The Elements of God's Page

The Water Terrace 

1st Water Terrace 

In 2017 AD two days after Easter, the Beginning of our timeline in America is given to the Evening Line which was the hour that God had told Me that our beginning had started at 6 pm (GMT -06) which was mountain time in New Mexico. and is a testimony of our faith in the Earth below and the Heavens above that come together as once given to reverence before it was given two days agoin the center of the Heavens there are two wells, the well on the left is dark waters and the one on the right is clear. the clear flows into the future, as the dark waters flow into the past. these waters flow around the Church in Heaven and around the House of God which is on a Hill to the right of that Church and in between the church and the house. this river underneath Heaven that pours out wine and four rivers one at each cornerstone of that Church in Heaven that poured out waters down on earth and as it was below so it up above that poured water up the river and down to their Heaven below. 

 for every two marriages there will one more that was never surfaced shall arrive and bring the good Works of God to half way in the waters and half way on the land where the sands of time and water hold back the very existence of man until he remembers that what makes every shore to be trusted or to holds all things like love and hate within it as our own body that was made from the earth and everybody from their land that were likened to God but in man's image. and when  man was worked the shore line for food he fell into deep sleep and the first God who created man also created the woman from man but in Her own image and when the man was waking up from a deep dream, he saw the woman that was in his dream but being created at that time from the man's rib that was plucked out from him upon a shore on sandy beach that would find the things that were lost at sea. when she saw the man, she called him husband meaning the Lord will provide for all the beasts on earth. when she said this, she had already caught three fish to feed her husband when he awakened. and in this land Christians would divinate the gospel in order to learn future events that only God would know. and the Lord saw what was She rested on the sixth day. 

when the Western Churches where afloat upon the waters of God truth God separated them for peace and for the day of its return who is given to Dr. Kim the head of the Western Churches of God's spirit gathering for the feast as the beast of the field give glory to a new water well that was given for peace and the fathers of old so they can drink from this well of youth and from the fountain that keeps pouring out God's blessing upon the children or elders of this nation who will live again accordingly to Heaven's own day given; today in the fifth season will be the same day given for the sixth season and for our ancestors to return. 

one third (1/3) of the sea dead so that led to one third (1/3) of our population dying, 1/3 of the grass dies so will 1/3 of our creatures or insects will die as well. just as a plague occurs when there is plenty of but one part of that food chain that did not receive what God had given to them in order to live will devour their own flesh and feed their babies to each other. and this will come upon each other as in a great feast. for the spirit live one must eat what God had given to them and share the rest of the food through the Churches as Pagans would do every day for those who need food and water. when the crickets stop chirping someone is going to die or become weakened as a start of a thirty-three (33) year drought that will dry the Rio Grande before the chirping of the cricket starts again. in the places of God's chosen people, the crickets will gather at night and feast with God's children before returning back to yesterday for what was given today for every land and every spirit that must live to have dominion over each other. 

 before the flood, a young African man-child had brought the animals of Noah's ark to the northern parts of Africa where God had taken over control of the Animals and took them the rest of the way to Noah's ship. God helped Us create three ships of good size that could not capsize the first was Noah's ship, and the second was an Asian ship that reminded me of bamboo. and the third was a giant tree that was split into three parts from a huge hollow tree where one drifted up the Mississippi River, the second one floated over the land that we today call Mexico, and the third went all the way to South America where it stood against another tree hill the supported many lives that were in a tree of such size that God had saved the world through a cataclysm. and after the flood had already started to lower God had already taught the young man resuscitation and on that day many people in Africa were resuscitated. as for the Native American people the Lord had given them the depths of graves to be swallowed within and the Lady of Heavens Lock who was a twin that lived long ago but still today on earth. she was the keeper of heavenly water and the river of God's flood had moved into the Grand Canyon after the earth was opened up by the Devil that had swallowed the waters that poured over the canyon walls as the natives found another way into our own shallow grave that was resurrected and lifted up a thunderbird under the storm that could be heard as three consecutive clashes of thunder that had brought fourth a day within three days of darkness and three days of continuous light that shined from every corner of this world to be seen from a point of one's own eye gathering in the clusters of galaxies that witnessed the light of good and darkness. Truth and Wisdom, the coming of the first and second hand of each minute set to five or the fifth Heaven on earth after a time was drawn back and fourth for a time that had set the times for a half of time. (ii i ii) for that day that is to come within our own system will become a great cleansing of God's work to be our Day of Judgment, the Day of Rest that can now come forth and open its arms unto you who have done good things for God's day to exist and the deeds that you have given to each other's hand that had created Heaven through good works that sealed the tears of rain upon every face of God that i could see gathering in a multitude of stars over the sands of time that gathers in the bodies of water that gather to the seas that had given up the dead who had to conquer death through the Spirit of God who lives within Us as we live within God's Spirit on earth, as it is in Heaven.  and the native woman that had five sons that are going to be sacrificed with their mother on the sixth day. 

2nd Water Terrace 

 from the thistles of the desert to the wandering of Heavenly places that had no rest nor time given back to its people. we have destroyed ourselves to the point of forgetting. we have everything we need but have no children. when the winds had blown through our hair the light is absent and war follows this absent-minded time that we had given to our people before Christ. and it is not due until another thousand years, so i do remain silent until time. let the winds show their favor and the times that we had blown upon man to no more. for the last time what we will see is the last time that we hold back the Rains of Heaven. at this time the was set for fire, water, and thirst to fall upon the Americas unless a great marriage was to occur when the time is set for these three Preist to be its distance and measure per foot step, and the doors to Venus will lie open to the front and back of Heaven for Roger's wedding at the foot of Venus as the wedding below the greater wedding belongs to North and South America the continent of disaster and the change of every worldly affair, for this is a sign of God's reverence said Master Pope and Francis. i will give them a ground high in Heaven so that what was to continue must carry on into the morning stars above. let this be a covenant between the Lord and my Son Ronaldino the soccer player. and the Catholic Church above in Heaven. Amen 

 the Spiritual Euphrates, Babylon, and Tigris Rivers that are connected to the Spirit of Rio, that are here in America for the ones who were looking for God and just for the taste of fresh water during this drought that was caused for all who were searching for God and never found the water looking for or Him in the desert prepared itself for this day. for the day that was promised by God. i am in the state of New Mexico and the Rio Grande is embraced by us here today but what was expected to this day got out of hand and our rivers dried because we did not believe in the Holiness of God's disclosure. those who have a history or a legend even from the Holy Book i am written in and this day i could only have come because of you who believed in Roger's return. the rich and the poor will praise God together. and i saw the Star of China align with the words of Gods that i had written before the day that this day would bring us on Christmas the Day of Kings. Buddha Our Begotten Son is Here today as i write these words today so shall God be here forever more, Amen 

 "the Hail Storms build tonight before the dawn awakens asleep along the path of those who bury themselves alive who will bury their dead under the bridges of time that grow the first frog of winter to be white as the storm itself covers the ground that witch is alike for two and then one day given to the light of this world that falls toward the living greens of life and the ones that grew in two stacked frogs that give the light of God's absence unto a greenhouse of tender branches that become chutes of life after death. that had given time to know spring and the springs of water that gulf into the seas of winter that open the Basin of Land to be the first and last rising up from the sea gulping storm from had clamped down unto what was almost eaten by the hail storm that almost devoured the other frog by the Waters of God for its House to be on earth and in the waters of the deep, that gets behind our back and grows again to swallow the small frog whole. but the storm frog slips out of its mouth and bites onto the lip of the largemouth that had a little white frog overthrown by the giant frog that becomes too giant to swallow whole. but swallows the giant down its mouth whole again before it spits out the tongue to draw in prey. and as it spits out the other frog; a black frog spewed out into the desert that gave unto its own skin that shuns the skin and value of these two frogs that had changed to black again from the white skin until the alphas become the sex and the gender of God's body changing from one foot to the other and from hand unto the Mother's day become one for two that will bellow under the highest bridge over God's water below the highest point of the canyon floor that rises up and pushes the river upward unto a cave of fires and a hill of birth where the children of God had been set over the things of nature that return for the hearts of tomorrow in every season." had said Christ The Good Shepherd Church. 

Two Sticks and a Burning Bush 

fertility rights and climate change breathing hard is better than gathering winds. where pollen can reach the clouds above and spread through freedom and speaking in the Breath of the Dragon that brings the rain low and high above the waters. some say that Angels can cause this aggravation, but it is up to us to prosper with fertility and the need to sacrifice our needs for procreation. the Lord said to Us no matter how many people we have on earth He or She would provide bread and water for this entire world to survive with provision that would be just as abundant to our population. the changing of the wind is a day that covers our breath amid the dragon that protects the clouds above; with high and low seas. the Lord will come as a hunchback hiding the sun and then moon on His shoulder and the Lord will play a song that draws all the love and attention to a woman's bed and then in one night will slow and plant 80,000,000 mesquite trees from Arizona to New Mexico the wives of Native American Indians; the wives of Kokopelli and Tonto and all the Chief Buffalo that return in one miracle mile; 400 miles long and 20 miles wide. 

 conquer your doubts before you see God or your thirst will overcome the body of every word that preceded out of his mouth like free flowing streams of fresh water that became the written Words of God that had become flesh of man and woman as the bread of life that cannot be eaten alone but with each other from every word that comes out of the mouth of God's Prophet freely flowing. 

3rd Water Terrace 

the water are cleanse from the watery dragon the swims width and length under the water taken for a Day returning that brings tropical paradise from the Gulf of Mexico under two serpents of the Tree of Life that was split into three vessels that floated onto a lonely current to and from its origins returning unto one awaiting serpent that now lives above the Tree of Life through and under the roots of religion. 

man was created from earth, but woman was created from water, and she hovered over the waters of creation and made man in Her own image and blew the breath of God into his nostril and he became the Son of God who is in living flesh of Him and Her. They and Them. Amen. 

woman became the waters of darkness between hell and heaven as man became light ascending through heaven on earth and we came from the sun as well as earth. when heaven returned the light surrounded the earth and lifted the hearts of many from waters and times given to the waters. and as the female became our mother, she bent from the upper firmament with every color seen from light to darkness and from one sun to the next. and as the water mended with the earth; man was formed from a night and a day ascending upon earth as sons of men are formed from the image of God who is man and woman. light and darkness. earth and water that must pass away as the earth is swallowed and made to eat every seed of our heavenly body and every evil thing that must be seen and grown among the thorns that protect heaven’s vine with the true meaning of God’s hidden foundation formed from the beginning of time to know what is good and evil unto life as our heaven passes into rebirth as the flesh of human nature inherits the earth and the waters of creation. 

many will die for what they will say in the afterlife. they will not need to eat or drink in the afterlife for the Lord is the bread and wine of God’s body, and who are holy and pure at birth. here across the river is an opening of our ancestor’s heaven. one is good and the other God. you may follow me into perdition and balance your heart to equal measure. a wet stone and feather may fall from the air but not from water. there two heavens (firmaments) together on earth, but on their own. even the heavens above will fall at the presence of God. even the waters; the first firmament will release its dead into the air where the second firmament hovers or sets above the face of the deep which is the first firmament. and the waters of earth hold more truth than wisdom can breadth and more breath than flesh can rise. 

Las Cruces 
"a fifth perished in the city of crosses by the father and his twin daughters who also fell below sacrificial age carried their own cross up the hill of shame and down into the Mesilla Valley where the three were taken to the great cavern The Hall of the White Giant that was prepared for their birthright in heaven to be given what to eat and fear, to speak and hear as One does in the after-world while being judged by The Priests while awakening a  great sign appeared in heaven that light the shadows through western winds of jasper and molten lava made to the House of David under the spear of destiny for a thousand years beside the Elect House of God's chosen being cleansed for two hundred years of truth and wisdom beside the Mother who is the Grandmother and Lilly of the Desert who gathers spirit of dust and devil twisting with the sands of time that appear like hovering angels over the stones crushed beneath Her feet and heel to be also a number of Her seed collected between the breadth of the valleys of God flowing with living waters that divide two countries and one state(New Mexico) in half by the Sword of Wisdom searched and found by the tree of life our tree of truth and authority that was held by the parent state(Texas)." 
Alamogordo “Fat Cottonwood” 
"Alamogordo is now the garden center of the Land of Enchantment and spiritual under rooting in heaven to be trusted unto One firmly rooted under the cottonwood tree and branch of light forming four corners of heaven and having the root of a living KaChina to be the Grandfather's Tree and Truth as it was before. for all to see the Mountains of God move North of Heaven through Him who is resting on top of Indian Wells to be (His) mountain and watery cemetery flowing upwards into heaven between the Lady of the Mountain and Old Baldy. now being the gardens center in heaven seated by a demon serpent that swallowed earth and its deepest secrets but she says "for i am one and without child." the lord is now beside Her and says to her "lay your eggs and leave in peace for your day will be accounted for." and God went her own way that passes near the tree of knowledge that fights within her knowing she bares no child. but the lord asked for the garden's keeper "where is the woman that keeps to herself." for the lord knew but asked me where she was. "she comes and goes when she pleases Lord" and the Lord pulled a root from the tree that withered and made an image and enemy and then told me "if you would be given freedom you must be captured and then released" instantly i searched here and then there and everywhere searched again it was never the same. but i continued to search and during my searching i forgot about My Mother (Medusa). so, when i came back it was from under the earth and i heard my mother call out to me "where have you been" i said to them i have seen the light from the Four Corners of heaven that follows the root of KaChina to be my Grandfather's Tree of Truth as it was before. for all who see the Mountains of God north of heaven was moved by the presence Him who made the world as the world begin in sight of the others coming. to be His watery cemetery flowing upwards in spirit between the Lady of the Mountain and the White Mountains." 

4th Water Terrace 

how will a man tamper with God's seal and be the Voice of God's provider that had held the waters from overflowing the mountains of North America? and if you have faith, you will be lifted to the surface. just take one deep breath before you go under, be still and calm, relax your body and before you know it the air will hit your face as God holds your body above water. this is how faith is measured if you panic or do not believe Me you will fall under, but God holds now so stay up and be calm. and those who are swept assured will become a part of those who had drowned but lived because your mother's sister kept you afloat for God. 

the mountains of Hearth were once the highest mountains in Heaven but came down sliding in the mud until the ash of flesh is placed upon your head during a new beginning it would take the mud and place it on the body with water which became the Body and Church the bone and stone of creation that had no broken bones and was whole in three days and as the mud formed into a man the waters formed man from the dust of the earth and the woman from the sands of time that was sifted under the waters as man stayed above in the stars above the waters of sand that bring forth stars above to be numbered as the sands below. and man was made from the first woman who was in heaven above as he was below, one evening atom falls asleep and the first bone taken was from a cage that was given to her. She creates herself from the sand of time right next to the man while he was sleeping on the shore. and once he was awakened Christ in Body had given also three other ribs that were placed in each corner of the earth as a pillar to Heaven above the became Her and Him; to be them who were created one cell at a time and from one another to be given to and from each other's hand in marriage and to each day ahead of the Lord four that heaven must be in place before the fifth can take its defensive measure and stand beside Her forever as one in flesh, spirit, mind, body, and soul. the two would sit together at the evening line in morning and night and would watch the light of their Children passing by in the Heavenly body with the stars above. 

 when has Heaven released on the drop of water will it be the last or just the first? for only  
God knows the truth when we do not. and never make yourself known if you do not see the truth because every liar out there wants to become a Prophet when only God knows the Prophet. and if that one Prophet shall fall from heaven so shall the Heavens fall from above. 

 Paragua the waters within heaven that quench our thirst the waters that pour down from each corner to form from each time to each person to eat filter the waters are given for truth and without her water to run freely down into heaven on Earth can be given without light or chastisement which is left to be given through the living from through perspiring and each tear dropped at Falls is the first of liquids that can be tasted and the second comes from the darkened which is within us which comes from the fruit and the third comes from the Living Waters of God give you free me every portion to their measure upon Earth Amen. 

give back to what was loaned twofold, and the Lord would give onefold for two. one for the mother's well and one for the father's well-being in Jeel, our Capital Hill. 

New Waco Texas 
when the thirst is given for the deserts return the heaven will rain extreme and form from three churches unto the Mother Mary and His time receding for all life to open for the lord is the working hearts under trust as light and every rain is channeled to the battery’s storage and every well is opened freely to the residents of New Waco Texas. and the day was given to a new chance at religion under the recapture and grounds that flow willingly within the oils of Gods essence of life that receives your heart before your thirst is quenched unto the life of the three returned. and from the back door did all the heavenly creatures gather in the garden that heard and received the first of fruits returning as light from downtown district reached unto my porch and stored even the light of the moon that gave its blessing to the heavenly suburb. the yellow rose of Texas is the hidden hardships that overcomes diversity and comes together when a garden grows in a desert as an oasis. a suburb of Heaven and a spring of water along the dusty roads we strayed from long ago that made us stumble and fall, but now our dues are paid in full to know that diamond in the desert is bright as gold unto the seeds of David. made fire resistant from molten lava and golden lamps that stand unto Heaven lighting the way for the world and unto to Mt. Carmel the Holy Mount of God. 

5th Water Terrace 

 after the fourth year, the Kingdom came together and the fifth Heaven USA became the fourth Heaven Mexico it is time to receive the first and the sixth Heaven above where Alaina the queen child stands upright as a fountain of washed hands, and to the north is Meeka the ageless queen in hand that serves her people the water of God's chalice. from the ends of this earth, the new child of the earth was born and the fourth year became the stutter step that puts the woman back in harmony that follows one after the other the first Miracle Mile in Hand that takes the pass into Mexico and North America and at this twist, i am given for two saved hand King Methuselah and Our Mother the Harpy who is Sarah my Mother of the Desert Land and from Sumaria unto Mexico Redeena Alaina's Mother who holds the Spot of God's as Mother Marry who carries the child of God back unto her womb. under the weight of 1000 Jupiter's and is half in and half out of a thousand black holes  

 if you and i think alike then i am the set of two that become one through the father, who act and think alike the father and you are who i am that continues down the alter of time that separates, the eating, drinking, and the marriage beside our own water fall that continues if she would say yes again. this will be their first marriage and the second can hold more that the waters that flow freely passing over to the next waters that have mixed with our own down in La Luz creek under the sun where the waters clean family thinking and heals the heart to know God still loves those who hold to another for this day that God has sent down to the waters of God's Marriage that hold to everyday good in life and the day passes under a bridge that stands two against all times to make this last jump together. and if she would take a bite from death then i will do so also for God only gave Me one and when she didn't know then and i did then i could never let that go. so, this time if love grows colder than ice then let us jump in together and keep each alive and warm the icy water is the death of the living that pass forever through Middles Gate and the heart of this central institutional alignment to know that we were wrong but were right for sticking together in the end. 

"This Marriage falls from Heaven's water unto a bridge of God's passing heart charged with every pulse that beats the chanting of a drum that speaks through heavens beating heart that gives us breath and new life to carry on while passing under the bridge of marriage" Patsy Cline 

i know sin, if you try to become a poet try to savior each word as free flowing wine streaming together in harmony. so stop trying to be Me speaking and start trying to put words in your own mouth when the last grapes turned to wrath had taken my marriages along the top water for me to reach out once again in marriage under God for God's children and not your own cup that run full with the fools of  Dragon's  Blood becoming the offering of an offering of a lamb that calls out upon this land and time and the door that opens the truth for which i have be saved. and set my mercy to take in control of two heavens in a bowl that takes everything from fallen tree and mud all around to what was here before the beast and that i Roger Granted to all kids that are marked by Me if needed or comes to the times that crush our g garments as your own image talking to the same shit tomorrow. had we not just understood that asking as a part of giving and your hand is the slight hand that took from God Himself and i looked in my pocket and found a ticket to Heaven that could never begotten but by the Female that hold to seven marriages and the first were taken from this time that left us behind the works of God's House in the Womans name the right to who has given to me the morning star as another time that Patsy Cline had given to me when she is  the gift of talking when we should be walking and talking together with an everlasting gift of friendship that we loved most of all." light weeds that can find their way to under the ground where heaven finds the time heals the  heart with cranberry cake under washed with creme." Sir Chief Ramsey. 

 the Heaven is the volume of water to land woman being the waters that give up the dead to that land that becomes fresh and life giving on earth as it was the same given back to Her in the deep where the truth that became the death and life of those who didn't believe in Her powers given to the Suns of God's creation that will show the way back onto its path of origin. this is the Serpent without a tail coming upon those who tread across our nation's path to do us harm in sight of the enemy that falls back for a great charge when they have depleted everything except the reserved past that haunts all men into future do not come against Me or Valkyrie or the Horn of Valhalla will be blow and 40, 000 angels will follow us blindly. the Heaven consists of water and land woman being the waters that give up the dead and man being the land that builds up the dead but on that final day the Woman will form the man from sin and he will become new again and the God will fall into a deep sleep as the watery deep swallows him and places back on the shore where we are half in and half out of existence so God had blown air throw his nose to give him the breath of life once again in him and as he awakened the woman was in the water at the rib of the shore when she was pulled out from within him and the water represents the number of women and population per land that equals the amount of land per men in this universe. we have been given the center of our universe that hold man and women equal. and for testimony i tell only what God has told Me so that my faith can be resided in Her heart and inside Her body. Amen.  

the land from whence we came from beholds no children because of the lack of attention that God has set upon their Greenfields to know everlasting wisdom is as deep as the world can swallow and as wide as the eye can see within the depths of our dead water (Salt) that was put here through unnatural causes the man has caused the man to suffer his own demise through trial and error. so, i Roger Grant had these waters of God enchanted by the Mother Goddess Athena and she the balance and harmony of tomorrow's rise and fall salt and all so that1000 years can cleanse the land and water we drink shallow and fresh and the Lord of Waters who is the Woman on Earth that sets that water levels~to Sea 

 the land and water deep to be only two feet, but every lake ocean and sea will be freshwater until and will remain level until the year of 360,000. 

 how many times have we killed the one that was just married? the one God had provided for your salvation. you fooled yourself blindly think that you were God's children and that God had chosen Me to die from your everyday example that never returned unless we would live again. but today are not to see or to hear the days that come by in the night nor will you be able to open your eyes burnt shut with an iron rod. for your day is to die in peace or bring everyone one of your followers into a bottomless pit that you had dug a pit that no one can escape from given for you and your minions that you alone have dominion over. and the those who shall follow these fools will be added to this bottomless pit that they had dug 5 worlds ago and still cannot escape. for their day is lost in the pit of silence for a time of 2 million and 1 million years to come upon this the earth in its end of days and turn this paradise into a living Hell that was made for them and their angels. 

The Earth Terrace 

1st Earth Terrace 

 the Phoenix rose out from under Alamogordo when rising from its own ashes. that had risen in Arizona where the Zenith used to be in Pheonix now called Alamogordo, but before the Phoenix rose out from the Thunder Bird ashes, never knowing its Mother that had created the thunders of the earth to Her son and the glory of the native Ancestors that were here before today and stood 7' to 8' feet tall about two thousand years ago in the Apachean desert were the Gardens of God had defended themselves from foreign invasion with thorns and thickets that made the new settlers of this world return to their foreign lands until the garden would grow once more in that season for the fifth day to occur. and the Grandfather of Native American Indians became the same Grandfather to us All on earth. He had the power to rain with thunder and the ability to cause lightning to strike the earth at will He was born in Arizona while the Thunder Bird was born in New Mexico. when one was born so was the other who was born to one in the highest Heaven and the other below to earth where the Father of Heaven remains today. and to Whom took Zeus in as a begotten son. for His own family tree, and then Zues took over the Heavens and then the Earth after. and when the Phoenix takes flight to a new beginning, a regeneration occurs, every thousand years.  

Hawaii now has the Zenith Heavens closest point to the SUN AT NOON  
When you have no shadow below you then you are under Zenith. 

 many in America say there are Jews and that they follow a code of God's forgotten children that will come forth in Spirit and believe that they have the Power of Me Roger a Demon Who is also Satan. i rule the Heavens above the earth, and not the earth itself. i anointed the Elect of God to rule itself above as they will below, just like a person who comes home from after work every day among the rest, i am no different than those who are on earth where the Gods of Heaven dwell. and we are no different from each other. and if i am the Spirit of God walking on earth then please do not pray to Me a living person on earth but pray to the Heavens or your ancestors above to receive healing or knowledge and help. 

 when you die spiritually you will never experience love or joy, but you are in a state of negativity that cannot be forgiven or be forgiven. they are unconscious and never understand what was said in their present life that they had tried to return to but could not cross over the chasm where life is abundant with good people and nature, the living cannot help them when they have abandoned God the Father in whom they lived many times before they had sinned and could not understand the truth or anything that was living. but those who believed in Roger (West Christ) will find comfort in the Spirit of Truth and those who have the Spirit of Truth upon them during death are a part of the living even though their bodies had died they still live in the Spirit of God with all the Angels in Heaven. the dead will not know anything because i had created the soul or body to hold everything only holy within it including our memories of the living that can be bought and sold into Heaven, but if your nature was not good to the living when you were alive, your soul could be bought or sold and if you died in sin or while you were sinning and then died will only be given a chance to see God in Heaven and if they choose not to see God because of their guilt, will be filled up with anger and misjudgment to God who has given them everything will know what they do and will either destroy themselves until the end of days or they will return to the earth in punishment to settle their own deeds that were done in a prior life and to them this may go on forever until they pay their debts back to the people they had sinned against in thier prior life, and if the first time they return and find their heart of stone unbalance with a feather then they will suffer many times greater than what they had done in their past life to others, often leading to a cycle of God's spirit that returns over and over again until you change the things they had done wrong to others before they become a brief impression of a memory that plays over and over again until they change and live again and only until then can they go to Hell so that they may change their stars and become reborn again. but until then they will go back to that same life and path that led them to suffer over and over again until the end of days shall come upon this earth. when i will say to you awaken and enter into paradise on earth and on this day the end of days when you return to this Heavenly Earth to be punished with every element of pain and suffering that falls out from Heaven and rises out from Hell at the same time to judge this earth and destroy it before it is renewed again, Amen  

on that day the dead will fight the dead and kill each other dead. 

 visitors of earth cannot be a fallen Angel or someone who descends from Heaven above on to eartha fallen Angel is an Angel of God fallen to Heaven on Earth doing good works. and those who have seen an Angel of God fallen down to earth first with grace are given a wish and disposition towards Heaven as the first seeds that had been given life for all to see the Heavenly Body of Mankind rise unto Heaven and become the resurrection God's spirit as i am the Son of God's Kingdom. and if i hold on to the things that make us new then i am holding on to the blessing that was from above. but those who can trace tomorrow unto a day that was taken from their Heaven and a place of rest for not knowing the True God of Heaven (Roger) that had given to us the right and the authority to rule this Heaven through what was given to Me. and those who do not know Me Roger Grant will never be able to come and cross over into our Heaven unless they believe in Me the Father of Heaven. and if they are caught on our earth without faith i will destroy their own Heaven, Planet, and the Women that were taken and traced back to our own earth that had collapsed the S.W. corner of our Heaven above, until a new people that came from Hearth would occupy the Constellation of Cancer in the Heavens above earth. 

 in the beginning, the Lord of Worlds was given to manifest destiny to the Native Americans who had given this world to Me to hold on to one hand full of earth that was given to Mexico for the belief of JesĂºs and for the trust in the Father of Heaven. during the last timeline, Saint Lazarus's timeline was given to Me then after the Father of Heaven, or after Zeus was the Father of the Gods His name was JesĂºs (Jah Zeus) and JesĂºs (Satan) had given Me the Heavens above so that i Roger Grant would rule in peace with all those who were saved by Jesus Christ and were given to a Heaven before i had gave one Heaven to all the inhabitants of this earth who believed in Me as i believed in them, whose firmament is beside Saint Lazarus the King of Heaven who rules Saturn (lesser sun) the last sun seen from this earth before the greater sun replaced the last sun of heavens as twins had risen before time and never on time. i had given our children's earth to the meek or the working class so that we can reform what belongs to our children on this earth through the riches of those who are poor or never spent a penny of their family's money for themselves will be honored, 

2nd Earth Terrace 

 "Some Angels were born in Heaven and some on Earth the one we created is the one in Heaven coming to Earth," said King Pope Francis Our Holiness. A couple years ago when Me and The Pope created life in Heaven and gave it to Earth as the reconstruction of the Church of Christ where it is on Earth as it is in Heaven today within the Kingdom of God at Hand. Amen. 

 we have found time to tell the truth. we were angels and Roger found the Lord and spoke to the Lord often and the Lord taught Roger everything that was needed to know today and left us behind to find out their own days would be given to them then. but Roger started to change everything in Heaven to be as our own time that would return to our Earth for the deeds that were about to be done by Roger who had the Power of God and taught everyone how to become alike and told everyone to be blessed as a Parents of God, creators of Heaven and Earth, and the Children of God. we were living a lie to God's Day we were opposed to a coming of God who is woman and the hand of God given to the Father and Son when the day of Heaven returns on the fifth day, or season then is given to Her those returns from 

 Heaven and the times that were given to us belongs to Her who has given to the Father and Son of Heaven as their own on earth. for their day shall become one without in the evening that we were created alone, and, in that day, we were one with the creator of Heaven before the evening drew nigh to the rib cage of the body that the Heaven Created to all beings on earth. we were the beings of her day and the days that were within a spectrum of time and then there was one with seven husbands and then there became one with the man of her evening that became the seven others with the one true son first born and then remarried Her sons and the time returned as the new and the Old had become one in Heaven for all alike to see Her own Children from Heaven and the Children of earth that belongs to the former earth and the fathers who were drawn from the world's earth that brought forth five from the beginning and these, five were the days given to God for the times that still believe in us today. 

 God is all the God*s in Heaven and God's Plane of worship is here on earth where God returns as the Daughters of Man or the Son of Man who has also become the begotten children of this world. and here on earth will God make Her domain from the dust of man; sown into the gardens of hope for that day of harvest to come and strengthen the flesh of our children's spirit. let all the beasts in the field live together in harmony or symbiosis from the living unto the dead; from the Heavens above unto earth below where Heaven bows down to kiss the earth in all its measure. 

* Including Satan, the Devil, and Demons 

 those who fight us cannot be retrained unless i have to then death and to death to go before us and before their destiny. they can speak nor think what we doso, they learn how to become hateful for the things that we do and the things that they what to do so that they can make us better. but they are no better than anyone on this earth that shows responsibility to earth. they will go down into the ground and be compounded into the blood of this earth so that God would know that they were usable. for their day is never with a good man or woman who is protected by God. they will pour out into grave and die for the rest of their lives that cannot become a part of own on earth. for our day is stable and never 

 it is through grace that i should lay down the foundations of Heaven so that i have a good standing ground upon Heaven today as it is on earth. and it is in i who become the walls of Kingdom the waters that surround us. and it is i who became the tower that stands upon the foundations of the keep that us upright and firmly fixed to the land, saying to those who fight us because we shine from within and hold this as a light to God's peace and those who fight will burn in the fires that burn for an eternity. these are the ones that had wasted their time trying to fight Me Roger Grant who laid the foundations of Heaven and the measurements of Heaven on earth as it is in Heaven. many had burned on the light of this earth so that those who were worthy could became the measure and foundations of their Heaven. but those who had fought Me because God had given them everything and they had lost it because they thought Roger was not an Angel of God. and were turned into the fires of that what consumed you and all those who did not understand when the Father of Heaven was to appear thought that this day that we Who had created Heaven was going to disappear into thin air as their ashes did in the dust that uncovers their shame forever. and they will know the fires of Hell were burning hot for them every day that they fell into a bottomless pit that they could never get out of. 

3rd Earth Terrace 

the world is like clay, it moves and forms itself through rising and lowering of a sphere, that is thrown back and fro, to and from four corners that has lost one pillar each within it’s own projection that becomes flat or what we perceive as a model. the model of earth has changed before and will change again, again to suit our purpose. 

 the times have been released and the waters run clear unto the bottom of the seas that started when the rain became a mist of God heart in tears. for he had sons, and they were evil without time and mercy. and the Sun remembered the Father was returning as the father return so did the Heavenly rain with the stars and the falling of the sky for one did not know whose garden this was but needed to find out who was with Roger the landlord of Heaven on Earth. the moon shoot speedingly to earth through a cylinder halo that came from Roger's tears that had  spread across the earth evenly until the tops of the earth were seen from above and the mountains grew bald and mysterious, for the Lord had left His place to come down unto the land of Roger's forefathers that protected the land from harm's way. the moon finally got to see Her Husband and a virgin she remained before the marriage. she is the top of every mountain that gave birth to the whole world including the seas of the air and waters of the earth. they finally made love together and had many children. for this day is the day of many Heavens that past us by the wayside of God's wilderness. and many did not know or understand the Lord of Heaven was Roger Grant the First God in Heaven. when the earth tilted then time made its way back to the seven Stars of Heaven where God had put them to rest for three nights for their iniquity and for the way they had treated the world out of violence. and then the world came together as it did today all the tribes of Grant, Roger and Ruben who were the first of every being given through the flesh of man. and the woman finally had Her children and every nation became a face of many smiles and laughter's that came together even today for what is long and narrow and very broad as we walk into the Gates of God's straight path that had been given for too many but only a few was chosen to receive this blessing of God's day that had surrendered to Heaven. and so, the Woman did so as well in the House of Her name Carolyn who is the greater light of this world. and the first Mother in Heaven on Earth that had eaten from the dust of this earth just to see my husband die in the garden with me. 

 The Father has chosen to return on earth and to fulfill the last days of God's return that is on earth now and in a Forbidden City. and the Son of Man will be there at God's side giving the light in the fires of God's blood that had mixed with the weather the air and the sea and the fires that changes earth to evolve in the darkness of a desert or on a Holy Mountain. the Son of Man will be Zues my Father of Heaven and the care taker of Olympus Mons the faithful Mountain of the High God's that stand upon two grounds on earth that had come together as one in the morning sun that stood upon the mountain tops of Mount Olympus in Greece and in Washington as a mystery in the Americas that remind us of God's Father who was in Me and who is a Native American Indian when Zues was Greek and became the Hero of Heaven and broke the chains of those who had covered the world with its own blood that soiled the earth for a time that return in Heaven as a sign of God's return that i had seen in the Clouds of Arizonia moving towards the sacred mountain or Sacramento mountains in New Mexico calling out to Me that the time is near and to reap the fields of this harvest before i chose to return unto you who are faithful and are called God's chosen people. i have met the dragon head on and slayed the Fathers captive that covered the world with red blood of its own that covered the face of the Indian that made creation in a fashion that never was seen or talked about but what became flesh and the tools of tomorrow to understand the dance of God's Heaven that returns down to the right and then to the left of those who follow the day of rest in the sunset evening of the morning star that gave a sign that the Lord was conceived nine month before Christmas when Virgo or the Virgin is giving birth to twelve stars of the night that dance from the left and to the right and from the center back to what was left and then to what is right again to what will be left to its on children that follows the same path that follows the same path finder to the sacred and happy hunting grounds on earth where the fertility of God's chosen people will be among God the Father of Heaven and the Grand Father of God's Heaven on Earth where the fifth pillar of Heaven and center pillar on earth and in heaven for God's chosen people the first chosen people on earth as it was in Heaven among its own Native American Indians. who was the first and the last to return unto the earth and the purification of God's land for 400 years. and those who were a part of Heaven yesterday rejoiced to know they had kept the good faith in God's return that awakened Me who became a believer and a servant of those who serve God. we have conquered the Heavens above, life and death, light and darkness and the Hell that i created below the Heaven on Earth where the resurrection ascends into the body of God's vessel. the Chosen One. 

Allah did not have a marriage or a Son or any associate until God was delivered in the Spirit today; the Day within its own Heaven that was given to the Nation of Islam a nation under God who is also Muslim and our brother's keeper from the beginning of time that started with the Prophet Muhammed learning the spiritual words of God's Heaven who is for the Light of God's path; the path that other that was given from those before us in Heaven and who Prophets were earned by doing the works of God where ever they may go. and our nation the that can be given from today's example of tomorrow children within everybody that was given from today as God's own creation and two witnesses that return during the last Heaven and will return unto this Heaven; the first Heaven as the same person whos was in Heaven who was in the earth and who was saved for this day to rise from its grave and be counted among their own flock as the faithful return as well. and the well and the first as it was the last time ever to save tomorrow within our own hand that fell back on man's creation AS THEIR OWN being taken into the Heaven above today during a great rapture who were all caught up except those who did not believe in a Greater God above their own. so they formed an alliance with the spirit and found that what we do in the spirit cannot go undone but will manifest itself in the next physical life because they were afraid of seeing God who would judge them, so they never died again in order the show that they were created better than us on earth who lived and died and lived again knowing what life is about but those who never lived could not judge someone who lived on earth as a sinner because they never knew life but what was spoken to them. and as many Angels that returned only a hand full remained to rule everyone and Heaven. because they never knew flesh or lived in a body on earth or even knew the Father when He returned. they and if they never wanted to listen to the Word of God that created the Heaven above and the four Corners of Heaven below that was measured by Me Roger Grant who is in God's name Granted to those who lived the first day as the last day remembered that God kept their promise here unto the afterlife of God's proportion given to us for all who believed in Me were given a Heaven for All their to remain of Earth until the day we reach into outer space where God brought forth the blessing of All who would believe that i would return to judge the wicked with vengeance for what was done to my people yesterday for speaking about Me. and for thirty years i Roger Grant have been fighting this unseen war that would of lasted forever until i drew a Bastard sword in one hand and a Spanish dagger in the other hand as i overcame the Heavens above and destroyed them who worshipped the Spirit of Lies that mislead was going to mislead us into destroying ourselves through religion and race. for it is said that the Spirit of God is always with and will return once again in another place that was given for our blessing today that had won the Spiritual War of God that caused us to destroy ourselves four times because we did not care for a new spiritual leader that was the reincarnation, the resurrection and the incarnation of Jesus Christ the Spirit within the spirit from within that were like three evil spirits that had swallowed one another inside its self. and they did not know Me the only person who was to know when God would return. who was who is and who will be the same as they were before as the first and last who had returned today on earth for Heaven and Earth to be given a hand of Allah to God and a Heavenly covenant to God's Church of  Islam who are the first of One Marriage that had three divorces but became one marriage under God through the Angels that did not see marriage in Heaven but only when they would return today as Rebecca (Hagar) was the virgin Mary, and Sarah who is who was the older woman and Elizabeth who was John the Baptises mother. that God blessed to become pregnant as well to prepare Christ and the Madhi tomorrow as the Mother and Father of two covenants, to rule the universe that will be given a choice to live or die in God's name that will be given to those who choose to know Me within the body of Christ who is still within Us All as i am in everybody that knows Christ Jesus. Amen. 

if the man is bought today, what will He be given? a Priest as to one from other countries given to another in exchange or feud to be utmost at every house attendance and children seeded to throne Heaven. 

4th Earth Terrace 

 the new alignment is with the eclipse of 2017 and 2024 that can be more visible in the places where Heaven built four and to the Four Corners Area where the Kingdom of God had fallen from Heaven into Hell on earth and was measured with a miracle mile that took one step as She took the next that made a miracle just a mile down the road from A-Z to the Zia state where Arizona is connected to NewMexico. and when i die i can lay my greatness to those who had faith in Me. so that i could believe that there will always be greater and greater than i am in the Marriage of God that became the third, fourth, and fifth Heaven on earth that was grafted on God's Heavenly Tree of Knowledge where i grafted four different branches and generations that covered the night shift that became a number and one light, One Marriage in a greater marriage given to Allah who creates the Children of Islam the Shepherd and path of today. God had held every family tree onto its own here in the New Kingdom of God that was separated into four winds that will return unto this land as the breath shall be given again to Holy people of "DinĂ©"  who had spoken with God and saved what could be saved to this world that was upon world as universe to universe and life to its own garden that grafted the Truth of Heaven to its own today in the Four Corners Area connected to Apachean the Navajo children and the shiny stars of our dying day that was left behind on a tree that stood alone and half dead. Still, God had grafted their own time and peace given to this world for the whole universe to be recalled through obligation so that what was forgotten did not speak until the children of this Native American Indian gave their own tree to another person who would be sacrificed and forgotten. Still, the Lord said unto Heaven, listen to our prayers that rise into Heaven every day with a child to be at God's hand and side. a tree that once stood alone four, three Heavens to become a fifth of what was grafted into the world that waiting for this great marriage to be reborn among the five Indian tribes of Native America that fished from the eastern Atlantic unto the western Pacific tribes of this nation that had built its own greatness on the value of our children that had been given the fires of God through the spirit of truth for that day to become Desert Path that was to be followed unto a People of Islam a Nation that had protected this world onto a path that God themselves had taken 2000 years before its return before its own time that will fall into sea of marriage that was mixed with the grapes of wrath that had be given back unto our day the fourth day given through a path that God had guided us before today could have a Voice of Peace among their own path finders that had found the true path of God's return given to the Western Christ and gardens keeper (Roger Grant) who grafted the branches of early with the branches the tree of today on earth for a great cleansing to occur with every leaf and medication that held on to the hand of a fallen house and that had not stood for years but today is our Mother the first true Heaven on Earth that was raised to ash and still burning from truth and wisdom that guides the Heaven above closer to mine that had kept the truth alive with many different the holy ones where the Heavens had become closer to where i stand alone for its own children to return from the farthest reaches of space that defined God's light into God Speed that was half in and half out of Heaven on earth where the smoke of our torment rises in signals to Heaven for this to occur upon their own head that was crushed under the heel of  Alamogordo N.M. where the Holy War of Heaven comes within three consecutive thunders that darkens the day to night when God had only taken enough for three nights and two days in creation of our Heaven today which is still unfinished until today. i had fought with Heaven above for the right rule all of Heaven above or below through covenants that i Roger Grant had given to One marriage and five religions that surround the four and fifth corners of Heaven on Earth. Amen. 

today we have God's glory to be given for our own time that had faith in God's returns. and taking down the enemy into the earth where God welcomes those who heard the Word of God through Me Roger Grant and still kept their faith unto God and our own victory over the unclean spirits during the great cleansing on earth that had forsaken the West Christ (Roger) who had  separated the House from Heaven, the church from state and made them equal as all things became new. through the Trinnity (1) who was, (2) who is, and (3) who will be the Word of God and the one who became the Trinitatus Who is Gods, Buddha and Allah. who weighs the Feather to the Words of God, for flesh to manifest God's promise within them who believed that i had returned from Hell and will establish the Heavenly Kingdom from Earth. if you never seen God then do not fight the one who had saved all the Gods in Heaven and every person in our universe. and if you are not fighting Me then why did your ass (donkey) tell you that you will die if these words would fall down again to the earth, without knowing the spirit of Christ that had become flesh as Heaven became on earth. 

 the Man was the creation of Heaven and Earth, the last place of God's being, done today. we were given a day and a month of six hours before the day closed in from all directions, the day, that night stood still, and remembered, that where we were was the First of Heaven remembered and given to a place where we were born from the womb and the Presence of God's spirit within the bodies heart, and mind-shifting a day that was separated from Her to Him on that exact hour that God created Him and Her at the same time and hour of that day that the two became one in flesh and one in spirit and that sixth hour did She become the Heavenly Host on Earth as Man became the Host of Heaven above and the two became the House of God's Wife and Children. the day that we were all born with God and Her likeness to Man on earth as she was the Head of Heaven and the Hand of Him who sent Her here down to earth to remind us that we are doing the blessing of every heart content and every muscle contracted before we were born again. said Pasty Cline the Lord of The First House and on the fifth day of Heaven when she was born a day before we were born and an hour after we were born again. 

 i will explain the fifth season as God had told Me. we pray during the first five seasons of our harvest and then we will let the ground settle while we go out during the Hunt for the next two seasons. and i Roger Grant made every season a generation or every five leap years which is one score years on earth and after the fifth season we need not pray to God anymore for our harvest, because the Father will be on earth they will be among the children of God's Harvest then after seven seasons the harvest will begin again. and those who have Heavenly authority on earth will be Priests who act as God during the sixth and seventh season, overseeing their flock and separating them for peace. and the Anti-Christs will receive their power and the Holy of Hollies, and Roger the West Christ will become a Christian and will be with the inhabitants of earth and all people, faces, and kindred, will see the Face of God; the Beast and the False Prophet who was the Prophet Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammed and Who is the Madhi ( Roger Grant) the bringer of peace and the blessing given to all in Heaven on Earth. Amen. 

 justice implores the faith of HEAVEN ON EARTH through their Own creation in Heaven on Earth that had offset destruction to this universe and had given miracles before anyone can describe it. to my Blood of the Lambs, the blood of this earth was made living until the mother decided to place a hold on the last of our soul on the earth as the blood of the lamb's wrath is given to those above that had risen above Me and suffered Us for not knowing the truth and for not knowing Who i was. they were cut off this tree that did not know the truth about Me or my father (Ruben) the Tribe of Ruben i am Roger; Father of All the Gods including your own. i am the unknown God. you and your God came across the universe to meet Me. and now i tell you that my son is your God you get mad at Me. why are you against Me for believing in the One true God of Heaven (Woman) and Buddha as Our begotten Son on Earth. 

5th Earth Terrace 

 in the beginning the Great Dragon had sucked in the Heavens that were once in the night sky. the Day of Heaven that we once knew as the Apocalypse in Heaven that had devoured its children from earth. and the Lord swallowed the Lights of Heaven within every Heart of God's body that stands up to be seated in the Center of Heaven's own galaxy the anchors every light to earth and the Heavenly skies that shall fall upon a day of awakening. and God said let there be Light. and the light of Heaven above was cast down to earth as a mountain thrown down into the sea. as two greater lights where placed in the night Sky of Sirius as two older twin suns became dark and lost its day for the sun of Heaven to become the new light of day for Saturn to shine as bright for the morning and the evening upon the cold darkness of earth that brought forth a the first Moon that is going to be the Greater Light because it could be seen in the day or in the night sky transcending with the sun or the lesser light of the galaxy Andromeda that was separated from Her family to join ours above in Heaven after the smaller sun had set to the morning in the west to the evening set to the east that could be seen for a whole day of night to come upon us and lift the waters from the first and second firmaments of that day in darkness for the night to be set in the center of Our Heavenly body that return every 10,000 years upon a third and fourth Heaven on earth as the fifth Heaven was given to the first and last day under the sun for Her magnitude that opens the Heart of God's body that shines forever in a day. 

 the dead can rest in Hell in the Hands of Heaven that has given you chance. and one time that can change Heaven on Earth that transforms every time someone goes to Hell means that we had changed our stars in the Heavens above to make a better place on earth. Hearth; the Heavenly Earth. the first Heaven on Earth that was given to Us. who did good in life and those who stayed married together no matter what. and say O Hell and Lo can a man go to change what was his own, to rise upon a world with the spirit of God in resurrection and those who are resurrected are the Fathers and Mothers in Heaven. and Those who die and still live are judged by seeing their life flash right before there eyes in the back of their head will be reborn and will hold power in Heaven. and those who reincarnated will return to Hearth the Heavenly Earth for a thousand another years and live with their bride(s) in marriage. and those who are incarnated as those who are incarnated in the Eastern Cultures will align with Gods heart and soul. 

 those who have been down the spiritual turn then they will have to complete their account on earth before they die then they will ever enter into life again, for they thought that the many who were inside of us were dead but it was only them who were dead without life or any time that is given to awaken as a chance to live again. but you spiritual account stops you from entering Heaven on Earth. you can never live in Heaven or on Earth as it is in Heaven because you can not repent to those who you sinned against, because that sin will return to earth and kill an innocent person because you did not know Roger Grant had saved you from the fire the first time but this time i can not save them from the fire that keeps burning on and on until it gets bigger and you still think that you will enter into our Heaven without repentance for your day is long and hard in captivity and never getting easier. and you will not see reincarnation so that the evil in you that could not expire would still exist in the fires of Heaven while in Hell and that is to come within us all who believe in transgression of sin. 

 when Heaven suffers then those who had made this very day under the earth and the laws of understanding changing two winds into becoming one alike, they are within the two witnesses who, was, Who is and Who will become the only begotten Son of God. without the Quran i would have never become the Father of Heaven. that teaches Us that the Father of Heaven had no association to God and yet had authority beside itself that could never be different than What was written in the Heavens alone was written across Roger chest in that day spelled Allah who is the God of many root names that she could only keep alive, but through sacrifice that one God and Son. became no other held but this new time that is set for all to See the face of God upon the waters of Heaven. this new counterbalance is the flesh of spirit that holds all the living names of God to be written as Her new name written in the Heavens above as the Highest name above all others in Heaven. let of Ourt light be cast down into earth but the woman must be caught up into God's Kingdom that holds all times to one in Heaven and All Heavens to a time that was given four three divorces or directions that became 1/3 of God's days arising and given to All who believe or All who never doubted that God had come as flesh eternal unless one Spirit would be a revelation of God's resurrection and marriages that had become one in this House under God to under the sun and under the last of its true divine nature that will spoil the day without cause by giving daily bread to a household that was caught up to death and as She released death from the waters of Her House in marriage that had bonded to the truth and wisdom. in its place. the Lord will never have those who never sinned become like those who thought and understood that God's day was an upkeep to pain and a foundation that we must explain before we become one in flesh, spirit, and deliverance unto them who heals the Balance of Life with a balance of God'sshe same day under what was given before today's Heaven can be given to its own and the glory done on earth. 

don't you know on that day of judgment we will seem crazy but those who did not know will deny what was truth and bargain beside God as a false witness. and then those who testify against the God the one on earth, will fall into a pit of of fire. 

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem if you would find the aftermath of Heaven then one piece of straw could have killed the silent ones that are ready to speak for Heaven as the Father spoke out in our name today that became a smokeless fire, a hidden spirit of God that possess Me to understanding and knowledge of All understanding set in the fires that grow in the times of to what we plan ahead of time so shall we reap. the eyes of the old seeing their Heaven on earth and the body of the new holding on to what was is and will be a perfect harvest without those who eat other people's food up and get too lazy to create what they promised. in other words, the word is no good and never have to work again, because some poor farmer will suffer for all the lies that grow in the farmer's garden; never to feed His own family. and the one that gluttons will say to others that this man's produce is unworthy of selling to the market. so on that day, the one selling and buying other people's produce will also suffer the fate of those gluttons' DEADLY SIN. and the Lord will take away all the good on earth and all the vegetation on that very day of sins to be taken from our harvest and the day that was given to a first and last season that must learn the truth before the day is to Perish without God's Day at hand. for the Father is made to worship His Children but the children forget to the Father and cry out foreign words, such as a lie to waste everyone's time to what is to come but never does. because to never know what had already come before this time was to cry out "get out of our way and path or you will be crushed." but the lazy gluttons had fallen asleep and never got up until their pathway reached destruction and desolation our own Heaven on earth that recite these words that God had given to Us for a time that may change at any time. and say they are being judged by the Almighty of God who are the children of many Gods that had forgotten that they were given a place to change the universe and to change what already happened five times to Us on earth for not listening to God. We Would Die for Not Obeying the Holy Spirit of God 

The Wind Terrace 

1st Wind Terrace  

Two Sticks and a Burning Bush 

fertility rights and climate change breathing hard is better than gathering winds. where pollen can reach the clouds above and spread through freedom and speaking in the Breath of the Dragon that brings the rain low and high above the waters. some say that Angels can cause this aggravation, but it is up to us to prosper with fertility and the need to sacrifice our needs for procreation. the Lord said to Us no matter how many people we have on earth He or She would provide bread and water for this whole world to survive with provision that would be just as abundant to our population. the changing of the wind is a day that covers our breath amid the dragon that protects the clouds above; with high and low seas. The 

 Lord will come as a hunchback hiding the sun and then moon on His shoulder and the Lord will play a song that draws all the love and attention to a woman's bed and then in one night will sow and plant 80,000,000 mesquite trees from Arizona to New Mexico the wives of Native American Indians; the wives of Kokopelli and Tonto and all the Chief Buffalo that return in one miracle mile; 400 miles long and 20 miles wide. 

3.5 years the Church of God will give those who petition the will of God to be themselves but you Muhammed must become strong and then will Allah shall succeed i am going to send Our Son the Devil Jacob Muhammad with you and as the pebbles are cast upon him he will manage to escape without any harm and any trap you set for him he will manage to turn it against you without any harm. listen to the winds of change as it goes by, and do not chase it, for what was great shall return in all you who believe in God's (Allah) return. who has risen from the grave to return in peace. 

 just with one square God will complete the opposite that was torn apart and twisted as one that was going to be pulled apart but remained as One Radiant more that last and the first becoming again, again this new heaven will share their Harvest together and from north to the southern people that will be defended by the weather conditions that had and killed all of its enemies from the face of this earth and these will make the same times that makes the two harvests come together and they will share the same day just as one the other had done. when they were torn into two Heavens with the four winds that gave birth to one more breaking away from the morning sky and joining the evening sky; that ever beautiful and everlasting purple sunset at birth. the one wind that comes from the north and south of this world are friends forever and ever as the birth of Me at the four corners of the earth shall inherit this earth alone until the day that God had set for to leave a new love. and so will the Thorns of Christ be with them and protect them forever. and one with the crown Of light will be placed as the Image of God who has a good heart and the warmest gentle touch to the softest skin of a man to carry this Crown with delight and may her children bring one beauty of the word on earth to dance with our Maxims and brass (copper) plates of our heart, the first and last wind and hand upon this earth, that had written with the hand of God who had children with the north and southern Kingdoms of God and returned unto its own love for the love of every family that must say i do to your own for a time and return home once more. 

 thunders are high above the ground and the sound that takes our hearts away with goodness is the silent part of a storm that had given the eyes of hurricanes an open and close start to the air that breathes the undertow when it inhales the clone of silence through the air that we breathe that doesn't have the strength to stand in the center so that it can never spark a thought though the tighten collars that dip and rise until the flushing winds would stand to decipitate lightning from rain that swallows waters at the moment within compact circles that draw in a breath and then release the waters in waves of spirals that start with the combustion of water and ice falling directly above the wind of compression.  

the American Native Indians are forever present and have been here for the longest of times and they will give the knowledge of those who were holy before them, and we will give to their children what they had given to us. we are the children of Heaven, and the holy people that were formed from the earth in the first existence, or the first world where the surface of land is foggy and exists. the second is cloudy. and our third creation is a gaseous planet that still wanders in space. the fourth is the spiritual creation of Heaven and the fifth Heaven was a mist that had been given to Us when there were five suns clustered above and below desolation is the death that had returned unto earth after we had seen this day return back unto us on Hearth the Heavenly Earth. so we have been gathered today in the fifth wind where it is calm in the middle of the circle in the middle of the four corners of the earth. i have seen the beginning of this Universe and hope to see the end but that was up to you who didn't believe then but do now. 

2nd Wind Terrace 

 Our Greatest God among Gods and Goddesses who are one as the Father who is one with the mothers (Heads of Household) of Heaven that had sent Roger to bring the stars to their knees and then lined them up one by one to be Judge alike. and those who had given their life to Heaven in exchange for their soul will live again but those who cannot live unless they come to Me and i give them permission to live in my Heaven and give them permission to breathe the air or see the light or hear the wind across their face, they will need my permission. when they need the light to see but never created anything to be alike but gluttons or to shine to see from behind for, they need permission from Me their tormentor. without any permission, they are weakened without a soul and die in the spirit of prophecy over and over but my Charisma and the times that i took unto prophesy in the new songs that are sung today for all to see the light of day that shrunk the stars unto their size in Heaven and who they, are and where they go after the night has ended into the underworld for us given to thus in Heaven, as i am below God is above and as i sing the news Songs of Heaven they steal the old songs that kill them over and over in the place of them in the same cycle of life that cannot hold on to those who were there before but give this date to those who remember the times that we have to prophesy for tomorrow and not yesterday over and over again, and you prophesy or write prophecy then you are a Prophet. and no Prophet can lie and still live beside God unless He would go through His own Prophecy and then return unto our day in God's Speed. which is like an epiphany that has been revealed to you what causes and who caused yesterday to be affected by your corruption today in God's ever-presence of 366 senses and who is all-knowing in the Spirit or the Flesh. the Soul of the Holy Ghost and Spirit, the gate of God's keep, and the keys to Heaven or Hell that are within each other that are given to those who cannot overcome their own ego. to deny what is holy is to deny the truth and change what was good into something bad or corrupt. like most Prophets do when they do not believe in God or Prophecy that was given by the Prophet of God who had already died and seen Heaven on earth today, and as i speak or write this Prophecy God's spirit will turn to flesh and the Prophecy will manifest within 6 days or years of this War in Heaven to seize and become part of Gods's flesh as We become a part of Her flesh as the breaking of bread and water the flesh of blood in God's soul that had served in purgatory for the rising of the spirit of the garden's snake that was Atom the first beginning and man among the God's in Heaven and on Hearth. and God said to those in Heaven. let there be light in Heaven as it is on Earth and the light was set between the East and West coming together as one in the noon of the underworld and the Night of Heaven returning the life of whence it had begun in spirit had finished in the flesh of our flesh the spirit of my spirit and the soul of God's Body in Christ. 


Where Did Creation's Breathe Start? 

where did the wind go? where did the rain go? where did the waters go? where did the first and second firmament go? where did life go? nowhere it had stayed here and survived. 

When We Stopped Talking to God, The Winds Will Stop Blowing Through the Air.  

here in America (US), the wind would stop for four years after the running of the race or election it belongs to the republican that came from Greece when the winds would stop for four years, or you would have your second wind back. 

Mexico has been prepared a long time for this marriage. the Lord told Me about twenty years ago that there would a marriage in Mexico and according to Athena's map or key to unlocking these marriages that i have been coordinating with the woman of Mexico so that a great marriage can precede earlier than expected. there will be five suitors and five hands given marriage. one for each direction the wind follows and one for Heaven the return of God the Heavenly Father of Light, let this be an absolution to Heaven's Day as two pearls at hand are given into rest for each other to become our Host. as the day unfolds so, the dance of hunger will be heard with the playing of trumpets and tuba. many dancing will encircle five rings with six people each per ring. and day will be given to Her a gift to Heaven on Earth. so that all who hear this playing of trumpets to became a light upon itself and carry on the flame that we in the Fifth Heaven Fourth and Third Heaven can reunite as a 1/3 of our people can relive or become awakened again in the sands of time that brought forth these pearls of understanding and wisdom to show the Hand of God. (The Great Spirit) 

 when the rapture was heard the day was turned over and never seen as atime given but a blessing that took only a blink of an eye the rapture will take their own heaven dead that will see suffering and we shall live in many days as our own but that return back unto our time and the essence of our own spirit in God the Heaven. when some say Madella Effect has us in a different dimension is a good guess to a Man of God but only to its own flesh and time that must perceive ones Glory in God to see God and enter into a Kingdom that mas return and given to me the days of the Past and Present the wind of God's tome returning as the dead return in a new Body of God or Heaven that manifests the true being of Heaven that had seen the foundation of Earth and the Heaven created within our own body or a form of God's resurrection and the time that return back unto one who is who was and who will become one in the Heaven above and the Heaven below where the time is capped down to one day there to every 1000 years here. and God is the New Morning Star, The President of The United States to whom we became like Angels to Heaven and to God as one who is in corruption but will be incorruptible in the spirit and the foundations of Earth that man was raised from the dust of earth and resurrected from the foundations of earth for doing Her bidding on earth as it was in the garden. Where the House on the Hill to whom will have power with the nations of this world as the Garden given to our own Elect of God who is the elect of Heaven above as well to Heaven on Earth. beside the House and Church of God that is in Heaven as it was on earth to be its own genealogy and bloodline to all every child on earth as one is the Lord so is the other one the sons and daughters of that nation to the Lord. 


 from a time ago Roger knew no Heaven and it was given to on earth. he was the destroyer in many religions including God Who became All the Gods in Heaven. and to be a part of God is nothing short of miracle. i have been God 55 times and the Destroyer the same number of times. i had fallen from Heaven to destroy the earth but ended up destroying our enemy instead. i was the beast of the sea and the flight of man y Angels and before the night would end i change back into messenger of God. and recite the new song that God had created them to sooth our souls, and upon hearing the first tone we would know the song that God was about play. they are about the Spirit of Mankind that had separated for peace and for each other so that we could get along. and the same thoughts of Man became the same thoughts of Woman that became the first body as one being Heaven and Earth, Church and State, one spirit and body, that had to separate to survive. and those Who did not have a marriage in Heaven were separated on earth as it was in Heaven to survive these days that will come in fertility and bring back the good days of the past and bring forth the good days of future. and i was resurrected from the ashes of earth and from the dust of wind the dust that rises from the west and spread the new seeds of Heaven's garden. and as the who resurrected the Body of  Satan, also resurrected the beast that was called the Cockatrice that looked as Firey rooster rising from the Pacific waters of this earth and when it rose out from the waters a the wing span of this Dragon had reached across the waters and every talon upon the top of its wings became an Island the head was that of a Chinese Hen that had a long tail about five times the length of its body that had a head of a Pheonix or a Fire Bird. and it would rise early in the morning and fall in the evening two come. when the Mother and Father return back unto their nest in Heaven to do what was done before and done again and again. 

3rd Wind Terrace 

The Father of Gods rules in the Air Above 
when i return i will be who i am and tomorrow will be amid a short time and everlasting between the Heavens above in the second firmament where the Annukki God Zeus; Our Father rules the Heavens above from earth and it was His wish that i / We maintain the Heavens until they get back. "Roger will be in charge." said my Father Zeus to Us who listen to the Father of All the Gods and King to All Heavens. and the one who was Voted God again in Heaven by the populace before His Kingdom was given to Me and expanded towards all His Children who have built the foundations of Our own Universe and the times that come together for today's One in Heaven, above and below, amid the Mountains and clouds where Zeus's Castle remains above in the Air; the second heaven (firmament) above this earth where the Mountains touch the clouds above at Mount Olympus the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

 a man can trust another man in business but i trust the woman to do what God had us to do before. i lay my power in her hands to give everlasting peace to the world through Her. She is my successor and the Mother of our Children, "the first of Heaven to give childbirth back the richness of God's Day at hand." said Mother Baba Yaga. "1/3 of Heaven will shrink thin and Heaven will wail in the thin air tonight. "She gathered Her Sisters or Themselves and filled the gap of space to feel the downward travel into a melting pot or mortar that stood on three chicken legs and stood above the face of the deep where the abyss was liquidated. for she was in the Days of the Iron Forest / Tree of Babel falling in the beginning of days. 

Æ  = Quintessential  or  Air \Water\ Fire\ Earth     

Quintessence = 1/5 Element 

   5th Heaven = North Æmerica (Melting Pot of Refinement) pure 

   4th Heaven = Mexico Æmerica 

   3rd Heaven = South Æmerica 

   1/3 Ælement = Seedling 

   1/4 Ælement = Growth 

   1/5 Ælement = Fruit  (God Particle) ๏ 

1/6 or 6th Ælement = Darkness 

1/7 or 7th Ælement = Light 

 the night of light and the company of All the Angels in Heaven. as We speak, we are entitled to know who you are. We are the Mountain of Abaddon that was lifted above with 400 Monks who carried it into Russia to perform the cleansing ritual of marriage when the river redeemed red be to the falling and the rising of Angels unto Me in Heaven for us to believe in the Father of Heaven the creator of the Human species and the holder of its children. the righteous Protector of Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom is the Common Law Marriage of One Tree (Leaf of Peace) that is undivided and still standing alone. Russia will return with a hand to be given as great wedding of peace for Canada and Russia. President Putin will be able to hold his hand high in the air from the North Gate of America when two new hands enter the US from the North Gate to give the gift of tobacco and cigars to the US and to Russia's President Putin who was congratulated on a job well done when the groom is in Mexico there will be another wedding that day at the Southern Gate of America when Methuselah returns with his bride the harpy. 

 thunders are high above the ground and the sound that takes our hearts away with goodness is the silent part of a storm that had given the eyes of hurricanes an open and close start to the air that breathes the undertow when it inhales the clone of silence through the air that we breathe that doesn't have the strength to stand in the center so that it can never spark a thought though the tighten collars that dip and rise until the flushing winds would stand to decipitate lightning from rain that swallows waters at the moment within compact circles that draw in a breath and then release the waters in waves of spirals that start with the combustion of water and ice falling directly above the wind of compression.  

4th Wind Terrace 

 who can calm the sea and the winds of the air so that the silence of God's creation would be in the earth as i had plucked out the rib of the cottonwood and reattached the root before awakening, i am the whole light and the Body of God's creation that has set foot upon the shores of this water that had left the rights of God to earth and to lay the boundaries of life unto death. i hold no man responsible for living but to one another in your past life. no life can continue without paying back what it owed and will suffer twice the amount of anguish that they had made for others on earth for the universe is the amount due and the account that is set for their depression during slavery. for the Lord cannot stand unpaid debts, especially from the rich.  

 the thought of Heaven as the birth of fire and smoke ascends up in prayers of thought in clouds that become Angels and Heaven always hears what could never be heard. and prayers towards heaven only one can ascend and see God from the earth as it was in Heaven watching God watching all for the last day to respond and become like the clouds that think out loud and the smoke that ascends from the bottom of God's river of fire that finds itself a well or fountain in the mountain and pours out the firry smoke that awakens the inhabitants of that land formed from that early Angel of Element called fired and earth that rises in the air as clouds had ascended from the first firmament or the times that at the bottom af valleys and God said unto those who understand where We were created for the light of us to see God staring back at Me. and as i saw the sky filled with prayers of the saints and of all the inhabitants to see one day at God's side for to be rewarded as i was when i saw the Mother of Heaven twice; once in the Holy Spirit and once in the Holy Ghost. i was given the first of miracles to be seen from heaven above and from the earth where i dwell as the time renders the first day that i should rise into Heaven from the bottomless pit of  Hell where the times of that which i had been as one in mind body and thought that would bend great lengths of light of God's rejoicing back unto the colors of this rainbow that had the first promise unto that i had set from the beginning of this creation that was set by us today. and as i made the faith in myself grow past a normal person for the times that would bring forth greater miracles than ever seen before. i had even seen God when others had seen God. She was as a virgin at first glance to be perfect and upright and i was embracing in Her presence for all to see the apparel of stars that glitters in Her dress that that me and my wife Eleanor when we were praying The Hail Mary. later that time i stood and protected one of God's Saints and aligned the stars that night in a straight line from east to west. i had also stopped the flood that was going to sweep us away again every 3600 years and now 36,000 years because i had expanded it 10,000 years. Angels and i had done so many things in God's spirit that i could not write everything or remember all the miracles that i had done in the presence of God and the Angels. 

 Our Greatest God among Gods and Goddesses who are one as the Father who is one with the mothers (Heads of Household) of Heaven that had sent Roger to bring the stars to their knees and then lined them up one by one to be Judge alike. and those who had given their life to Heaven in exchange for their soul will live again but those who cannot live unless they come to Me and i give them permission to live in my Heaven and give them permission to breathe the air or see the light or hear the wind across their face, they will need my permission. when they need the light to see but never created anything to be alike but gluttons or to shine to see from behind for, they need permission from Me their tormentor. without any permission, they are weakened without a soul and die in the spirit of prophecy over and over but my Charisma and the times that i took unto prophesy in the new songs that are sung today for all to see the light of day that shrunk the stars unto their size in Heaven and who they, are and where they go after the night has ended into the underworld for us given to thus in Heaven, as i am below God is above and as i sing the news Songs of Heaven they steal the old songs that kill them over and over in the place of them in the same cycle of life that cannot hold on to those who were there before but give this date to those who remember the times that we have to prophesy for tomorrow and not yesterday over and over again, and you prophesy or write prophecy then you are a Prophet. and no Prophet can lie and still live beside God unless He would go through His own Prophecy and then return unto our day in God's Speed. which is like an epiphany that has been revealed to you what causes and who caused yesterday to be affected by your corruption today in God's ever-presence of 366 senses and who is all-knowing in the Spirit or the Flesh. the Soul of the Holy Ghost and Spirit, the gate of God's keep, and the keys to Heaven or Hell that are within each other that are given to those who cannot overcome thier own ego. to deny what is holy is to deny the truth and change what was good into something bad or corrupt. like most Prophets do when they do not believe in God or Prophecy that was given by the Prophet of God who had already died and seen Heaven on earth today, and as i speak or write this Prophecy God's spirit will turn to flesh and the Prophecy will manifest within 6 days or years of this War in Heaven to seize and become part of Gods's flesh as We become a part of Her flesh as the breaking of bread and water the flesh of blood in God's soul that had served in purgatory for the rising of the spirit of the garden's snake that was Atom the first beginning and man among the God's in Heaven and on Hearth. and God said to those in Heaven. let there be light in Heaven as it is on Earth and the light was set between the East and West coming together as one in the noon of the underworld and the Night of Heaven returning the life of whence it had begun in spirit had finished in the flesh of our flesh the spirit of my spirit and the soul of God's Body in Christ. 

 seven walls surround the Kingdom of Heaven, seven gates plus four in every direction. 

1st Gate: the Gates of Waters that gathers the clear waters of drinking from the future and Heaven. 

2nd Gate: the Gates of Earth-like clay that forms into anybody and any image of God. 

3rd Gate: the Gates of Air that we breathe for all as one within the other that speaks. 

4th Gate: the Gates of Fire that baptizes you with water and then forms us from the earth and fire and then sets us under the sun to harden. 

5th Gate: the Gates of God's Garden is a tree that represents God's family tree. 

6th Gate: the Gates of Darkness that flows like running waters of a river only giving up the past. 

7th Gate: the Gates of Light can be seen through every gate that holds the light of God within. 

the mother of Midget Children will guide us in every direction before we can see Her days above the light that shines in all Heavenly places. 

 we know the breath of life is given by God alone and we never have to worry about the air we breathe until God has taken it away from our soul (body) so that we may never speak again. 

5th Wind Terrace 

 here is another Testimony of Jesus Christ at the tops of the mountains is a Church or a House on the hill where the mountains come together to form a circle or an occult among each other facing north; that are facing to the center of the earth. a hole present from top to bottom as a vessel or hourglass in hand that turns so ever slowly around and about to the first and second firmament that rises into the air and to the sea where all the smoke rising from the bottomless pit of salvation is to be given to all who survive the Terrors of God's return to earth from a vessel found in the Body of Christ to be received and given back to the apostate of the Latter Day Saints. 

 The Mother, Father, and Son of Heaven are the Three Pearls Wisdom that was given to three unwelcomed guests from Asia who had earned our trust with pleasure from the third chance that was given to the Heavenly announced for the spirit to be given four three wise men who had given their blessing to the Roman Christian Church who art in Heaven as it is on earth to be just and given to all who are hidden within the air, earth, and water for this world of three firmaments that laid the foundations of the last pearls of wisdom one in the Heavens above with Hades, one hidden under the earth and the other in the sea with these three Pearls of wisdom beside Me four every tenth millennium to awaken the 1 1/3 Beast of Heaven that breaks open the four corners and seals the fifth element with God and creation the first and the last tree in the garden of five. 

 your first breathe of life is the day you cried, your second breathe of life was chasing the wind, the very breathe of fresh air that surrounds the trees of life that set in the midst of God's garden hanging on to paradise by a second wind that God has given to you so that we never have to chase the wind but speak the words of God that will last a lifetime in Heaven and give life to those who have died searching for God in the light or in the Heaven but speaking the true words of God's day given for a breathe of life that must carry on through a race that brings your first and your second wind to be as your first and the only wind of God that continues every four from one score years running together in a Democratic and Republican confederation.      

 the breath of an Ananaga is the light of day in the night of light that is exhaled. the day had seven heads within a garden that grew seven times larger than it ever was. the first head to the left was a dragon of water and the second head was that of the earth the dust of God's sins gathered together under the sun and a breath that was taken by the second wind and created a third headed dragon that flew through the air in waves of color that spoke as the last Dragon that had spoken and then a fourth head of the Dragon appeared from the tongue of this dragon that spoke within airwaves of what we would travel in one breath as we flew across the skies of gray that that had swallowed the waters of yesterday's fire from one breath of two that is given to the right nostril that had smoke ascending into the heavens as the Dragon's prayers were heard. and every day was half in and half out of Heaven that created the lake of fires from Heaven above the strikes with lightning to the ground floor that gardens the burning bush of today's society that inherits the light to be upon the darkness of Heaven's day that was swallowed within itself as the days were the wind that kept the times at bay the times today be the fourth and seventh Head of this Dragon that keeps on growing into burning mountains that fall upon the waters of God that speak as the nations had spoken in the days of God's right hand becoming the days of our own return upon a tree of a Dragon that had turned a fallen Rock in two Dragons that fly as the Roc and Rok Dragons become the Sons of the Ananaga who are the size of  Mountain that can fly and land into a sea. for the last Head of the Dragon grew branch upon the branch and a church upon the church that now lives today as the tree of truth gathers again the knowledge of these two trees that became one underneath as two one above that lives through the marriage of His wife who is Tiamat (The Waters of Time) beside the (Dust of Heaven) where the Father of Heaven was first created on earth and from the times that were above as they were below. the first two creations would never find their name alone as the Father and Mother of Heaven or as the Unknown God. but unless a rock was turned over for bread within the ninth months of birth pains upon a new slate and a new world that was given to those who held their heart open for all to read as God had given Her promise and Her hand to that man for marriage. and they will be trialed without regard but given tribute for the seven years of common law four the Apocalypse that becomes the last days of Armageddon and the last of days to this six-day war that was given to be rumors of Hell and rumors of war for ten days that had started from the beginning of time and the times before them to be alike under the sun of God's final creation today. 

 why are we still looking in the book of revelations for the answers of tomorrow, when the one that you look for has already fulfilled his destiny. if you would listen to the Voice of God then you would know that i Roger Grant was Jesus Christ the truth in spirit. the Voice of God is not only in the air, but in every direct Wind of God that speaks though you from Seven Elements of God that had separated this world for peace among the inhabitants. when there is wind (Breath of Life) there will be rain and bodies of water and when there is fire then bodies land will be separated into continents that are divided into countries that have gardens centers that have Trees of Life and Death; Light and Darkness; the element of our own Family Tree that lives today.  

The Fire Terrace 

1st Fire Terrace 

 those who have been down the spiritual turn then they will have to complete their account on earth before they die then they will ever enter into life again, for they thought that the many who were inside of us were dead but it was only them who were dead without life or any time that is given to awaken as a chance to live again. but your spiritual account stops you from entering Heaven on Earth. you can never live in Heaven or on Earth as it is in Heaven because you cannot repent to those who you sinned against, because that sin will return to earth and kill an innocent person because you did not know Roger Grant had saved you from the fire the first time but this time i cannot save them from the fire that keeps burning on and on until it gets bigger and you still think that you will enter into our Heaven without repentance for your day is long and hard in captivity and never getting easier. and you will not see reincarnation so that the evil in you that could not expire would still exist in the fires of Heaven while in Hell and that is to come within us all who believe in transgression of sin. 

 seven prophets of seven elements or Kings that came unto the New World with a new prophecy that brings white man from a White Mountain (Caucasian) across the Atlantic Ocean to create a mighty nation with the red people that lived at the Red Mountain. (Colorado) and food grew from these lands of water that still exist today in the northern great lakes where the people ate food from the waters that provided Native American Indian that was made child from the new land and native people of this new world that had pulled themselves out of a shallow grave in the Sacramento Mountains where Old Baldy (Grand Father) sits on top of Sierrea Blanca. and if these two would come together then the yellow and black man would join this great nation and even make it greater. but if the white man and red man does not come together. then the black and yellow man will come together gather from different waters to measure the New Kingdom of God that had descended down onto earth from four corners of Heaven where four Mountains of fire, water, earth and air surround the four sides of each corner built inward as a pillar that holds up the universe from Hearth the Heavenly earth as a sign to its people that given a short time. the Son of Perdition is Satan the Son of the native American Indian who was our Grand Mother and the Mother of the Holy Ones that had fallen to earth on a mountain of fire that had killed 1/3 of its people that had risen into the smoke of prayers that rises into Heaven along with 80,000,000 tribesmen that lived within the four corners area and Mexico. 

when we get down on our knees in front of someone means that they are our only hope 

i called all the Garden and said today i search high and lo to find a creation better than our own. they were created in God's timing upon the one that awakens in three days. they say to themselves 'we are Gods' and what we had done we will do better in Roger's spirit but what was undone can never be done again for the one who became the first man in Heaven and the first man that became God of Gods. bow down to those who you respect or to the King or Queen of that Kingdom. to bow down is greater that those who want to exalt themselves above another who would never bow down in the presence of God the Buddha. they will be placed a furnace of fire that can never be quenched for the five that suffer for their own God's pride, in their own God's image, in their own God's fire that burns forever. to worship is not to exalt someone who is humble but to become one family under God so that when someone bows the other bows as well. and i spoke to all who would not bow down to God and His King is not of God's Heavenly grace. but another proud Kingdom without discipline or being humble. 

let grace be its own discipline and measure when we do not give up.  

 when Heaven suffers then those who had made this very day under the earth and the laws of understanding changing two winds into becoming one alike, they are within the two witnesses who, was, who is and Who will become the only begotten Son of God. Without the Quran i would have never become the Father of Heaven. that teaches Us that the Father of Heaven had no association to God and yet had authority beside itself that could never be different than What was written in the Heavens alone was written across Roger chest in that day spelled Allah who is the God of many root names that she could only keep alive, but through sacrifice that one God and Son. became no other held but this new time that is set for all to See the face of God upon the waters of Heaven. this new counterbalance is the flesh of spirit that holds all the living names of God to be written as Her new name written in the Heavens above as the Highest name above all others in Heaven. let of Ourt light be cast down into earth but the woman must be caught up into God's Kingdom that holds all times to one in Heaven and All Heavens to a time that was given four three divorces or directions that became 1/3 of God's days arising and given to All who believe or All who never doubted that God had come as flesh eternal unless one Spirit would be a revelation of God's resurrection and marriages that had become one in this House under God to under the sun and under the last of its true divine nature that will spoil the day without cause by giving daily bread to a household that was caught up to death and as She released death from the waters of Her House in marriage that had bonded to the truth and wisdom. in its place. the Lord will never have those who never sinned become like those who thought and understood that God's day was an upkeep to pain and a foundation that we must explain before we become one in flesh, spirit, and deliverance unto them who heals the Balance of Life with a balance of God's  same day under what was given before today's Heaven can be given to its own and the glory done on earth. 

don't you know on that day of judgment we will seem crazy but those who did not know will deny what was truth and bargain beside God as a false witness. and then those who testify against the God the one on earth, will fall into a pit of of fire. 

Honor Your Family as God 

i had come to a mid-point where God had given to us the last time that would give. as we all know, we have come back from the grave and are new in body that was the same as before but will never be the same after that. in midlife crisis think, "God had been given this inspiration to change wisdom into truth or mystery into history. there is no set time or our origin that calculates a name or lifetime within history that changes the world as we know it to become what was again if we don't keep changing our world or growing in universal structure to what was changed. and if we die anytime for religion let it be for each other's heart that could not be found in one's heart inspired to hate, so destruction was given to them that never had a hand in creation and only wanted to destroy our own way of life. said Sinfield. every name in the book of life is a gravestone marked by God's burial. please do not curse any one of them who had died and had already conquered death. and at the same time, they are the ones who act like demons with no principality or authority when they are only unclean spirits, and who are people that we knew in life before to they had died and not Demons that people had once thought suffered them. but people who were jealous, because they do not know us in life. they are the ones that haunt good people when they could be helping people out of problems but because they are afraid of being judged in the afterlife they will fall in a chasm of fire and be restored in the underworld if God willing. but those who keep cursing good people while they are dead are really cursing their own family tree. and when that tree produces no fruit, it will wither and be thrown into the fire of life where everything is freely renewed. 

2nd Fire Terrace 

 these words are not intended to stone anyone or to consume anyone with fire who has stoned another Servant of God to death. although i have written my account in English it is created for other worlds to listen to this story. and as we have done before in the past we have denied God over and over and found the same love that was given to us long ago was also given to another world on the outside. and because we do not listen to God at the beginning, we end up destroying each other. do not take from this supplement if you cannot add your own words to what i Roger Grant have said or to the Words of God that i have written for all in the Audience of Spirit to listen and be heard will be crushed underneath the dust of earth where sin is the last to rise with the dead. for what is sacred cannot be given to you; the right to take or to become but i will give you a path that i had taken. a path or journey that those before Me had taken with God. 

 among the 200 watchers of God who knew everything that was going to unfold and everything that was told from the beginning of times whence time became the last and the first to know. so did the understanding of God's creation that set upon the mountain tops of Heaven or God's creation that set all Heavenly things to man and woman, fire and water, truth and wisdom, that had fallen from the tree of knowledge where the Heavens grew upon the face of the earth that made every leaf and medicine a canopy of many Heavens that covered and healed Us on earth when we were naked. for the trees of God's garden are the keepers of God's victory over good and evil that had fallen with the eyes of God's own children who watched over Us while i had returned unto today. let them be married and create a Heaven for their children to rule as well. we are Brothers in Spirit, and the time will separate and come back together as one MesoAmerica and MesoPotamian the Eastern and Western Mesopolis Cities of this World in 240,000 years from now and will make this great universal link into the future of mankind. and let them return as Holy Ones in matrimony with God and children. 

 there are many elements in life that forges the first Atom into flesh and Atom the first Particle of God gave to the Heavens the Word of God, it was good. the neutronic word was a promise that was said long time ago thus making a protonic Element of God creation into a basin that had smoke rising into Heaven from the lakes of fire melting everything pure.  

 the breath of an Ananaga is the light of day and the light of light that is exhaled. the day had seven heads within a garden that grew seven times larger than it ever was. the first head to the left was a dragon of water and the second head was that of the earth the dust of God's sins gathered together under the sun and a breath that was taken by the second wind and created a third headed dragon that flew through the air in waves of color that spoke as the last Dragon that had spoken and then a fourth head of the Dragon appeared from the tongue of this dragon that spoke within airwaves of what we would travel in one breath as we flew across the skies of gray that that had swallowed the waters of yesterday's fire from one breath of two that is given to the right nostril that had smoke ascending into the heavens as the Dragon's prayers were heard. and every day was half in and half out of Heaven that created the lake of fires from Heaven above the strikes with lightning to the ground floor that gardens the burning bush of today's society that inherits the light to be upon the darkness of Heaven's day that was swallowed within itself as the days were the wind that kept the times at bay the times today be the fourth and seventh Head of this Dragon that keeps on growing into burning mountains that fall upon the waters of God that speak as the nations had spoken in the days of God's right hand becoming the days of our own return upon a tree of a Dragon that had turned a fallen Rock in two Dragons that fly as the Roc and Rok Dragons become the Sons of the Ananaga who are the size of  Mountain that can fly and land into a sea. for the last Head of the Dragon grew branch upon the branch and a church upon the church that now lives today as the tree of truth gathers again the knowledge of these two trees that became one underneath as two one above that lives through the marriage of His wife who is Tiamat (The Waters of Time) beside the (Dust of Heaven) where the Father of Heaven was first created on earth and from the times that were above as they were below. the first two creations would never find their name alone as the Father and Mother of Heaven or as the Unknown God. but unless a rock was turned over for bread within the ninth months of birth pains upon a new slate and a new world that was given to those who held their heart open for all to read as God had given Her promise and Her hand to that man for marriage. and they will be trialed without regard but given tribute for the seven years of common law four the Apocalypse that becomes the last days of Armaggedon and the last of days to this six-day war that was given to be rumors of Hell and rumors of war for ten days that had started from the beginning of time and the times before them to be alike under the sun of God's final creation today. 

 the justice of Heaven cannot favor their own time. but it will sell its own places of expense that that their places of measure can be fitted with a structure of benefit to the soul that holds the little smokestacks of God fire that cannot be put out. 

3rd Fire Terrace 

 there is always someone to devour and someone that is to be devoured and those who are weak in flesh will be devoured in the spirit that darkens the light on earth because they did not know God or anyone that was with God when they would conspire to mislead people away from God because they did not believe so God will mislead them back into the ash and dust of fire from whence they had come. and thier flesh will be a spiritual weakening on earth that dishonors God in Heaven.  

 those who speak about Jesus's story with comments that mislead other into believing a lie. will surely be persecuted if their comment had led to any lie or any persecution of any holy person that had tried to reveal the truth but was persecuted by a time that was thought to be greater than own day today. and if you know the true story of Jesus Christ's persecution then you would hold sacred what God had done to forgive, but you had taught hate after the Christ had died and risen because of our faults in life was caused by not knowing God will. to forgive is to forget any wrongdoing. and if you could not forget what happened to Me yesterday is to be unforgiving for our sins today. why can't you forgive anyone who sinned a thousand years ago or more. how would that forgive your sin today if yesterday is the only time that cannot be forgiven. who could you say that my sins are forgiven but those who sinned before are not? that is a disgrace among our people today that say to Judas Iscariot that we did know the true story but still persecute you who betrayed me without my will spoken. and not only do you tell a story that persecutes all good people of God, but you think that you would enter into Heaven by telling a lie that would last as long as the truth would last forever. did you think that it would not come upon you for false witnessing about something you never knew the about. your wrong and all those who ignore the Prophet of God will find not only their place in Hell but a place that will be filled with lies as they consume themselves with fire and brimstone to be there everlasting supper at God table again. they had fallen into Hell and from God's grace long time ago. 

 when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem if you would find the aftermath of Heaven then one piece of straw could have killed the silent ones that are ready to speak for Heaven as the Father spoke out in our name today that became a smokeless fire, a hidden spirit of God that possess Me to understanding and knowledge of All understanding set in the fires that grow in the times of to what we plan ahead of time so shall we reap. the eyes of the old seeing their Heaven on earth and the body of the new holding on to what was is and will be a perfect harvest without those who eat other people's food up and get too lazy to create what they promised. in other words, the word is no good and never have to work again, because some poor farmer will suffer for all the lies that grow in the farmer's garden; never to feed His own family. and the one that gluttons will say to others that this man's produce is unworthy of selling to the market. so on that day, the one selling and buying other people's produce will also suffer the fate of those gluttons' DEADLY SIN. and the Lord will take away all the good on earth and all the vegetation on that very day of sins to be taken from our harvest and the day that was given to a first and last season that must learn the truth before the day is to Perish without God's Day at hand. for the Father is made to worship His Children but the children forget to the Father and cry out foreign words, such as a lie to waste everyone's time to what is to come but never does. because to never know what had already come before this time was to cry out "get out of our way and path or you will be crushed." but the lazy gluttons had fallen asleep and never got up until their pathway reached destruction and desolation our own Heaven on earth that recite these words that God had given to Us for a time that may change at any time. and say they are being judged by the Almighty of God who are the children of many Gods that had forgotten that they were given a place to change the universe and to change what already happened five times to Us on earth for not listening to God. We Would Die for Not Obeying the Holy Spirit of God 

 only God can be so cruel when everything was meant to open our own eyes and see what was Christ-like to what was to be God and the fortress that they (the enemy) had built in time to destroy our own Heavenly corner that had collapsed on them for owing the Heavens and never paying back what they had to gain and never repaying the Heavens back in return. and the Lord said unto them since you are going to kill Me then i will take what was all of mine and leave you in the dark of night that never holds a candlelight to sight or any day coming. may any day coming to be the day that Roger and I Carolyn return upon this earth with a wink of an eye and the tail of the dragon behind us, as the was Mother behind us 400 years within the times that return for another four hundred years in Heaven but on earth this was given to every dimension that we had created from the beginning. that had our hand in the midst of our time that was given 15 mins to turn the hand of time back unto its own day and glory, in this one time today that i had been given to do as what the creature can do before the times were set back and forth that had given one to all the remainders of our Heavenly division that conquers them as one to us as two become one in Heaven. for that time is the time that we can change this beautiful Heaven in our creation that was set for our children and their children. let every Prophet have a clause that changes no time as the times that we had changed in 15 mins given. to be the start of an Indian Summer or Global Warming since 1984 as every generation or score returns within and out of the new times and generation that holds for Roger the Words of God to be as one or Roger in Perdition and those ache in the side or at their heart then God is in them every second of that time revealed to the world that no other generation can reveal what is hidden in the stars at night nor any day can call upon a prophet to sing the songs of this new Heaven that is a net cast down upon their enemy as a day of victory is held by our hands in the lakes of fire where everything is given to renewal and for God's own purpose that must remain here until the times come to a fifth season or five leap years from that day that presides with the Voice of Heaven who holds tomorrow upright and upon a time or an old day of retribution that must be given in full to the Lord who is the light and gift of sacrifice and in that 500,000,000 will be given a chance to redeem the Lord at Alamogordo. 

 what we choose to teach is a sin when we argue with people who cannot understand will not enter into Heaven in the spirit of the all knowing that branches truth above to Heaven and roots wisdom down below to earth where she nourishes us who are above outreaching to the light, while she wears a blind to see where she is in the dark as she carries a Scale of God's justice in Her hands that measures and balances upon Her heart and name that was turned upside down and all the way around in the Womb of God's spirit reborn again. the Father of Heaven born of truth and wisdom giving birth to the Son of Man. (Zues) and to the giants of the old world who protected Us from within the earth as evil rising out of Hell like wildfire to the Heights of God's mountain that can be seen from all the Heaven's above. 

4th Fire Terrace 

 those who do not speak are dead they are said to nothing and got will not let them speak to the living. the separation of God's chasm that must come forth under and bridge that holds the Fire of Heaven and their day is outside our Heaven where the darkness can never give unto them light nor rest. 

do not be afraid of harmless idols or statues of Men who were God and who are Gods of those who will be Gods tomorrow. or who will understand the elements of God's true nature that cannot serve themselves but only to those who served us yesterday. and the times that were given today will be given tomorrow as the light of Heaven returning within us for all the see the Father and the Sons of God who were servants of those who serve God today. for every corner that man was backed into he became the nature of every beast that was survived. every form of body that is translucent when the fire's are within the Heavenly Bodies of Heaven standing half-in and half-out of our dimensions that separate the Galaxies from the Universe as light separates the ribs of our flesh from the Spirit of God that was baptized in the Fires of God's heart that speaks within the flames of God's tongue without a broken bone that stands up a pillar as our backs were turned towards four corners of this earth where the Pillars of Hercules are fixed deep and rise a spiral stair case within the Heaven's above and below outreaching as a stalagmite and a stalactite sets our world and the underworld upright as a Pillar of Heaven standing. 

 When the man stepped up to fight God, they did not know Me. but considered themselves to be as well figured in spiritual fighting as one could never expect. four the power of Heaven lies within one who was, who is, and who will become the first with Heavenly fire that comes from the mouth of God's Prophet and from the Heavens above that could not separate every day from its own sinning of one who could handle the light or even the blight that had set deep withing their own family tree that held the last destruction to its own fellowship that could not be trusted or remembered until the Prophet would reveal everything to them on earth. for this day to pass many must fall into a fire that was prepared for their flesh and blood to mix with all the blood of saints that healed before they came to destroy the true Messiah Roger Grant. who was is and will become the first Man or Atom on this Earth today that held the title of 4000 kings and one day under the sun that was given to Roger Grant who is the Lord of All Worlds.  

 when the Heaven has announced that you will be given the Fire of Hell within to be the eternal fires of God burning within the fires that last forever and ever.  

 there is chatter about Russia being weak, but there is the deception of war where one presumes being weak to draw the enemy inside and then extorts their strength upon the enemy at hand. and to drag Our mighty nation into the hands of God's tempest is to hurl fire upon your own children who may lose their lives before we are able to come forth in treaty. think of those who have brought Us together "When the world was at bay for knowing Heaven without Hell." said President Gorbachev, "when we only had wisdom to hold on to," continues President Biden. to take our stance against God is a mistake taken at hand. and if we hate the Lord then go ahead and pull that trigger that may cause us another thousand years in the hands of God that never can rest on that day of Peace. 

5th Fire Terrace 

 the winds fulfill my destiny from eastward to west way will the winds of Heaven sway and bring forth the two that need marriage before we can see All of God's marriage sweep the waters from the desert plains unto the seas where the two sides meet four each other that stands up the four corners on earth as a corner that stands alone in Heaven where the four elements of life give to the Heavens above breath and one corner that stands alone as a tree that was in the CENTER OF THESE CORNERS in Heaven on Earth where this world is ours and the first tree to stand alone in the desert sun and in between all the elements of strength that build up a body from the fifth element that stands up the serpent and the garden that has been here in Alamogordo for years and the first is never holding on to what you know but what God is telling you that Roger is the first and forerunner of God who is Woman. the tree of our seeds remains in her forever. her seeds are not to be spread out without knowledge but are to stand up in the name of Her Heavenly Sons Who are marked and placed in captivity before falling into Hell where will rise out thereof in the seasons that God returns with the Fires of Heaven that enloped with the Waters of Earth that keeps burning the furnace of fire that is in the mixing ferment of Heavens below that makes every heaven from an island and sea into an ocean for every warm night in places of Her heart were burning in the dark from the fires of the Hawaii islands where the raven carried the fire from there unto the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico during the flood. 

 The fire that had such ferocity covers the mouth of that which was swallowed and then released back within the fire was swallowed again this was a sign of that which was foretold and that we who were hunting for happy grounds that are given to those who are warriors that hunt for a Heaven on Earth during the fifth season that lets the land rest for two seasons or for two thousand years per day on earth that becomes the reincarnation of our third family who is within us and within those Who return tomorrow within Us Who live today on Hearth. the Mother Planet and Father of Heaven. we will return within the fifth season and open the 8th gate three times for every five dimensions that hold and protect the four other gates to four other Heavens on Earth that will become the first and last of the third Heaven that we searched for and found under the mountain of God's separated Heaven that holds three gates all around and a fourth through the four corners of the 5th Heaven (United States). these days will return and flourish in Mexico and South America. the days of old will return down the evening line and rejuvenate Egypt as well as Africa. i have set a time for Heaven to know Me, and my time is short in this manner that must lift us together who are caught up in the rapture so that all Who have faith will speak in the Heavens above (sky) for every ear to hear the Word of God to Whom is the image and Vessel God (Roger) who is in Us today on Earth as it is in Heaven. we are much stronger now that we found the third river into the Heavenly past where the Woman becomes God and the light that shines upon man forever and ever. 

if you ride a horse you can see over things giving you an advantage in height as well as sight because now you can oversee and manage more than those on the ground and a horse can see 360 degrees giving you another advantage when you are not looking. this Horse represents this fourth world's spirit in the hands of ten female riders that hold on to many paths of return and many will say God holds to all who believe in Her but in them days the one that believes are the ones that believe in Roger Who has already returned and conquered the Heavens alone without times that returns for a bitter peace that should hold on to a true earth for the better half of this day is now complete for the last part is to be shaken by God's faith that holds on dearly to what God had taught Roger alone for these days to transpire in heaven above as the key to their own survival that lays to rest in a bitter end that sacrificed themselves for rest so that no one could return to this time again as the Valkyrie screeched out loud and joined the battle of man and beast that took half the world to notice their own spirit inside the beast and as these beast who were men had battle against their enemy and God looked out of the fire and saw everything cleansed within shouted to the world find the serpent and deliver her the final blow as she was the final blow a horn was heard from every comer of the world that gathered for two heavenly stories that took in one or more breath that turned the tide and opened the enemy from all around with fire that surrounded them within their own vessel that is in the Dragon's coil that squeezed every last breath out from thier system before they were consumed and swallowed whole in the fire.. 

The Instruction of Buddha 

 God the Buddha is the enlightened wisdom of peace and every day will God return to rule the underworld unto the inner self of this cave within an incarnated soul that rules the underworld and gives only true justice in the balance of God's creation of Hell below 40,000 feet of earth's fire underneath your feet that is given to those in heat or in the battle of their own fate that determines the grace of God goodness given to what they have given and only fire can quench the rage of those who have done no wrong and has been persecuted spiritually and physically to suffer for doing no wrong. 

While Talking to the Supreme 

"the God of Justice is the Judicial manner of law given by Moses and Arron the Prophet of God who diminished when Moses return for a new commandment given by the Heavens above that know all things that must aspire before we understand life as its equal and the testifies will be knowing an answers before we break bread with our court. said Judge Counts 12 District Judicial Court that provided the necessary tool to endure anew enhancement that's given through a New World Order God's New World Order at Hand." let the Law of God do its example and tear out the evil within us all. and those who die in prison must finish their sentence before they can be released to be judged in my creation that's honored in Heaven with flesh, spirit, and the fire that holds to every meaning for our eyes to see God's spirit a blazed within our own nation under God on fire. if everyone got a freebie during marriage then some would take it to see what good is like. and some would not because they already knew what evil is like before they knew it. this would represent biting into the apple of God's eye that can kill you in many ways once you know the truth. Supreme was given by the Grays unto us on earth, the Grays are another race of human being on earth that lives under the roof of Heaven their people are honored and our allies who had given their title of God to the All God Who is ONE God in Heaven and on earth and in every house that holds on to their better friendship that honor our own title for peace will prosper on earth. Amen.  

The Wood Terrace 

1st Wood Terrace 

 one branch of the tree of truth grew in the center of the four corners area and stood alone just as the tree of wisdom stood alone before the two became a hybrid tree of knowledge and beside her was the tree of righteousness. and from another heaven, a corner appeared, and it stood alone also it was called the tree of charisma. 

The Tree of:  

  •  Truth: Man, High Priest, Prophet, Workers, Waters, Athlete (Center) (animals speaking) 

  • Wisdom: Woman, Magi, Witch, Judges, Deamon, Future, Wind (NE) (forked tongue) 

  • Knowledge: Scholar, Doctor, Teacher, Student, Slavery, Genius, Past, Family Tree (SE) (majestic) 

  • Righteous: Priest, Monk, Worthy, Authority, Beast, False Prophet, Perdition, Fire (NW) (anointed) 

there will be an answer from the calling of the first of its fruits will be plucked but given to the righteous ones and the name upon there will be their lord who many names and many branches religion from branch of Heaven Gods will return for this is the day of many Heavens that come together. and the Heavens opened, and one returned and fought against Me, and as an enemy of God, they rule beside those i also gave to. so now we are equal i have nothing and you have nothing the most in Heaven offered for two to be given a chance. 

 the light in the Heavens above are the white hairs of a cotton tree and it seeds are the stars above that blown in the wind four-five miles and the tree that was planted in Alamogordo by Roger Grant when time stood still and all Roger had in his hands was a cotton seed within total darkness and as He released the seed it began to grow wild from a pinpoints view that gave life unto the Tree of Truth and Wisdom that created a hybrid Tree called Knowledge All on one tree that stood alone in the garden center where each tree will live two score and ten years of age or two and a half generations dormant until it seeds no more for a total of two seasons that rest side by side one above and one below the waterline of Heaven which is the height and Lady of the Sacramento Mountains that right under and to the left of Sierra Blanca (Old Baldy) the oldest Volcano in the United States of America where the Tree is now standing upon. 

The Gods Became One with Us 
when the lightning struck the ground the God's were mad because they were different and wanted to be different but the head God said we only have one day to live, and Alamogordo was built in one day under the Moon of Heaven when the world needed grace and a matrimony to give Roger Who is in the Mountain Garden Center of Heaven and mankind in changing step to women that hunt, work for bread and also became God so that Heaven would also be the gift of life that's inside Our Bosom of those who believe in the Father of Heaven where Roger dwells and worships you Lord, Who is, Who was, and Who will always be there for those Who enter into Heaven that must eat of my right to flesh; the Bread of Heaven that can be given to your faith in Me as in Buddha the only begotten Son of God. and if you believe in Jesus Christ Who i was, is and will always be the path that i have taken to make it up to the Highest of Mountains in Heaven where God is changed and passed over for a new world order that's now on Earth as it is up in Heaven above. Amen. 

 there are nine days before the time that was settled. and the times that were remembered were savored by Roger the Demon Prince of Heaven. the deepest seed under foot. the tireless walls of a cotton wood tree standing beside its own measure four of these corners to be placed as the decorate of All Heaven found as top be alike and the same to all who believe. 

 to the saved in Christ, one must become childlike and never dispute the faith of another when every religion has its own discipline that makes it unique. i.e. the Great Church Heaven does not pray to God in the fifth season when Christ is already on earth for two or more days doing only the good works that God has given to all before the time was to be received. and to help people survive, the Greater Church or Pagan Church will give the harvest to those in need during the fifth season when the harvesting is over, and the land must rest for two days before working it again. the sixth and seventh days are part of the fifth day and last season to harvest. and those who receive food or a breadbasket will also join in on the hunt for the next two years for the Lord of Hunting and Fishing to set a snare or net or trap those for the next two millennia, the Lord will rest beside their children who cannot be adopted after the Begotten of Christ are saved. God had to become a part of that family tree for the Lord who had received those who are a part of the family tree or a part of God's own begotten family. do we have adopted pets? Now, they have become a part of our own family, and it is humane to give that sacrifice to the beasts alone who are willing to protect their master's with their own life. who had given their own flesh for the sacrifice of others to live? that's why an adoption cannot sacrifice its own blood type to be without family but to be made of the same blood type that is in other families that would be suitable to share with each other before they can share the same blood with one of their own family. and without saying that we are all a part of a greater family tree that holds no bloodline or anything that separates the sons of the begotten to whom you are related through God's Family Tree. 

2nd Wooden Terrace 

 if you keep nagging nothing is going to get done. and when we set this house up into Heaven, let no man nor woman be able to separate what was and is and what will be the same Heavens that make an old and new come together. It is the heathen or the new branch that rules or stems outward reaching twice as hard and long to receive the same light that others reach for as long as they grow, and at the bottom of the tree are always the newest branches. at the same time, the top is pagan the oldest branches of the same tree that needs both old and new to give fruit to the poor and needy and if you were always impatient with Me then come in the right season next time. and remember that you were the Heathen at one time and ruled with God. 

 there is one time and then there are 1000 times that lead back to that one time that can hold you back 1,000,000 times a lifetime but in the afterlife, your first and second deaths did not hurt you but the third death in the afterlife is 3,000,000 years and your age to what you will receive and what killed you into everlasting pain, torment and suffering among your own children knowing that you crossed over these lines or the chasm of nightfall pouring over the living-dead that lives in between the living and dead worlds hurting each other. and for that, you will uproot your own family tree in the living and take what was theirs and waste it. they will gnash their teeth and wail in the fires while watching their kin destroy their planets and systems and them entirely while they let their sons become wild and fight Me in this celestial war for the last time on Hearth. i Roger Ramos Grant will not let you into My House the House of Her name unless you pay the debts that you owe Me and my House over the years that you have failed to pay anything back at all. your accounts are now closed, and you will pay the universe it is due, and you will go down into Hell for the horrific sins of killing your own queen who was my wife Tiamat. let them face their own death in Hades and in there they will fight until they are broken into pieces that they had never hoped for or to see while their parents are weeping tremendously for the killing of their family tree. and at the end of time. 500,000 will awaken on Earth and Paradise just to know the end of days were caused by them who tormented the prophets and killed them, for this will be your final day with your pleasures and ways of thinking this will be yours for keeps, and until you are buried and forgotten there will be no peace on this earth. Amen. 

 seven walls surround the Kingdom of Heaven, seven gates plus four in every direction. 

1st Gate: the Gates of Waters that gathers the clear waters of drinking from the future and Heaven. 

2nd Gate: the Gates of Earth-like clay that forms into anybody and any image of God. 

3rd Gate: the Gates of Air that we breathe for all as one within the other that speaks. 

4th Gate: the Gates of Fire that baptizes you with water and then forms us from the earth and fire and then sets us under the sun to harden. 

5th Gate: the Gates of God's Garden is a tree that represents God's family tree. 

6th Gate: the Gates of Darkness that flows like running waters of a river only giving up the past. 

7th Gate: the Gates of Light can be seen through every gate that holds the light of God within. 

the Mother of Midget Children will guide us in every direction before we can see Her days above the light that shines in all Heavenly places. 

 the Matriess are at the lowest, and the highest reaches of our tree alone that stands forever and a day above the House that was made of its own flesh and the bones that had set stone ages to the mystery of our hearts aligned or to the truth of our own heart that cannot change our lineage but through Her descent in Christ the Son. she has been the bloodlines of our Royal Families and Patriarchs, that hold on to Her true Despot; the embodiment of Church and State.  

 the fifth element is given to a tree. a part of building blocks that structures the wind and order of our own staff that draws in the breath of man and then releases it in the Heavens as a sign of God's grace handed to man from Her own body to house the new gods of Heaven. we are new to the old Heaven but became a part of the same people on earth. when we burn in the wild who cannot stop the day from falling on tops of Angels that had covered our bodies from head to toe with their wings, even when they were naked in public feeding us. God's bosom is our digesting place and home that had been thrown down to this world for our light to shine again. She is the element and the root of Her creation that has set all the living in us into Heaven again and with the light that will shine again in our presence of Her Children.  

3rd Wooden Terrace 

 the Phoenix rose out from under Alamogordo when rising up from its own ashes. that had risen in Arizona where the Zennith used to be in Pheonix now called Alamogordo, but before the Phoenix rose out from the Thunder Bird ashes, never knowing its Mother that had created the thunders of the earth to Her son and the glory of the native Ancestors that were here before today and stood 7' to 8' feet tall about two thousand years ago in the Apachean desert were the Gardens of God had defended themselves from foreign invasion with thorns and thickets that made the new settlers of this world return to their foreign lands until the garden would grow once more in that season for the fifth day to occur. and the grandfather of Native American Indians became the same Grandfather to us All on earth. He had the power to rain with thunder and the ability to cause lightning to strike the earth at will He was born in Arizona while the Thunder Bird was born in New Mexico. when one was born so was the other who was born to one in the highest Heaven and the other below to earth where the Father of Heaven remains today. and to Whom took Zeus in as a begotten son. for His own family tree, and then Zues took over the Heavens and then the Earth after. and when the Phoenix takes flight to a new beginning, a regeneration occurs, every thousand years. 
Hawaii now has the Zenith Heavens closest point to the SUN AT NOON  
When you have no shadow below you then you are under the Zenith. 

 the unclean spirits will try to teach you a lie because everything that they know is a lie. they don't have a conscience like you and i have. but they go off on the path to only the righteous can see or shall never see, where the tree of righteousness sets is always ready to eat, 

 The Mother, Father, and Son of Heaven are the Three Pearls Wisdom that was given to three unwelcomed guests from Asia who had earned our trust with pleasure from the third chance that was given to the Heavenly announced for the spirit to be given four three wise men who had given their blessing to the Roman Christian Church who art in Heaven as it is on earth to be just and given to all who are hidden within the air, earth, and water for this world of three firmaments that laid the foundations of the last pearls of wisdom one in the Heavens above with Hades, one hidden under the earth and the other in the sea with these three Pearls of wisdom beside Me four every tenth millennium to awaken the 1 1/3 Beast of Heaven that breaks open the four corners and seals the fifth element with God and creation the first and the last tree in the garden of five. 

 the New Beginning is placed in Order where We start again before Christ (BCE and after Christ (Ac) for Christ had never died after death (Ad) can mean that i am dead again and still living, 18 April 2017, 6 pm Mountain Time is when God had told Me that a new beginning had been set to this time for every millennium to be built within a thousand years for each will be (AC) or the after Christ during easter with every -/+ modifier to supply its own time from 6-9. there were 360 days in a year but since our earth keeps growing, we have now 365 with one leap year of 366 every four years, since the new beginning our days have grown to 366-367 with a leap year every four years. it is now the evening of 1/5 Heaven and the start of the sixth day. where the Woman is created from our bones unto her bone from our flesh unto her flesh in marriage that made them one from the begin. a virgin mother and her sons or from the pulling of the root out from under a tree that stood alone outside Alamogordo New Mexico at GMT (-6) reborn 1969 and when the days modifier gets to the place of the nine, we will start over again after 369 days a year, 370 days every leap year going back down to 360. 

 the Light of Heaven will never fight Me Roger Ramos Grant the donor of heart and the will to die. when the first heaven has given four two then one that becomes its own will be given a time and descent under the Heavens that had led them to a place that only can call itself the Lost Lake of Fire, the last is the first of God's choice that has taken away from there day. they are outcasts and rift raff the drifting wood of fire that moves down the rivers of time in search for those passing across time to alter their destiny while destroying someone else's. they will find a keeper of time to the river sticks that hold on to the sayings of God. and if anyone should be caught slipping into another dimension they will be swallowed and find themselves nowhere. and that is when i will find them in the frozen ice caps. 

4th Wooden Terrace 

 to the saved in Christ, one must become childlike and never dispute the faith of another when every religion has its own discipline that makes it unique. i.e. the Great Church Heaven does not pray to God in the fifth season when Christ is already on earth for two or more days doing only the good works that God has given to all before the time was to be received. and to help people survive, the Greater Church or Pagan Church will give the harvest to those in need during the fifth season when the harvesting is over, and the land must rest for two days before working it again. the sixth and seventh days are part of the fifth day and last season to harvest. and those who receive food or a breadbasket will also join in on the hunt for the next two years for the Lord of Hunting and Fishing to set a snare or net or trap those for the next two millennia, the Lord will rest beside their children who cannot be adopted after the Begotten of Christ are saved. God had to become a part of that family tree for the Lord who had received those who are a part of the family tree or a part of God's own begotten family. do we have adopted pets? now, they have become a part of our own family, and it is humane to give that sacrifice to the beasts alone who are willing to protect their masters with their own life. who had given their own flesh for the sacrifice of others to live? that's why an adoption cannot sacrifice its own blood type to be without family but to be made of the same blood type that is in other families that would be suitable to share with each other before they can share the same blood with one of their own family. and without saying that we are all a part of a greater family tree that holds no bloodline or anything that separates 

 if you keep nagging nothing is going to get done. and when we set this house up into Heaven, let no man nor woman be able to separate what was and is and what will be the same Heavens that make an old and new come together. it is the heathen or the new branch that rules or stems outward reaching twice as hard and long to receive the same light that others reach for as long as they grow, and at the bottom of the tree are always the newest branches. at the same time, the top is pagan the oldest branches of the same tree that needs both old and new to give fruit to the poor and needy and if you were always impatient with Me then come in the right season next time. and remember that you were the Heathen at one time and ruled with God. 

 there is one time and then there are 1000 times that lead back to that one time that can hold you back 1,000,000 times a lifetime but in the afterlife, your first and second deaths did not hurt you but the third death in the afterlife is 3,000,000 years and your age to what you will receive and what killed you into everlasting pain, torment and suffering among your own children knowing that you crossed over these lines or the chasm of nightfall pouring over the living-dead that lives in between the living and dead worlds hurting each other. and for that, you will uproot your own family tree in the living and take what was theirs and waste it. they will gnash their teeth and wail in the fires while watching their kin destroy their planets and systems and them entirely while they let their sons become wild and fight Me in this celestial war for the last time on Hearth. i Roger Ramos Grant will not let you into My House the House of Her name unless you pay the debts that you owe Me and my House over the years that you have failed to pay anything back at all. your accounts are now closed, and you will pay the universe it is due, and you will go down into Hell for the horrific sins of killing your own queen who was my wife Tiamat. let them face their own death in Hades and in there they will fight until they are broken into pieces that they had never hoped for or to see while their parents are weeping tremendously for the killing of thier family tree. and at the end of time. 500,000 will awaken on Earth and Paradise just to know the end of days were caused by them who tormented the prophets and killed them, for this will be your final day with your pleasures and ways of thinking this will be yours for keeps, and until you are buried and forgotten there will be no peace on this earth. Amen. 

 seven walls surround the Kingdom of Heaven, seven gates plus four in every direction. 

1st Gate: the Gates of Waters that gathers the clear waters of drinking from the future and Heaven. 

2nd Gate: the Gates of Earth-like clay that forms into anybody and any image of God. 

3rd Gate: the Gates of Air that we breathe for all as one within the other that speaks. 

4th Gate: the Gates of Fire that baptizes you with water and then forms us from the earth and fire and then sets us under the sun to harden. 

5th Gate: the Gates of God's Garden is a tree that represents God's family tree. 

6th Gate: the Gates of Darkness that flows like running waters of a river only giving up the past. 

7th Gate: the Gates of Light can be seen through every gate that holds the light of God within. 

the Mother of Midget Children will guide us in every direction before we can see Her days above the light that shines in all Heavenly places. 

 the fifth element is given to a tree. a part of building blocks that structures the wind and order of our own staff that draws in the breath of man and then releases it in the Heavens as a sign of God's grace handed to man from Her own body to house the new gods of Heaven. we are new to the old Heaven but became a part of the same people on earth. when we burn in the wild who cannot stop the day from falling on tops of Angels that had covered our bodies from head to toe with their wings, even when they were naked in public feeding us. God's bosom is our digesting place and home that had been thrown down to this world for our light to shine again. She is the element and the root of Her creation that had set all the living in us into Heaven again and with the light that will shine again in our presence of Her Children. 

5th Wooden Terrace 

there was sound in heaven bringing forth melody and to every ear that took to harmony with delight to one's Mountain that had every Saint. and a horn that was heard for tomorrow's melody that drew neigh to six mountains. that were surrounding the highest Mountain of Thunder where Enoch was taken up and given a stone for each word that was hurled upon a tree that was made to the Dryad of Heaven. that protected Her work under heaven to be the rooting of truth upon the highest mountain. where a tree that held a cradle of them that nested two pearls for the mother who had four wings that extend four corners wide. and had given themselves to thought and lightning that's giving birth to Thunder Birds that regenerates or resets the first fruits of Egypt. and Israel unto a new garden where the young baby dove sets in the mid-west as the two give a new harness of heaven that was regenerated. and given a Staff of Iron that can be placed at the front ends or last pin through the eye or heart that is brought through the third and first heavens that has sealed, forty lightning bolts that will yield God’s fire and winds thrusting to and about the heavenly gardens that become our prayers that were lit to great fires. and the flocking smoke symbols that are seen and heard in heaven; for the communion of God's Spirit to arise out from the flames of life that sweeps across the garden as to renew faith. as one who drew the arrow upon heaven and released the arrow of yesterday word hurled back unto the mountain from whence and where Fe began to yodle and listen. but one day while singing to the heavens she heard her brother seed doubt and mistrust to his sisters so that he could take her place and sing up to the heaven. and as he did Fe took a sickle and thrusted it into her brother's groin that was severed during his falsetto. for Gayla⚧ who was Fe that became a female from a male for she made woman from a man; who are one from another in Heaven; who are among the first fruits that are now sown onto each mountain that is moved by our faith. and unto our health that reaches to the North. and then to the East winds that brings harmony and the sound of every instrument of our own two hands that has sown two seeds together: Man and Woman, and the tree was grown in great wisdom and the knowledge that was received unto its own prophets of the past that springs forth. and the little faith needed to be as a mustard seed given from the life of God's mountain. and these mountains are Everest, Sinai, Kilimanjaro, Caucasian, Helen, and Olympus to be our prophets that saw to tomorrow and gave us every attention by God’s Heavenly Spirit. and in the midst of the Mountains was a tree of silver that drew in waters from heaven as to be the word and God’s creation. 

the north east gates of our Exodus is where we exit and enter a new land to the west and as we enter these lands the western winds that picked up dust of God's yesterday that pushed out two eggs that were nested in a pine tree, and that pushed sands straight to a bridge of a river's bank and brought forth a captive people out from bondage and brought seeds of its prior garden to this new heaven that was prepared through by the power of God's captives released in the deserts of the Arabian and there they sat down with new God's and brothers. and the winds picked up the the Mountain of Zion and freed the last right of the Hebrew's Heaven placed into the bosom of Seth and into the mother of Ethiopia who wept until her children return. and after 40 years in perdition may David Koresh return with the Heavens that set a daughter in the bridges of two lands that opens the wind of tomorrows walk under the boardwalk where and peace is given together under heavenly lights rendered to the same blessing that was given upon this return that "there will be a light post for every one's memory"~ David Koresh. and the Golden Rose of Texas is a hidden garden protected with a thorn to our side  given in captivity and the ones to release the thorn at our side when nature feels no longer threatened  and she multiply that tree, that spiritual tree of my ancestors in South America that double this blessing as Heaven will split in two as one generation for the other was hidden in the wilderness. 

the dust of earth is the medium(the living body) of the tree of truth and of wisdom that formed man from the word that was written on clay and woman from the root of the tree that brings life after death in the midst(the heart) of God’s garden that is in the heaven and on the earth for life to exit death and enter into life for the breath of God to awaken the spirit seeded to the body of Christ that sprouted from beginning to the ends of all time flourishing the earth with truth above all knowledge as the underworlds flourished in wisdom, and above all knowledge. as the tree of truth grew upwards into the light above so did wisdom root firmly downward into the darkness and binding of flesh that is branded in spirit; the body and essence of truth and wisdom that brings forth a branch to blossom and spring forth the fruits of knowledge(the thought) and understanding for truth and wisdom to bare fruit for the righteous to be branded to the heart and helping hand of each garden keeper to enter their garden under the light to meet over the night of day; halfway in the garden; where the first fruits of God’s labor are sown for eternity. Amen. 

Demeter is the Mother of Athena and She is the one who introduced Athena to me. when the harvest is ready Pocahontas becomes a twin and husband's wife who is given to Flint. and Stone was given a garden to hold on to and return the gardens of God that grew righteous. and in the midst's did a voice speak unto it's people from the land underworld and gardens within the forest and thicket torn between two firmaments high and five in width under the majestic rainforest was hidden a tree of life that belonged to the forest people and their light from nature and a true peaceful heart that is as hidden to good works of men that gives good fruit yielding the seeds of the forest that become the life of everlasting peace, given to those who watch each other's (deer)children and heaven on earth to run and leap the hills of heaven and return the doe unto tomorrows gathering that keeps turning heaven into fate and into the smiles of our children's tomorrow within a golden tear of rain that feeds the corn fields to every child that returns upon a hanging branch or Pleiadian that opens a gate given to the worldly understanding as a  brother watching the other brothers children that takes the walk through a hidden path of resting peace in one marriage under God; that's healing the heart and body of God's path finders that returns the Box of Pandora with god speed and insight that returns with a branch of God's heart that opens a garden center for those who root here underground and to a distant path that is hidden to those who never knew God to be Heaven's Guardian Shepherd clothed in white cotton having the staff of Moses that was torn from the root of its tree and KaChina yielding the tree of truth(Sun of Man) the brings wisdom(Sun of Moon) as knowledge is given to the one taken by the hand of Kokopelli who is the Wife and Mother of Heaven. the greater of the lesser light within us to change heavenly hearts placed the woman's gift as hope comes when Demeter becomes the garden's keeper and the bread of life given for tomorrow. 

when understanding completes the road to life and understanding and creates a melody that no one has heard before. for many evils will get inside an ear of those who are closest to God; and those who encircle God become stronger. it would be wiser for them who knew the Prophet of God than to never know God at all. for those who never see God will never enter heaven. because “insane” minds overcome “jealous” hearts that can’t be understood. but i will say “God already has given me all the answers to all our questions that torment us. but i say most are halfway there because i went through it. i completely lost my mind before it healed. I could not write everything God has taught me. if i used a fountain pen and the waters of earth as well. then i would have had to make forty and four ink wells; four score and more. I Am who I Am and from the top of its genealogy I have given not to my own family but only to my nation alone but to the world. and if you would do the same so will it be given to your family. God never choses the other before he chooses. He chooses the one who makes a sacrifice upon oneself to be pure and complete. if one speaks out about God then everyone wants to listen if it is good. And the ones who know do not know God will say something else. And it only they who get mad are not of God but of their day that was long forgotten or past. even though you have done more than their day don’t stop until the very end hits you from behind. if it is balance that requires life to subjected renewed to an everlasting cycle of peace. and as every piece of the puzzle is different from the other a bigger picture comes together. as every tree becomes a grafting branch of life so shall the little things in life forgotten will cut us down like an ax. so, if one cannot choose another branch to their tree then that one tree will never be chosen, or it will be cut down from the garden of God. even if that one was chosen before its time, they will not be given the holy spirit that becomes a part of God; who becomes God; and the Family of God. even if one could not see what was going on they will not be given the Holy Spirit or any benefactor that becomes behind God. it will not be giving. under any circumstances. and if that person did know what was going. then twice will be given to that person, never ending punishment as that last becomes first again and is placed within the Heavenly body to inspire each other. But you say that you can do better than what i have done. so there for you will become emptied and forgotten; for I am the lord the inspiration of Heaven the foot and stool that overcame the weaknesses you have prosper in. so never say “i know the Lord.” when one does not. so, teach others what i witnessed for you to complete through the spirit it you that whenever they are free or in captivity. for the Lord has only short time that’s given to the world. and only one time to do it in. 

Wally Brown 

Shiney and still the way i ought to see the world through our eyes. This is our time long ago to know us when we are down and out Wally Brown, i am happy to remember your voice as we had remembered long ago when the Heaven opened the door and the dog came in to roost it was a memorial and present to Heaven that had found the dog to be at my door step today. I had beat him silly and the foulness of their concord had made me sweat so perversely that i would never haunt a living animal today by prey or civilian so that we would never see the likes of daayyyyyyyyy! 

The Dark Terrace 

1st Dark Terrace 

the light is not our own sight, but the source of its tinder box in the fire of love that keeps burning and feeling deep within its measure the times that we keep to so much pleasure. there is only one fire in life given in the time given to be Her own wife. and her own stepsister finds every good deed in someone other than your own and fills every day according to what was said and to was needed and to what is to be in Me. and when i hold this tree down i hold her close to Me the one i needs. and i would Her cry again i would die in love Here then. likeness is the fondness of our own heart that shares in the need to one in three days of love wrapped around its tree holding up in Me the sweet taste of its deep. the tastes of her love all over Me in three Heavens. the roots of her tender box made to Heaven the cave of wonders the taster of others within Me. and  all who dear, taste the nectar of Her second coming twice into the garden of and the her soft hair as i inhale the fragrance of the beast that wet and juicy feast that went  across my eye it is a garden of freshness a peach to every bite i seek to every time we meet the across that most beautiful trim that for Me the softness across my belly the pearls of jelly, and the fruits of my own that are deep in season the light of God and reason that man should never be alone because of the that one in him to their own who are warm inside and outside who better in bed than the summer and who are my creates our harden branch to be sticking out like a throne woman. i hurt every time i outreach for something new something soft as something true that like in taste of her fruit as the warmth of the day that had Me rising hard across the way to find a path and stay right next to them in Heaven for the fruit up two seven and ate measurements that had crossed over into the tinder box that sparked the life of three Heavens in Me that two for every day that was given for Me to stay in Her gardener as one of Her keepers. three would set the fourth one back unto the last one is in the first and ten, "i want it so bad that i think about it now and then," i am your closest friend. the tenderness of your heart reaching out of the dark and into our soul. and the debt of the deep into its own loving cave that shook the world until it could hold its own and shivered as it would shake the fruits to eat of this Tree back down onto Me. 

 some will say that the Light of yesterday is brighter than today. making our Heaven collapse within itself for the lies that we committed in the New Name of God who is the Father of Heaven Roger Grant. we would never make it in the dark where we thought about our own greatness to be what was taught to us today for tomorrow and not one day will collapse upon our heaven but those who tried to deceive us in the spirit will be the lesser and the ones that are to fill the Cauldron of fire where the universe will fall within on itself for not becoming what was expected or needed for tomorrow. and those who rely on those who had come yesterday will not know the brightest light of the day is when God returns. 

The Universal Substitution Cycle 
dark matter is a wave of Heaven we begin in the end and determine the dark energy comes forth into degrees as in Fahrenheit the matter of mass times energy in a seismic universe that expands into the gravitational lens effect. we have been expanding for a while now, one of the first things that i had done to our universe was to expand it. Zeus was teaching Me about the universe and gave me a chance to open our universe with courage. i expanded this universe for a tenth of our time today ie. 360 years is a time from 3600 years and i expanded it to 36,000 years before we shall return in a universal year. 001, of our time. 

 when a pact was made between Me and the Apostles on who was going to betray Me in the garden that night that i had chosen Judas Iscaaric to take my place as God's will be done from that what was on the hill when Abraham was going to sacrifice His son to God was now chosen to be done later two thousand years ago from now to be Abrahams seed that was going to be sacrificed instead of Jesus. and it has been said that after Judas betrayed Jesus, He would hang himself on the cross after dark. i Roger Grant, who was Jesus Christ, hid in a tomb for two days and then went to see Judas in captivity before i would leave Israel with Marry. but i stalled and waited until the third day to resurrect Judas whois Christ Jesus. 

 the way we receive family is the way God prepares for themself in quantities that could not be measured for that day is beginning and the fulfillment of God's seeds cannot be counted on this earth for a whole day without rest or comfort that had been given to peace but was placed into dark matters that come back to gather again in the end times when they could not suffer their own family but others that had been given to God's peace. 

2nd Dark Terrace 

 to rest the members of a church that had fallen under segregation. "one would say that this church was haunted but was Me who started it i am the Prophet Joseph Smith that had predicted the Indian nation to uprise and conquer what they had long before, this is no lie that i am the Prophet Joseph Smith." proclaimed Joseph Smith," we have been getting dark vibes about the ones who hide within this church so that that they can ruin for their own profit."' said Joablis. they're many members in the Morman religion but its God duty to inform the rest of Church their duty to the Lord and its Host, for many of years did we offer black men jobs, and no one came forth but these who are swindling this church. i give one eye the to this beloved Mormon religion and i will hold on to what is good in the eyes of its people as they were now independently owned by its own hand and church.  

 Calypso is a new arial Planet than be seen in the Heavenly Body if God was to welcome us from west and keep the east side open for the marketplace then the northern mountains will be protected from the enemies and if your south side is open the world will be given to the Third Heaven on Earth. and Calypso will stand in the House of God until the day is given back unto 1/3 of time that within received the where the sacred grounds unto the animals that was placed there in secret and the time was created by the sun appearing in the sky, and Thier Father holding the coals of Heaven that fell upon their head had made their skins as dark as night and their day just as bright. they are aligned with the marketplace of Heaven and will continue to be and counterbalance of nature to light and darkness. 

 the knowledge of nothing everlasting that last promise was given to yesterday's foes in Heaven that i had drawn my Holy Sword upon their lies and cut them out from the throat while they still lived. they are what i Roger R, Grant cast into the nothingness from whence they came that eats our dark matter and leaves negative energy twice its supply and receiving light back into this comes the living and breathing through Roger who had swallowed the sun and the times that were given within each other on neutral grounding that uplifts the static of each skirt to its coving in the sky where multi colors remind us of the times that we forgotten such as turquoise the color of today's world against the northern lights above in the seven King Crowns of Atlantis. the blanket and the sixth season, the winter season of the hunt. that comes after the fifth season of Our Ancestorial returned to rest among their Children and their children's cherubim who were Us today on the earth as a lesson to life that covers everything good and godly such as a root of God's Heavenly divine that was given to Me Roger Grant to expel the ugly spirit that thought they were cute. that thought they were something when in fact they were nothing, within its own nothingness the mother had swallowed to receive Her own foster kids that were abducted by Lilith of this desert in New Mexico "that had grown to love Roger Grant the Almighty one of God and champion of Heaven above." said God the Mother of Heaven.  

the last days of earth are the days that come in destruction because we were stubborn and wicked and some who were Judged by God became completely undone and awakened in a state that was not there before but i kept peace with these few who were out to destroy Me. because they could accept the grace of God mercy given to One and not them who were completely insignificant to the blessing but since to believed and God i was in them and they thought i was taking something from them who white-skinned. now i am talking only about a hand full because i lived in white towns and cities all my life. i have a common tongue in the U, S, that sounds white-skinned and that may have misled them. i don't know! but i knew these people since i was in Jr. High School. some i met recently but all in all. what made this out of my hands were some who were from Alamogordo N.M. and blight had broken through the sunny days in that time and swallowed the light and everything turned dark Blight was the light that was so bright that it absorbed the other lights that surround it. 

 the Moon pulled to another place in the dark to bring forth the Seasons of God's harvest. the Palace of Calypso was the father away and is now even closer to the Market Place the moon is now its kind and the place for its body that places time, and miracles to its people alike the ones living there now in peace and God protects the western gates with another day that lives well together for their time is under and over the last of their decent that had light from the Coals of Heaven cast upon their head and in their mouth to speak of the Holiest things that tomorrow may bring for all in the name of God. 

3rd Dark Terrace 

Proton Neutron and Electron 

we tend to hang on to center energy with the center of motion as strong as the outer motion where the center belongs to the inner start and the outer motion to the ends and out and to hang on to the center of gravity makes it easier for its property to expand and those who have passed over into the center have been given mass weight and in the between into the nothingness one becomes the darkness of anti-magic or magnetic waves that places the right law of universal physics to expansion and retention as we become one-third of man or (Atom) through the light of God's own center mass being that holds on to each other with static and neutrons that had been made 1/ 3 part of our living being and what becomes within us is the center of dark matter that forms the common basis of streaming to and from the light. at the center of a black hole, there is only calm if God wants there to be as it is a hurricane that has sped up 10, 000 years in outer space or Heaven above to 1 day on Earth. 

 when the cheering for Christ commences the jeering will find it worth speaking out the truth that would make them innocent of the fact that they had created justice to be their own failure that had brought people together from an instant that scattered hundreds and thousands of people to search for a destination to regroup but many had found a dark spot in the outreaches of space that could make its way inward due to the collapsing pressure of its outers shell being burst with magnetic propulsion and magnitude that brought everything within and then without the course of knowing where they were along the path that they had taken before. we were in the darkness for a moment before the light from the center guided us back to our own revival had remembered the times that we had taken before the collapsing of time and energy put forth under the light of God that forth the gravity of Heaven to earth in one time for a 1/3 of time release and return for this new Heavenly day to show the new inhabitants of this New Heaven a way back home from whence we had returned from our own atmosphere.  

 there is a day for Her who was forgotten because Roger was working in the field of God. when you attacked His widow and a wife that lives in the same town that he does. for what you have done to my wife one whose life you have taken and the other two our marriage, you tried to take my life even though you know that you would go to Hell. your place is in the out fire where the fire is freezing and hotter than the 2000 years you had wasted in the fires of God's time given four you's to burn for eternity but i am saving you for one more second that will reveal your association to unclean spiritual activity. just one more time; one more minute to set one trap in place. for those who do not know Me do not know themselves. i am the hand of God that is stronger farther away than up close. i am the spirit that i have been lending to you for GOOD use, and not for unclean deeds that hurt every one of my children. your deeds are the dept of fire that burns higher and higher. you think that we are clueless in Alamogordo but i have been waiting on you for a long time. this is only between you and God. and this day that dark grey will come off and the tongue will swell as to drink us away but i stomped and the world separated. and the separated from east to west and then to south back to north i am the son of water and the Father of Earth and those bring back the dead will also live with Me for a 1000 upon a 1000 years on this planet that will be Hearth the Heavenly Earth beside Her Paradise the Garden of God and Woman that will last 240,000 years on earth for the deeds that they had done to keep us alive and nourished. God blessed them.  

the moon is a God or a Goddess to the sun, she is the greater light because she can be seen in the day and in the night. the moon can be clothed in the sun. the moon will prostitute when the moon can be seen in the day or night and institute when they are not dressed in God's countenance. She is no substitute for God's light in the dark of night but a beacon for anyone in trouble to procure 

 the Last of Heaven could not withstand the days that we were with our Lord God the Most High Goddess of the Heaven to Earth the connection of woman and man coming together hand and hand living for one another and letting everyone have their own God and religion helps the inner soul heal and the light to fall upon those who believe in God and those who can accept God giving each other freewill will enter into our heaven without knowing 1/3 of Heaven as we are today on Hearth or the day of repossession for all to hold and give to another other than our own. but the mother can only bring forth the children of that day or they will forget about the Father in Heaven Who is, Who was, and Who will become tomorrow before we could help them understand today so they will have to wait another day before coming here before they could know the truth and the truth only was given to Roger to unveil and if you had missed that pathway to your God then out you go from my House and from my Home, don't have come back until your learn who we are and how to treat a House with more respect and in 1000 years you be judged by how you became a house without a master, and where is this master? is this another way of paying me back? no you're ripping off from my children. then God will peel away from your eyes and your will to die in the cold of the night hoping that someone would find you alone in the dark floating in space towards a blackhole where you will be crushed and packed into the center of a new world within a center of a core that only a foot or two high or two to low for this planet that was made for you to grow and show love to Heaven above and below but could not even do that for Atom you attacked Roger so he fought back to survive this attack and he won through every measure that was seen alive but now you are dead presumed for not listening to God or Roger Grant. God's Prophet and Son. 


4th Dark Terrace  

 yesterday has been discovered and today is just away from each other been given an ample moment of our time show this example of King Mc Gregory Conner who is today the same person. today behold a King among the Kings who have kept peace throughout the years in silence. among the fourth generation to succeed in the cosmos. we are not a forgotten race of humans with the red jasper hair and freckles that rules around the planets Michelle, Ruben, and Pauline the absent planets of a coal mine or planet subjugated to the creation of a black race of intelligent giants that ruled with Helios and Cylspso that once ruled in the dark before she ruled the day and the coal of the skin was the color of the content the out content of their soul. who is with the Nephelium in the center rotation of our Marketplace. giving the path of brothers and son. from a mountain up on High Ground (upper heaven) above the coal and skin unto layers of their Mothers's first kin. 

 the darkest days on Earth. God had given Us strength and made this day Ours. and many unclean spirits move about in the ethereal estate where the void is farthest dark to nothing. they are scared and feel angry because they do not know God and still sin without worry so in one day their cities that they live in at that time will be razed. and the smoke of that fire will be lifted into Heaven for the things that they still sin for burning up into Heaven's gate where they will be taken for Judgment upon our Voice of God the faces upon many waters that are gathering together in the deep of darkness that must be faced or become the darkness of the void that never ends. no person is safe from God's justice. 

The Towers of Babel Saved Us on That Day of the Flood 

 the Lord Tiammat had 24 heads each one like her sister on earth and in Heaven, each had power and element from two, grew four, and four more that grew eight more, and eight more until every element can be seen slashes against each other  hovering out and over of the Heavenly waters of earth that became the spark of life that man needed when the world was darkened with blight the sun of a dark nature hade swallowed the other surrounding this mystery of God who is the black sun and the days that came in one fortnight in "greater marriage given to the Gianna and Rhine rivers where God once stood at the beginning of time under the darkest and brightest skies" said Zeus that has no origin or time but was from the beginning of man's foot upon this earth and sun rays to be the stepping stones of Heaven again. and the gates to the Word of Fire the Godly Sword of Rogers choice weapon that cut four waves in half before they could collapse the inner walls of Nineveh that stood 24 -30 stories high when the second tower was here approximately to the Guld of Mexico and this first marriage is the marriage that is in the Book of Revelations the first book to the beginning and end of times that were separated but now back together. two thousand years before the gift of God's hand in return to our own today we are the Gods of Heaven within our own grasp that held on to Roger's hand that was given the mark of God. Amen.  

the Spiritual Journey to Nineveh are 3 fortnights from Mesopotamia to Mesoamerica where the Olympus Mountain is in the state of Washington. a mountain that was moved by God is where the walls of Nineveh would start and would end at the Gulf of California,  

only one prophet will speak with God. only one voice can be God. only one body or being can be God. and i saw what was good. and the Word of God came from those who can interpret the Prophet of God who became the Word of God. those who want to be like God will be like God and those who disbelieved in a man or woman becoming God will never become God in Spirit or in flesh. for they were here before the Word of God and will never be able to change the day that God changed the Heavens for all who believed or had faith in Atom who is Roger Grant the first God to become a man. and the Lord became God the first man in the beginning of time that had become one dimension. and the Lord created the Creatures of Heaven that had been cast out to the future or what will become, the clear waters from the depths (dark water) of our past that will give life back unto you who believed in God. 

 the first Mother on Earth came after the first Mother in Heaven who had given Her first love unto their daughter's hand so that she could rule the other heavens beside Her Father, today was given to the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps Us on Earth as the Mother would help Us in Heaven. know that if you see the Holy Ghost you see God as well. for each finger that points at the other person whois in the wrong, it is also for the hand to grab on and hold that person up above the times that you had suffered together. and let the Hand of God become Her own children on earth and the image of what we were formed from through our own creation that was once dark but now in the light of Her touch the fruit will bloom and see the darkness and light together hand and hand night and day. and the times that we had set Children in Her bosom for the Waters and Spirit of creation to bring forth Heaven on Earth. i can say that we were born through evil and then become good they will become baptized when they are born again on earth as it is in Heaven. and the day you are baptized is the day you completely give your life to Gods as a child did when they died in the rivers of Egypt to serve their High Priest or Church. and these Children will be the Children of Lilith the first Mother in Heaven and on Earth. 

5th Dark Terrace 

 no more birth pains nor is there anyone who claims to become who they are to be as alike or set to the same place to prosper with all of God's children that honor their Father and Mother. it was through them today who spoke too much during birth giving every mother her own birth and the pains of those who did not manage to give a little before they spent a little when they spoke out of line against the Holy Spirit that once destroyed the earth with gnashing of teeth to endure labor pains. for their lies came upon their own misfortune that placed them in Hell for that day in the End to be the curse of what they intended for us to die within. so let us give the Latter Day of Destruction the 500,000 that make it into Paradise just to find out what would happen if it was them 3,000,000 years from now. and they will wait in a dark and hostile place where their account and the debt they consumed on this earth today must be paid in full before they can be sold again. 

 those who will stand in Judgement of God will be redeemed. this is a day that God will cleanse everyone. and as that day becomes renewed, we all become renewed. and those who are left fighting will not be cleansed anymore. and their fruit is of the fruit of righteousness will go dark and even darker to a place that they once knew. place that they had dug so deep that they could not get themselves out of. 

The Great Day of Judgment occurred three to four years ago. 
and will come when we least expect it. 

 only God can be so cruel when everything was meant to open our own eyes and see what was Christ-like to what was to be God and the fortress that they (the enemy) had built in time to destroy our own Heavenly corner that had collapsed on them for owing the Heavens and never paying back what they had to gain and never repaying the Heavens back in return. and the Lord said unto them since you are going to kill Me then i will take what was all of mine and leave you in the dark of night that never holds a candlelight to sight or any day coming. may any day coming to be the day that Roger and I Carolyn return upon this earth with a wink of an eye and the tail of the dragon behind us, as the was Mother behind us 400 years within the times that return for another four hundred years in Heaven but on earth this was given to every dimension that we had created from the beginning. that had our hand in the midst of our time that was given 15 mins to turn the hand of time back unto its own day and glory, in this one time today that i had been given to do as what the creature can do before the times were set back and forth that had given one to all the remainders of our Heavenly division that conquers them as one to us as two become one in Heaven. for that time is the time that we can change this beautiful Heaven in our creation that was set for our children and their children. let every Prophet have a clause that changes no time as the times that we had changed in 15 mins given. to be the start of an Indian Summer or Global Warming since 1984 as every generation or score returns within and out of the new times and generation that holds for Roger the Words of God to be as one or Roger in Perdition and those ache in the side or at their heart then God is in them every second of that time revealed to the world that no other generation can reveal what is hidden in the stars at night nor any day can call upon a prophet to sing the songs of this new Heaven that is a net cast down upon their enemy as a day of victory is held by our hands in the lakes of fire where everything is given to renewal and for God's own purpose that must remain here until the times come to a fifth season or five leap years from that day that presides with the Voice of Heaven who holds tomorrow upright and upon a time or an old day of retribution that must be given in full to the Lord who is the light and gift of sacrifice and in that 500,000,000 will be given a chance to redeem the Lord at Alamogordo. 

 what we choose to teach is a sin when we argue with people who cannot understand will not enter into Heaven in the spirit of the all knowing that branches truth above to Heaven and roots wisdom down below to earth where she nourishes us who are above outreaching to the light, while she wears a blind to see where she is in the dark as she carries a Scale of God's justice in Her hands that measures and balances upon Her heart and name that was turned upside down and all the way around in the Womb of God's spirit reborn again. the Father of Heaven born of truth and wisdom giving birth to the Son of Man. (Zues) and to the giants of the old world who protected Us from within the earth as evil rising out of Hell like wildfire to the Heights of God's mountain that can be seen from all the Heaven's above.  

 in the beginning the Great Dragon had sucked in the Heavens that were once in the night sky. the Day of Heaven that we once knew as the Apocalypse in Heaven that had devoured its children from earth. and the Lord swallowed the Lights of Heaven within every Heart of God's body that stands up to be seated in the Center of Heaven's own galaxy the anchors every light to earth and the Heavenly skies that shall fall upon a day of awakening. and God said let there be Light. and the light of Heaven above was cast down to earth as a mountain thrown down into the sea. as two greater lights where placed in the night Sky of Sirius as two older twin suns became dark and lost its day for the sun of Heaven to become the new light of day for Saturn to shine as bright for the morning and the evening upon the cold darkness of earth that brought forth a the first Moon that is going to be the Greater Light because it could be seen in the day or in the night sky transcending with the sun or the lesser light of the galaxy Andromeda that was separated from Her family to join ours above in Heaven after the smaller sun had set to the morning in the west to the evening set to the east that could be seen for a whole day of night to come upon us and lift the waters from the first and second firmaments of that day in darkness for the night to be set in the center of Our Heavenly body that return every 10,000 years upon a third and fourth Heaven on earth as the fifth Heaven was given to the first and last day under the sun for Her magnitude that opens the Heart of God's body that shines forever in a day. 

The Light Terrace 

1st Light Terrace 

 what is to become of light was what was unpure. what is bad when is done in the daylight is hiding in the Light of Good. and what is good and is done openly are disguised as Angels of Darkness Angels of Light in the darkness representing the light that shines for all to see. and some will get these confused with Spirits that disguise themselves like Angels of light. the light will not become jealous of other lights that shine together because they are a part of the light that may come from anywhere that God had chosen to live, and where ever knowledge comes from it is the same worldly knowledge that was planted all over in the same universe that lives or dies because of they could not wait until God had given them this blessing Himself. for what was not able to comprehend the Spirit will be not able to comprehend the complexity of God's true nature, that would take all the waters of their earth just to explain something that has not been explained before. but i lived through it, and i am the first among many fruits that will be given throughout this universe so that we on Hearth (Heavenly Earth) can live in Paradise on Earth as it was in Heaven. and i Roger Grant the Father of Heaven will be at rest while the day continues to GROW AND PROSPER.  

 two kings will come from the Middle East for twice the day is given for the last and first to remember that was will also be again through those who never knew the Father of Heaven that was on earth now holding on to things that we have created through Me Roger Ramos Grant the 5th King to which may rise and become an Angel. and from today yesterday must become remote in order to be at the hand of God's first day within our own today that went before the times that we have been given for tomorrow or the times that must become a parallel history from today to whence we were created from the then and now holding on to this third dimension that we made from then unto now which has five dimensions parallel to our own five in time that gathers one more to become the fifth and sixth paradimen that God has set for us today in the sixth Heaven above with the 1/5 (NA), 1/4 (CA), and 1/3 (SA) where the Heavens are below. two of my Sons will be taking thier place in seven years The Prophet Roger Grant Jr. who is a Heavenly Angel of Heaven and not from this world. The Pope and i created the light of transferral to flesh and Heavenly body and out of Heaven came three daughters and one son who is Elohem the God of many people who has the mark of God's protection and His number is "555" as my Heavenly number was "969" my other son Jacob Muhhamed who number is "666" will come forth as the Devil in them years among the two and one that is to come today as a Rabbi Prince will bring forth these two fruits Trees of Heaven that fell on to earth as the Trees of Life and the Trees of Heaven that hold onto the garden of centers that bring forth the fifth and sixth dimensions for the light to carry on with the Angels that must sing or blow the horns of there own return to all Heavens among the earth and among the children that hold the baptism of God's spirit within the light of day. 

 the light can not be burning here and there in Heaven in order to be among the Children of Heaven one will listen to Me the Father of Heaven and learn from reality as the other teaches from shining the other will with the reality that will last for an infinity. and we light the universe from here on Hearth so will the universe shine again for good as to what we do will burn us the same way unless we put ourselves out ahead of those who can be seen openly burning bright for everyone to see. 

 through man, the company of Heaven returns and sown its own seeds through the Heavens of Earth but not as we did before, but as we had done today for the first time if the life that carried us to this specific place in time to be its own witness and a trusted hand for God that had given many things on earth just to be as God in the form of Grant Roger who is the first and farthest to know the blessing of God returning but now it is my Heaven that opens the door of many reveals that had many times ago lost but found and to Heaven given for and to another under the Heavens. and When God proceeds out of my mouth then many will be confused by the thought and action that justifies the Kingdom at Hand for the Queen of Demon who is Joan De Arc a Mother of France and of its Kings. there will be and trial before God and Man can separate the two together from their own day under the sun and this is the time that we rest and forgive God our own reward that holds the Hope of mankind to the Kingdom that Hears the Sons of Her light that knew one day that was given to All to see forth the answers of God's Heavenly hand in paradise that pushes forward and back the day of silence that had given to Me in abundance, to begin with, the light given to shine on those who heal before the other dies. 

 we had been tested, abused, and mistreated but we held on to the peace and the strength that God had given us to show the next heaven the right path of righteousness. when there is someone done wrong and given torment for the good that they had done and for only telling the truth about God and about themselves who has been given a title of God and had passed it over to the East or the rising of the Golden Sun; the only begotten son of the Mother Earth and Our Heaven Father Buddha the Heavenly Earth and the Heavenly body that was small and became as big as our moon today when the rain became the showers of April the forgotten mist of the Dragon's breathe that carried all life within Her nostril that keeps searching for that one day that child will be born again and the light will shine forever. 

 we have been appointed to the Celestial Heavens above and our day is well hidden before all to see tomorrow again beside each other inside the light that shines from God's bosom. the gave birth to a new world much bigger than what we had before the light of day disappeared the very first time and the world will be God's spirit within the earth once again. eat from Me as i ate from your Father the Lord of Lords. 

2nd Light Terrace 

 from chaos, i was still there, and through light, i was still there but through the unbelievers i am still there that had given to you the night and day of Heaven through many times that we forgot that we who are today became the tamed beast that is internal in the cosmos that had revealed the light and the darkness to be the same before we chose. and if you chose to deny Me you chose the fight in dispense the present of time to your doubt of Me who is the Heavenly Body of God or the light of life through one complete vote that inherits Atom in their own Heaven and time through their belief that becomes the change in formal positions so that one will come upon the circle of time that has no origin we will come into existence again to rule those who cannot understand the complete truth of God for themselves will return without knowledge so that time will complete its circle. 

 we have created the Setting for the morning and evening flights. and Hearth was given the light of their creation so that we would follow into it as the light was given to the darkness and to the Morning Star. let heaven open another chapter unto this day as a story on selves can be seen from the entering of God's family for its own House and for the times that we set for the last race to recover from our New World Order 

The changing of Light and Day and those who stay fixed in the ecliptical orbitnance where the new is evaluated by our sun's positioning in Heaven. 

 in other words, it is where the new moon results in an eclipse during a time of cycle the first new moon of the years is the New Moon.  

 the day of blight was twice the Fatherly encasement for the Lord to be as great to us as they were to themselves but the Roger had stomped on the light of their Father and swallowed their first born and they became Priests of God and of the First House of the Order where Roger resides in the outermost to its seat given to Him in Heaven. and in Roger's House you will abide by the Heavenly Father that has given you life under no other circumstance." said an Angel of a Gray. you will serve those who already have served the Father on Earth. for this is the day rejuvenating in Us on earth. we are brothers in a galaxy that can be fixed together unless you abide and their mother has given us your domain under Heaven where Roger resides 

Be Four Beasts; God, Satan, Devil, and Deamon 

 i have been a watchman for 4 years and one must be delivered to redeem us today. and that ram was Christ Jesus; Judas Iscariot. My hand is cursed among you and Lord demands a blood sacrifice in my name Roger Grant if i do not give God their fulfillment. i have been honored by this day for the times that had arrived before but on to today i must warn all that what has transpired will be God's will to do what Roger has said for he is my watcher and was the Shepherd that led the Judgment of God to become a pure day; today as if we all made it through sacrifice when God returned and had given his heart towards the womb of All Women and to our children. I Am Christ the Anticipant and the controller of this World said my Father the Pope of Rome. Who I AM in Me as You are in God. i am a divine writer and the one sent into Perdition to scribe Your Majesty. and if i fail and become a sacrifice one more time then God will take the Sun the Moon, All the stars above, and all God's People on Earth. who believes in my Prophet Roger Grant who is testing you among the Gods to see if you know God. i have taken care of the one that earned God's anger within our time given to Prophecy for 1260 days that made God return to this House to be destroyed but Roger was early out working when he saw the calling of Angles that come against Us on earth for denying their God who was Roger and never knew it until the day revealed itself, but in Heaven, Roger Grant had fought with the Dragon, before he could be a Dragon or become Her son. it is i who is against the Lord so Roger became The Lord's God and returned All gifts that were altered and taken from our House back to their own place of origin or now are home again and may rest with earth forever. it is i only that had my hand branded with God's new name across his chest and across his forehead. and Heaven must reward those who have fought with Me Roger as Angels with Wings of Gold and Fire that would melt pure gold during flight and never would be lost in the wind where the Prophets, Kings and Queens, the Elect of God and the nations under God became the God of Roger the Highest God in Heaven there is not another God besides this One God, who became All Gods for this number was great and became greater while in flight while leading all the Angels back "from the Light and back into the Light." said Morgue 

the God of New World Earth is the false God of Prophecy when they appeared to be Angels of Darkness were agents of light that had lived on earth before awakening. and those who worship any flesh to be saved became a sacrifice for the ending of Heavenly war (the 6-day war), and those who thought they know God will persecute Him in flesh. 

 01 Angel of God can destroy a planet or save a planet. but 1000 Angels of God who come together and expand the universe today as we know it and will destroy our own planet yesterday so that we would not collapse in sudden cataclysmic destruction through gravity and relativity parallel to our time today that acts like us talks like us but did not care for us who came from all directions in from space to be given Heaven on Earth as a microgravity force of every race that was meant  to become an event horizon that absorbs light while pulling and pushing waves of light within and out of a rippled force given to gravity or a center of 3 universes that collapsed into 6 minor universes or young universes that we who are God have given our time to this creation for Angels to be half in and half out of another world to secure a sacred secret taking place from Here on earth as it is in the Heavenly center that became an explosion and an expansion that was 1000 times stronger than its beginning counterpart to be looking in the past and future of Heaven's view point from here on earth. i Roger Grant have the Power of God to help others become a part of this creation that was created years ago in the future by us today. 

3rd Light Terrace 

 the first five will be one color but we had changed what was to be what is and God willing what is to become the first is the last and i Roger Grant had separated the world for peace. the land, the sea, and the world that holds onto a fourth planet, and the fifth were crushed by another who was a suitor a long time ago but was forgotten. and the world had given their gates to Me so that one for the other will be protected and i stand at the fifth gate. where i have destroyed the center of Heaven so that we would become the center of the universe i am Roger Ramos Grant if you would calculate my name, it would be 555. i am the keeper of this fifth gate from the fifth dimension to a fifth world that had died four times before, and now i want only change and, only happiness to be given to Us today "the ones who were saved from hardened times that tried to destroy us for being one with God" said my son Ronin who was given a short time to see God's blessing come to light. they had fought our seeds and cursed them Mentally and Physically. the Elite of God had sacrificed themselves so that we could fight on this last day with God Our Father Who is with the Almighty, who are the Children of Heaven who have believed in Roger Grant the rightful heir to Heaven above and to this day that was promised from every Heaven and every Angel that testifies about truth and justice is the light that Stikes them back 39 times before they will fall back into the grave where their ancestors are and remain with their children that tried take what was our children's for tomorrow their right that was given to them and us again and again. 

 to become the last day in time one will find themselves in order that was greater than them who thought their Gods were something greater than they were. but like last time they came lesser than the other. and for the enemy they came six worse one worse than the next. they thought they colors of God's feathers and the times that Roger created, for this world, for this time that holds all barriers to them who owe God and this time to Me today from the fifth gate. those who thought they were God had found this reckoning to be as THE LIGHT WHIPS THEM EVERY DAY FROM THE TOP UNTO THE BOTTOM i am Roger R. Grant their God, Master, and keeper. do not keep the light away from others but learn about what you can do in the name of God who is the same man. 

 the literal encasement of God is Hell. the ones that fry in the grease are the ones that chop the onions green and kill the flies instead. many had given the light to heaven when gave its light to the earth. only one can give the knowledge of god to Hell. and that is the one true God. many who open a package of waffles open a package of ding dongs. for the outside to become one side the cake should be eaten one slice at a time.  

 you should believe in God and not in yourself. many will say that Christ is a Prophet, a Magician, an Apostle of God, or the Practice of the Latter Day. and if you Practice in Christ then you are in the Spirit of God. but if you say that you are God or another being like Jesus then you will Practice in Christ or become Christ Praticed. we all have the same God whether you are Athiest or an Agnostic. God is the light and shadow of our creation upon the earth; what was above is also behind us. 

the last days of earth are the days that come in destruction because we were stubborn and wicked and some who were Judged by God became completely undone and awakened in a state that was not there before but i kept peace with these few who were out to destroy Me. because they could accept the grace of God mercy given to One and not them who were completely insignificant to the blessing but since to believed and God i was in them and they thought i was taking something from them who white-skinned. now i am talking only about a hand full because i lived in white towns and cities all my life. i have a common tongue in the U, S, that sounds white-skinned and that may have misled them. i don't know! but i knew these people since i was in Jr. High School. some i met recently but all in all. what made this out of my hands were some who were from Alamogordo N.M. and blight had broken through the sunny days in that time and swallowed the light and everything turned dark Blight was the light that was so bright that it absorbed the other lights that surround it. 

4th Liight Terrace 

 when the cheering for Christ commences the jeering will find it worth speaking out the truth that would make them innocent of the fact that they had created justice to be their own failure that had brought people together from an instant that scattered hundreds and thousands of people to search for a destination to regroup but many had found a dark spot in the outreaches of space that could make its way inward due to the collapsing pressure of its outers shell being burst with magnetic propulsion and magnitude that brought everything within and then without the course of knowing where they were along the path that they had taken before. we were in the darkness for a moment before the light from the center guided us back to our own revival had remembered the times that we had taken before the collapsing of time and energy put forth under the light of God that forth the gravity of Heaven to earth in one time for a 1/3 of time release and return for this new Heavenly day to show the new inhabitants of this New Heaven a way back home from whence we had returned from our own atmosphere.  

 the planet Calypso is the day after day the night after night that holds creation next to my cousin in Andromeda they will enter into the 15th place that pinpoints to us and return under and above for the Calypso to become their start and passage into the Market Place and this will be called the Fathers doing and no others can come in between two in conflict until it is of there own origins that would be placed under that last but now it is Roger who brings the Banners of God in Battle for all to see God's glory. 

the burning coals of  God's fire falling from heaven on the tops of our heads will rain the thunder and lightning and every eye shall see the Father (Robert) of God. the Master of their House. and the rain is the light that fell from moles above the times that you considered fighting. there will be a scattering and shot from many directions that break into the lights of heaven and broken are they that have to suffer this pain when Roger receives the last and the first of Heaven gift the Light of All Creation shall this world be thought of and be given the eyes that search for Roger that falls upon their heads and writes the very name and mark upon their own head. for this day is to protect them who had done wrong and if they shall still fight Roger our ports and arms will reach unto the last given first and they will hurt inside but they will be given this blessing falling behind the one that was the strongest in this universe. for who has balanced man and woman in the great expansion other than Roger and who gives to those without? Roger is the giver of Health and happiness the FATHER OF ALL HEAVENS. the third of Heaven will return to Whoopi the mother my mother of rain and the fires that fall upon the heads of those who fight the Heavens. 

 what was given today is the day of my Heaven returning within glory for all to see the King of Glory shine in the Light of God's Healing that had constitutional rights in the Spirit of God's house that opens the door into Heaven where the Lord will be knocking for you to enter into Heaven. where the greenest day in the desert awakens your senses on earth to resite what was given after death and life to be alike before you can see it with your own true eyes as your stars return within the morning Sky of Heaven on earth or as you take Flight into Heaven. and death will come when you're ready to die so some will stand at the Bar of God and see the light reach into their eternal being before they return back into their body. 

 to reach the days that count not be seen. then we are to fulfill our own time that cases out the attack. we have reached our ward and torn our arm from the socket and cannot fight anymore. trust is not your business but the last partner that i will have. the days that you do without chance are the days that cannot escape my pocket. but will pay every penny back of what you owe Me. This means the people from Alamogordo as well. you have lost your mind and taken the worst of all to begin and i will not take for one or the other than the fact that they turned prejudiced and angry at God the one that brought forth the wind the time and the way that they breathe. - you will kill us for what? Roger, we are dead, and you never forgot us nor did you help when we needed you. said Ronnie. Roger, we did not know you. there is one thing that i cannot understand if you knew Me why you said I COULD NEVER KNOW THIS BLACK MAN TRYING TO BE GOD. why would God say something like that? this is not how our town acts upon a day that everybody needed Me and you cover yourself up with light and try to enter Heaven without my permission? to kill someone and leave them dry and never care for that family or anything like God gave Heaven to you, i tried to open the light so that you would not step into that pit that takes you and your families into the same Hell. when i was needed you threw me down into the pits that were for you in order for you to keep the Million that you stole from Me before that day i was awakened. and know i know who you are as well as you know Me that will be in HELL with Me and you burn from this forever. when the world had gotten together to fight and battle in Heaven, we i conquered and then return and you could not let up with your lies you even killed my fiance or wife to  be sure that i was not the King of this Universe and you thought i was a NIGGER THAT COULD NOT DO ANYTHING ALONE, my wife, just said. to your day HOMLES will be the time that you placed yourself in Hell. never taste what you do and find out for yourself that "what is done is done through this town you will burn forever." Alamogordo. your associates will be there for you as well. 

5th Light Terrace 

 when one doctrine proclaims the light then light becomes the order of its own source, the true order of all truths that cannot be disputed by another place that had conquered itself proclaiming what was theirs to only ours on earth. do not enter or associate in another's prophecy that has true sight in spirit that always returns. and if we had given you this insight then don't abuse the times that we hold separate. and never stand out in front of another who comes without knowing that someone else had laid thier seeds into a field of adultery that the husband only knew for himself. 

 this is why we find the light in hidden places that cannot be seen but through you who shed some light on every small detail as well as every day coming forth in understanding but not returning or changing of hand to any time that was taken for our own greed to harvest others that hold on to their day of thanksgiving to be given to any hand that helps bring forth a hidden branch of God's time and fruit grafted into another tree bearing different seeds of the same avocado tree that stands alone in Mexico as a new garden of God's day of rest sprouting up out of Holy ground that enchanted the last seed of God rising unto a New Garden or a hidden branch that cannot be taken alone but though our own actions that speak unto God's will alone that became the flesh of Heaven to be within every time and times that were made for a half a time half in and half out of greed that gluttons the Word of God unto our own seed that is planted deep within our earth's foundation within Heaven.  

ddo not be afraid of harmless idols or statues of Men who were God and who are Gods of those who will be Gods tomorrow. or who will understand the elements of God's true nature that can not serve themselves but only to those who served us yesterday. and the times that were given today will be given tomorrow as the light of Heaven returning within us for all the see the Father and the Sons of God who were servants of those who serve God today. for every corner that man was backed into he became the nature of every beast that was survived. every form of body that is translucent when the fire's are within the Heavenly Bodies of Heaven standing half-in and half-out of our dimensions that separate the Galaxies from the Universe as light separates the ribs of our flesh from the Spirit of God that was baptized in the Fires of God's heart that speaks within the flames of God's tongue without a broken bone that stands up a pillar as our backs were turned towards four corners of this earth where the Pillars of Hercules are fixed deep and rise a spiral stair case within the Heaven's above and below outreaching as a stalagmite and a stalactite sets our world and the underworld upright as a Pillar of Heaven standing. 


Our God is Awful Inspiring, and Awesome  

 God had given us a voice so loud that only thunder would be a quiet storm and the calming of the day. if God would suddenly get mad and yell, you would hear peace and silence after the calming. our God is the light of earth seen before a voice is shouting out from the desert. crying for peace when resistance is here on earth conducting a spark that starts from the ground up. and the light will be seen and heard in a second from across forty miles all around. and the world will be at peace four minutes, with the false prophet who is in Awe of God without change or the day that was given to Eve the Morning on Earth 

The Fifth Day of God's Creation Needs Us To Finish it. 

  the new alignment is with the eclipse of 2017 and 2024 that can be more visible in the places where Heaven built four and to the Four Corners Area where the Kingdom of God had fallen from Heaven into Hell on earth and was measured with a miracle mile that took one step as She took the next that made a miracle just a mile down the road from A-Z to the Zia state where Arizona is connected to NewMexico. and when i die i can lay my greatness to those who had faith in Me. so that i could believe that there will always be greater and greater than i am in the Marriage of God that became the third, fourth, and fifth Heaven on earth that was grafted on God's Heavenly Tree of Knowledge where i grafted four different branches and generations that covered the night shift that became a number and one light, One Marriage in a greater marriage given to Allah who creates the Children of Islam the Shepherd and path of today. God had held every family tree onto its own here in the New Kingdom of God that was separated into four winds that will return unto this land as the breath shall be given again to Holy people of "DinĂ©"who had spoken with God and saved what could be saved to this world that was upon world as universe to universe and life to its own garden that grafted the Truth of Heaven to its own today in the Four Corners Area connected to Apachean the Navajo children and the shiny stars of our dying day that was left behind on a tree that stood alone and half dead. Still, God had grafted their own time and peace given to this world for the whole universe to be recalled through obligation so that what was forgotten did not speak until the children of this Native American Indian gave their own tree to another person who would be sacrificed and forgotten. Still, the Lord said unto Heaven, listen to our prayers that rise into Heaven every day with a child to be at God's hand and side. a tree that once stood alone four, three Heavens to become a fifth of what was grafted into the world that waiting for this great marriage to be reborn among the five Indian tribes of Native America that fished from the eastern Atlantic unto the western Pacific tribes of this nation that had built its own greatness on the value of our children that had been given the fires of God through the spirit of truth for that day to become Desert Path that was to be followed unto a People of Islam a Nation that had protected this world onto a path that God themselves had taken 2000 years before its return before its own time that will fall into sea of marriage that was mixed with the grapes of wrath that had be given back unto our day the fourth day given through a path that God had guided us before today could have a Voice of Peace among their own path finders that had found the true path of God's return given to the Western Christ and gardens keeper (Roger Grant) who grafted the branches of early with the branches the tree of today on earth for a great cleansing to occur with every leaf and medication that held on to the hand of a fallen house and that had not stood for years but today is our Mother the first true Heaven on Earth that was raised to ash and still burning from truth and wisdom that guides the Heaven above closer to mine that had kept the truth alive with many different the holy ones where the Heavens had become closer to where i stand alone for its own children to return from the farthest reaches of space that defined God's light into God Speed that was half in and half out of Heaven on earth where the smoke of our torment rises in signals to Heaven for this to occur upon their own head that was crushed under the heel of  Alamogordo N.M. where the Holy War of Heaven comes within three consecutive thunders that darkens the day to night when God had only taken enough for three nights and two days in creation of our Heaven today which is still unfinished until today. i had fought with Heaven above for the right rule all of Heaven above or below through covenants that i Roger Grant had given to One marriage and five religions that surround the four and fifth corners of Heaven on Earth. Amen 

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The Contradiction of God's Faith

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