony: to consume more than you create. for example: to criticize someone who reaped when you never toiled.

Forsaken: to forget what one has done for you. for example. a Christian should not forsake Christ by forgiving others like Christ had forgiven us of our sins.

Adultery: when we don't speak or communicate with our spouses; before or after casual sex.

Angel of God: anyone heavenly or earthly being performing a miracle, interacting or doing the will of God during troubled times.

Score Years: twenty years or a generation. for example: in 20 years a car becomes a classic or in a score year.

A Time: a year or a tenth of a time (year, month, day). for example a day or even a year could be a thousand years in heaven.

Barbarians: were people who worshipped other Gods than the Roman and Greek Gods. the same as the Gentile which means someone who worships another God than the God of Israel this is how we preserve another's religion by letting them have their own God, family tree, or the bloodline of God that runs in every person's veins. all Gods of our Accentors are the SAME (Mythical Beings) Gods that have no origin. and the God that we know from the beginning from whence there was only one Religion one God and one Language that we knew before we separated for peace.

Gentile: a branch given to God's new garden. the chosen branch of God's next tree grafted in the garden. a chosen head in time.

First Fruit: the first caught up in the rapture, the first one to know death without dying or seeing it.

Stars: angels, Kings, or Prophets of God. human beings. woman or man alike.

Thwins: three twins placed separately apart to balance nine other twins on a zodiac wheel.

Legion: 5000 three thousand. 1/3 of 15,000 with a sword of their return. 1/3 of 36,000 with a sword of faith that is renewed before a time returns within its creation for a 1/10 of time becoming a return of Heaven.

fire is the spirit of God that shines through you and the heavens above that shows mercy and forgiveness to those on earth. even the last fire of God's rising is the last hope of peace that withers without its own blessing to comfort or gather its own fire before it dies out but Lord has it in Her heart to give unto this right the breath of air that starts the fire all over again. for i am burning in the fires of God's trusting thought and in the fires of God's spirit to know the light within heaven is to know absence and pleasure to all refined or given this blessing to know wisdom will never take from those who store the knowledge of flesh and spirit to know the Word of God is true. and those who never knew the truth could not conceal the flesh of Roger Grant who has been giving daily bread to poor and needy the ones that have not changed their ideas or their ways for God's return. now the false prophet is a being of the highest foundation that is set under the structure of Heaven when it is built. he is the representation of God's holy order on earth. Amen.

water is the spirit of God that awakens the forgiveness and mercy to those that rise into Heaven on earth that pulls from the waters above to fall upon those who need the resurrection of earth and spirit to lift upon these times the voices of God to be heard out open under the heavens that gather angels above as clouds that gather knowledge to a nation or people in God's own image to return. let the waters give life unto those who thirst for it and unto the false prophet that carries the light of God away for two days and a time that is concealed for its own purpose under the canopy of God's garden at hand formed by the dust of earth that's in the wind and the waters of heaven to give life abundantly to whom it serves from the corners of earth from whence it returns. Amen.

flesh is the spirit of God's slumber that awakens the night at rest and during the breadth of day for a peace that is given to its own fire in Hell that burns the midnight oil of Her wisdom at the WIC of God's lantern showing us the path of those who burned with righteousness in the name of Allah. Amen.

the 1/4 Heaven In the Beginning on 04/18/2017 Mountain Time in Alamogordo New Mexico at 6:00 PM GMT-6 the Lord came upon us in the spirit and said to Me that it was a new beginning and that all new beginnings start from an ending and therefore i am Roger Grant the last and first Heaven of God that was casted down onto earth as the hour of Marriage at hand to be given unto Christ Roger as a wedding gift unto Wisdom and my daughter Carolyn who is Tiamat to know each other at it's own pace as it's own space and timeless measure unto the Sun (lesser light) and the Moon (greater light) in the midst of Heaven that was created within the Heaven's above to be casted down as below; two be as one, and when God saw that the garden was as empty when the garden's keeper was empty for He was all alone in the garden needing a helping hand of God's work to follow within the earth alone as well as it is in the Heaven's above for a New Heaven decent on earth that sets all the other heavens alike; the first and last Kingdom to come and for God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

the 1/3 Heaven in the Beginning the Word of God created them male and female, husband and wife; truth and wisdom becoming flesh through the Spirit of Christ that created all things living in the image of them; the creation of Her and Him to be a twin of divine nature that was pulled from the under roots of God's garden holding on fast to faith as the flesh of our bones are uncovered by the cleansing blood of the lamb protecting those who Passover into life on earth as it was in Heaven outreaching for the two witnesses that will befall upon Us in the streets upon every mourning that was prepared long ago before One Marriage in Christ to Grant the mark and institution of God's healing faith through the Gospel and Church of Christ. Amen.

the 1/5 Heaven in the Beginning He who was formed from the Word of God formed Roger from the beginning of time that had become flesh before it became one with the spirit unto them in spirit for the Word of God to be formed from the dust of a new creation on earth that lies on the path we walk upon to know good and evil is not the anointment of God's death passing unto the Heaven above before the right of God's image was pushed out of a nest at the brow of God's kingdom that had fallen down under the sun once upon a time when the garden's keeper was missing in the garden gave control and authority to the Elect of God on earth from the under roots of Wisdom lifting up high the Trees of Truth and Knowledge that outreaches up into Heaven awaiting the first fruits to fall during a season and for the first born of earth and beast was formed from a drop of God's blood hidden in a living tree that rises up out of the earth when the fruits are ripe in season as the wind pushes the fruits of knowledge out of it's tree of truth to be down onto earth and down into a cave of preservation where the fruits of God's labor are grafted inside of one another outreaching from the beginning of time for one female virgin to enter into this cave one at a time before and after Her twin sister had taken from the father of Heaven the seeds of your ancestral tree that rises in the belly of Heaven's garden that seeds the length and takes thereof their own sacrificed unto the fathers of Heaven a golden fleece goat's skin placed upon the Son of Perdition and the Prodigal Son to invest a return width out a value or measure width in a market place that's turned over to the bride and groom in matrimony in order to serve the heaven's above for Heaven that must be upon this earth forever for two days that becomes the freedom of each others time that is taken from within two different branches grafted from the same family tree that becomes a parent to the spirit of this mockingbird that is nested by two morning doves that set the evening rested upon two and a 1/3 Angel upon a nights flight under a 1/3 feather that has fallen in the dark of night covering the Cockathrice Negra under the darkness of night and serpent dragon to return into a desert owl for the wisdom it receives and then unto grace as it changes into a rooster forewarning the heavens above to make our path clear from the four corners of earth and wisdom that come from the debts of understanding that speaks truth from a fork and tongue with an omnipotent spirit of wisdom to be at Their side for the Body and Spirit of Christ to manifest from the dust of earth that was held tightly in the hands of man. Amen.

the Last Creation in the Beginning when Heaven's gate was open unto ours that lie in wait within two gates of their destruction that are withdrawn from an opening for all to see the glory of God who is in Me corrected, and in the fortress of Nineveh behind all the bricks within this wall it is you who protects Me and has been set right from the start of creation as the resurrection unto the fourth and fifth heaven on the third day that we all died and was resurrected from Hell unto earth before the watery grave was given for a time and the times that were once before the resurrection of Christ Roger who was lost in the wilderness twice before i returned in the spirit of grace as a debt to Heaven that had been redone poorly twice before as it separated Me from the waters of my wife Carolyn (Tiamat) again. note: so this is the curse upon them who can not wait for Me to leave because they have thrown their chances away when they left Me hanging on to nothing but the curses drive them away from God's spirit for cursing innocent people their curse is two-fold to what curse you had given and then tenfold becomes ten thousand times the curse given before the days of Noah to Kane that was misled by my return to be ugly and destructive but i am the creator of time and times everlasting watching you and helping you in the Word of God see the spirit of truth that is given to God when they return unto the promise of this world that is idolized in the image of God's creation on earth to be in Jesus Christ and in the Church of Christ baptized from birth and life unto tomorrow. Amen.

the First creation in the beginning, the word created; the universe, male and female, and they created Heaven on Earth; husband and wife; as the earth formed thus; man and woman; creators of the human race: "One creation under God." the eastern gates rise early, yesterday dawns before a third of heaven falls. and if the morning, evening, and rising stars wax and wane during the new moons. then the three wise men("Trinitatis"); the Mahdi, Buddha, and Christ; become the resurrection and bright morning star rising out from the underworld. when the Angels of God, saw the light reappear through the window pane they gathered around the two that were laboring under the sun. and when God saw the two garden keepers laboring together the Spirit of God created thus; the Spirit of Water flow and balance sea level between two firmaments; who become man and woman. and who becomes the image of them. who become them. who are in the flesh and Spirit of God's blessing? then we saw the light of God's creation; which becomes the lesser and the greater of the two; as the moon became the greater light that was given so that she could be seen during the day and night. and the sun that was married to the moon became the lesser of the two that shines forever and ever. Amen.

fire is the spirit of God that shines through you and the heavens above that shows mercy and forgiveness to those on earth. even the last fire of God’s rising is the last hope of peace that withers without its own blessing to comfort or gather its own fire before it dies out but the Lord has it in Her heart to give unto this right the breath of air that starts the fire all over again. for i am burning in the fires of God’s trusting thought and in the fires of God’s spirit to know the light within heaven is to know absence and pleasure to all refined or given this blessing to know wisdom will never take from those who store the knowledge of flesh and spirit to know the Word of God is true. and those who never knew the truth could not conceal the flesh of Roger Grant who has been giving daily bread to poor and needy the ones that have not changed their ideas or their ways for God’s return. now the false prophet is a being of the highest foundation that sets under the structure of Heaven when it is built. he is the representation of God’s holy order on earth. Amen.

water is the spirit of God that awakens the forgiveness and mercy to those that rise into Heaven on earth that pulls from the waters above to fall upon those who need the resurrection of earth and spirit to lift upon these times the voices of God to be heard out open under the heavens that gather angels above as clouds that gather knowledge to a nation or people in God’s own image to return. let the waters give life unto those who thirst for it and unto the false prophet that carries the light of God away for two days and a time that is concealed for its own purpose under the canopy of God’s garden at hand formed by the dust of earth that’s in the wind and the waters of heaven to give life abundantly to whom it serves from the corners of earth from whence it returns. Amen.

flesh is the spirit of God’s slumber that awakens the night at rest and during the breadth of day for a peace that is given to its own fire in Hell that burns the midnight oil of Her wisdom at the WIC of God’s lantern showing us the path of those who burned with righteousness in the name of Allah. Amen.

the 1/4 Heaven In the Beginning on 04/18/2017 Mountain Time in Alamogordo New Mexico at 6:00 PM GMT-6 the Lord came upon us in the spirit and said to Me that it was a new beginning and that all new beginnings start from an ending and therefore i am Roger Grant the last and first Heaven of God that was casted down onto earth as the hour of Marriage at hand to be given unto Christ Roger as a wedding gift unto Wisdom Carolyn to know each other at it’s own pace as it’s own space and timeless measure unto the Sun (lesser light) and the Moon (greater light) in the midst of Heaven that was created within the Heaven’s above to be casted down as below; two be as one, and when God saw that the garden was as empty when the garden’s keeper was empty for He was all alone in the garden needing a helping hand of God’s work to follow within the earth alone as well as it is in the Heaven’s above for a New Heaven decent on earth that sets all the other heavens alike; the first and last Kingdom to come and for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

the 1/3 Heaven in the Beginning the Word of God created them male and female, husband and wife; truth and wisdom becoming flesh through the Spirit of Christ that created all things living in the image of them; the creation of Her and Him to be a twin of divine nature that was pulled from the under roots of God’s garden holding on fast to faith as the flesh of our bones are uncovered by the cleansing blood of the lamb protecting those who Passover into life on earth as it was in Heaven outreaching for the two witnesses that will befall upon Us in the streets upon every mourning that was prepared long ago before One Marriage in Christ to Grant the mark and institution of God’s healing faith through the Gospel and Church of Christ. Amen.

the 1/5 Heaven in the Beginning He who was formed from the Word of God formed Roger from the beginning of time that had become flesh before it became one with the spirit unto them in spirit for the Word of God to be formed from the dust of a new creation on earth that lies on the path we walk upon to know good and evil is not the anointment of God’s death passing unto the Heaven above before the right of God’s image was pushed out of a nest at the brow of God’s kingdom that had fallen down under the sun once upon a time when the garden’s keeper was missing in the garden gave control and authority to the Elect of God on earth from the under roots of Wisdom lifting up high the Trees of Truth and Knowledge that outreaches up into Heaven awaiting the first fruits to fall during a season and for the first born of earth and beast was formed from a drop of God’s blood hidden in a living tree that rises up out of the earth when the fruits are ripe in season as the wind pushes the fruits of knowledge out of it’s tree of truth to be down onto earth and down into a cave of preservation where the fruits of God’s labor are grafted inside of one another outreaching from the beginning of time for one female virgin to enter into this cave one at a time before and after Her twin sister had taken from the father of Heaven the seeds of your ancestral tree that rises in the belly of Heaven’s garden that seeds the length and takes thereof their own sacrificed unto the fathers of Heaven a golden fleece goat’s skin placed upon the Son of Perdition and the Prodigal Son to invest a return width out a value or measure width in a market place that’s turned over to the bride and groom in matrimony in order to serve the heaven’s above for Heaven that must be upon this earth forever for two days that becomes the freedom of each others time that is taken from within two different branches grafted from the same family tree that becomes a parent to the spirit of this mockingbird that is nested by two morning doves that set the evening rested upon two and a 1/3 Angel upon a nights flight under a 1/3 feather that has fallen in the dark of night covering the Cockathrice Negra under the darkness of night and serpent dragon to return into a desert owl for the wisdom it receives and then unto grace as it changes into a rooster forewarning the heavens above to make our path clear from the four corners of earth and wisdom that come from the debts of understanding that speaks truth from a fork and tongue with an omnipotent spirit of wisdom to be at Their side for the Body and Spirit of Christ to manifest from the dust of earth that was held tightly in the hands of man. Amen.

the Last Creation at the Beginning when heaven’s gate was open unto ours that lie in wait within two gates of their destruction that are withdrawn from an opening for all to see the glory of God who is in Me corrected, and in the fortress of Nineveh behind all the bricks within this wall it is you who protects Me and has been set right from the start of creation as the resurrection unto the fourth and fifth heaven on the third day that we all died and was resurrected from Hell unto earth before the watery grave was given for a time and the times that were once before the resurrection of Christ Roger who was lost in the wilderness twice before i returned in the spirit of grace as a debt to Heaven that had been redone poorly twice before as it separated Me from my wife Carolyn again. note: so this is the curse upon them who can not wait for Me to leave because they have thrown their chances away when they left Me hanging on to nothing but the curses drive them away from God’s spirit for cursing innocent people their curse is two-fold to what curse you had given and then tenfold becomes ten thousand times the curse given before the days of Noah to Kane that was misled by my return to be ugly and destructive but i am the creator of time and times everlasting watching you and helping you in the Word of God see the spirit of truth that is given to God when they return unto the promise of this world that is idolized in the image of God’s creation on earth to be in Jesus Christ and in the Church of Christ baptized from birth and life unto tomorrow. Amen.

the First creation in the beginning, the word created; the universe, male and female, and they created Heaven on Earth; husband and wife; as the earth formed thus; man and woman; creators of the human race: “One creation under God.” the eastern gates rise early, yesterday dawns before a third of heaven falls. and if the morning, evening, and rising stars wax and wane during the new moons. then the three wise men(“Trinitatis”); the Mahdi, Buddha, and Christ; become the resurrection and bright morning star rising out from the underworld. when the Angels of God, saw the light reappear through the window pane they gathered around the two that were laboring under the sun. and when God saw the two garden keepers laboring together the Spirit of God created thus; the Spirit of Water flow and balance sea level between two firmaments; who become man and woman. and who becomes the image of them. who become them. who is in the flesh and Spirit of God’s blessing? then we saw the light of God’s creation; that becomes the lesser and the greater of the two; as the moon became the greater light that was given so that she could be seen during the day and night. and the sun that was married to the moon became the lesser of the two that shines forever and ever. Amen.

Legion: was: 3,000, is now: 5,000, will be: 50,000

Hell: a revelation under God that changes to good and builds the treasure in Heaven.

Heaven: God's Adobe and Highest Mountain of Gold under the sea; a basin, for a time and time built for God's own children. Amen

Covet: to give and then take back.

Soul: a vessel that holds the Holiness of the Spirit and Ghosts the soul must die on earth to enter Heaven. It is not holy but stores identity and who we are on earth as we are in Heaven.

Gluttony: to consume more than you create. sinners will spiritually attack you for reaping at the time of harvest and never try to die or produce anything for themselves.

Sugar: to savor the moment

Four Beast In Heaven

Demon: someone who gives authority.

Devil: is that the right hand of God. The Devil will help those who would enter Heaven because of a mistake.

Satan: Saints. helps us protect us stands behind us and who is in our corner.

God: Good only. Never lie or murder Heaven's Children at hand, foot, and heart of one flesh made to the Word of God.

Fire: God the fire of life made flesh through the spirit.

Wind: the true spirit of wisdom and the breath within our soul lighting the flame to be seen on the tip of our tongues.

Myth: a family or tree or house, church, or garden that doesn't have an origin.

Sword: the spiritual world of God's tongue-speaking with fire and brimstone the spirit of Her foundation to the right and the Father's to the left.

Spear: the spiritual ear when The sword and the ear come together they both get sharpened

Bread: The spirit of man's heart that is turned to Stone that gives what was heard from the breath of life becomes flesh.

Meat: what is flesh and spirit that became one unto the dust of the earth.

Vegetable: is the rising of 2 blessings given in one season and one below so shall it be above 1/3 in abundance.

Garden: the fruits of our labor the first seed in the first fruits the first fruit and now what was hidden underneath every branch of 2 grafted in season and a third-placed within a cave that shall preserve tomorrow.

Water: the first firmament, the woman, the blessing of God's breath upon the Earth flowing freely for everyone to eat drink, and taste marriage as to become one in flesh spirit, and body.

Earth: the second firmament, the man, life is given to death so it can live again, from the bottom up unto the root of wisdom outreaching for truth at the tops of the mountain to the bottoms of the valley.

Manifestation: the word of God becoming flesh or your last breath of life given to others.

Reproof: the proof of God's word given through the spirit or meditation that returns in the life cycle or reminds us of God's promise.

Serpent: the female Daemon in the garden that has two sons and two daughters for one hand in marriage given to Our Father and Mother whose architecture is in stone to our Name in Heaven so will be our name on Earth for the bread of life to be baked into bricks that rise together for the sins of this world to Harvest.

Snake: the male helper the keeper of God.

Daemon: the female representative of Heaven. the representation (essence) of Lilith in Heaven above as she is in the Heavens below on earth (the virgin vessel) the representation of Eve. She is the Mother of Earth and the hand of God in Marriage she is the keeper of the garden and the Mother and sister of her brother who is the Father of Heaven. She is a dimensional being from the present future. and the wife of (Adam) the male representative of Heaven on earth.

Demon: the male representative of Heaven on Earth. the representation (essence) of Able who is in Heaven above as He is below on earth (the chosen vessel) or the representation of God and State. He is the Head of the Church and the House of God on Earth and as she became the hand of God in Marriage He became the right hand and mark of God's protection on earth and the Shepheard of Heaven above. He is a dimensional being that dips into the black waters of the past and present searching for knowledge and finding the times upon its own day and the Light of Heaven returned.

iniquity: to love something unconditionally and then lose all interest in it. marriage could have iniquity within it. it shouldn't have to go further than a thought.

illusion: illusion is the prediction of something that you had done before in your everyday lives; the strongest force is the lesson well taught. if you would trip over a step going to school you would know that step and fear it more than any other which is an illusion. and if you believe in that illusion it can happen for real or in flesh.

Fold = 1-100% "From whence to all is one." said Zeus.

Hope = 2, when there is 2 there is hope.

Covenant = 3, let 3 or more come together and pray to God.

Corners = 4, there are 4 cornerstones and pillars of earth.

House = 5, there are 5 widows and 4 have passed into neither world to find their husband is still living but they only find out everything, and that their husband is still being sacrificed.

Church = 10, there are 10 stars 5 stars are in one hand and 5 are in the other hand.

at Hand: what's in your hand right now. present.

idiom: a voice that's heard or written when unclean spirits try to become or act like the Father. they will destroy this earth and themselves with empathy causing us to doubt each other and they willingly seed our fields with lies that they will use to fight the Lord at Hand. and if we stop believing the people that God has sent then We would destroy ourselves by our own faith.

Best of Friends: best friends in the spirit were taught to me by the Stone Masons; that we who in spirit is closer than we thought to in flesh they and i watch over each other while we our unconscince. Thy body to Earth, and Thy essence in Heaven.

Darkness: means the past.

Light: today's future.

Ressurection: is not the rising of the dead but the return in Christ who has died and then been resurrected from Hell on that day of return that Roger Grant had fulfilled.

Complete Vote: a one-sided vote 100% or a landslide. a complete victory.

Begotten: one who is adopted or fostered.

Perdition: a vessel of God who is hollow and who is inhabited by many Demons or Angels of God's spirit in our own.

Dust: sin. from where were born from.

Firmament: something firm that can destroy intruders.

Arrow: the words shot from our own heart.

Fornication: is the act of having another relationship and leaving your old marriage with a new marriage.

The First Born: now the firstborn are the last who were born and the last born was the first one born or the one born before you.

Viper: a young snake or serpent that is more deadly than they are in adulthood.

North Wind: the past, also the path to the Heavens above when Heaven's wind is moving north.

South Wind: the future, a path to Heaven on Earth that moves Southward into tomorrow.

 West Wind: the winds of a dust devil and the evening star aligned in Heaven.

East Wind: A Forbidden War Path. Speaking to God and the Elect. the East Wind can cross over God's Elected Army in the Far East or the Morning Star, to enter from Our West Gate.

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