The Act of God

Prayer of Our Father
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

this is a play (Ad Lib) that opens your mind for tomorrow as an Act of God is played by you and our children that holds on to the words that i had said and done during the years of my rain and the time that holds the warmth of God closer than before. for what was, what is, and what shall forever be this blessing in Heaven. two Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door and we speak. i remember speaking to them about Satan and they said He is in charge and then i bought a bible American Translation for $4 that same morning.

Homage I
the world was given the sight to see the beast that was and still is to become the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings the forbidden fruit that Heaven had cast down unto a place where she will guard him for a time and for the times and for a half a time to rest until the man-child shall take the flight of its own.

Sierra Vista, AZ. 1994
I heard a knock at my door and then I answered it. it was two Johoava Witnesses at my doorstep speaking about the Kingdom of God. i asked them "does Satan really rule today?" and they said yes He does. and spoke about God and then they sold me the best bible i ever bought. it was an American Translated Bible. that i had bought for $4 because i had priced them down.

Act I

Roger Grant: Hi How are you guys doing?

Jehovah's Witness 1: Hello, we are from the Kingdom of God. and we would to share this time with you to share the gospel of Christ with you.

Grant Roger: Speak about God and then Satan and who He was. ( i.e. is there a Satan? what does he do? Say "He protects us." He is standing behind us now. do not let no enemy be there they will backstab you... So tell Satan "Get behind Me you Old Spirit.")

Jehovah's Witness 2: We like for you to buy this brand-new bible for a donation.

Roger Grant: I only have $4.

Jehovah's Witness 1: They cost $6.

Jehovah's Witness 2: That's Okay Brother, we can give this Bible to him for that amount.

Narrator later on that day, i opened it up. i was surprised that i could read this translated Bible easier than the regular Bible. but that's when it started to speak to Me. and that's when i started seeing spirits walk around my house and hear voices. i could only take it so much so later that week i grabbed some clothes around the house that i didn't need anymore and donated them and the Bible which had opened too many gates already, to a thrift store drop box that was outside of this Mega Mart grocery store.

Narrator Voice of Zeus
"I have loved you for years and my time has come to rest in the clouds that I own and the time is given to Roger Grant who now owns what was what is and what will be the Heavens that collide together," said Zeus who is Roger's Father in Heaven to all the earth, land, and sea.

Prayer to Saint Lazarus
Our prayer for them and for ourselves is that we may come to know his love more surely, trust him more deeply, and realize the presence of the Holy Spirit within us all, ever at work healing, strengthening, and guiding us in all our ways. Amen

I sat in the kitchen at the table when my wife Eleanor put her hand on top of my head and i could feel the spirit of Jesus Christ rising up inside of Me as i was resurrected from under the earth where one must rise up to Heaven on Earth to receive these blessings from below that opened these gates from above to be given only to those who had not left this planet long ago by keeping the faith of our return.
Roger Grant: "What did you do? what did you do? Who I Am? Who I Am?"
Eleanor Grant: "I did not do anything. What's wrong? I didn't do anything, Roger."

"when i asked my wife what she did to make Me feel like Jesus Christ knew i did not feel like the same person that i was before the Spirit of Christ had entered Me i got up out of that chair and went outside to intake what just happened i went to the front and then around in the garage area and denied Jesus three times and when i started to feel like i was going to disappear into thin air that's when i went out into the backyard to confess that i was Jesus."

Act II

Roger Grant: "What did you do? what did you do? Who Am I? Who Am I?"

Eleanor Grant: "I did not do anything. What's wrong? I didn't do anything, Roger."

Narrator: Roger exits the House and enters the Garage where he is hiding from God.

Roger Grant: "I Am not Jesus. I Am not Jesus. I Am not Jesus."

Roger Grant: "Okay I Am Jesus. I Am Jesus, I Am Jesus."

Grant Roger: Create a reason why you are now Jesus Christ and why you did not want to die. for example "i have been here already and i did not like it."


Prayer to The Hail MailHail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

A war of good and evil had broken out of their celestial corners and it consumed Me entirely because i was not ready or prepared to continue the Battle of Good and Evil. i could tell what was going on only that i could feel more things that could not be seen and ruled by a deceptive being that hid inside the spiritual world. where the two had come together to fight us and our seeds of tomorrow we were tamed and likely to lose but God never showed until the time of its own blessing was to unfold. i could not explain to my wife Eleanor what was happening.

" i don't know what is happening but inside i do not want to die this way. i wanted to become normal again, the same person that i was before." And my wife said to Me that Good and Evil are fighting over you. and in Her hand were rosary beads.

Roger Grant: "i don't know what to do or what's going on."

Eleanor Grant: "I think that good and evil are fighting for your soul and I have prayed for you."

Roger Grant: i think i am Jesus Christ the Lord. i can't explain the things that must come out of the light.

i was in the bathroom looking at an ant on the ceiling when my wife Eleanor came in and i told that ant "if i am who i am then fell on to my wife's head." and it fell on to my wife's head. should have told her about the ant on her head but it was something i just couldn't explain or wanted to.

one time i was watching the news and the Hurricane was moving up hard on the Mississippi Delta when i had thought it would push up to Memphis Tennessee where my grandma lived so i set it to the delt for six hours if was who i think i was. and it stayed there at the delta for six hours and then it moved back outward from land.

When All the Stars in Heaven Were Aligned

one evening i was reading the bible on the throne (toilet) and i then read that someone had done a famous Prophet wrong and had fought with their seeds. i then got up and went to the back door which is on the west side of the house and stretched out my right arm westward and went back in for a moment than realizing what i had done i went back out and saw all the stars in the sky align themselves from east to west the Heaven above was separated from north to south.

one day God came to me and told me that i was going to get a divorce from my wife Eleanor and did not speak one word. i told her what God had said to Me.

one day practicing Voodoo i was caught up in the never-ending life zone where your time is blank for another touch that wakes you up my wife touched me and asked me if i was alright after i had blacked out and then came to after she had touched me.

Taking 15 minutes off the Clock

on this day the time was taken from Heaven and that day God said tonight is going to be a special night later that night the Lord spoke to Me through a Reggae song that said i was going die that night that evening my friends Alan, Dwaine, and Bill, came over, and we got into a heated argument about religion and told Bill to leave. it got so heated that my wife Eleanor had to go outside and say sorry for my outburst. and after that when i tasted my water and it tasted oily, i remembered God telling Me about me drinking poison. before i went to sleep i turned the clock back 15 mins and said a prayer and as i did i saw Chris showing Me to make a shield and protect our world. so i did and a shield to protect us. and i passed away into Heaven and woke up to a great morning. the best morning i ever had.

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