Sunday, December 31, 2023

Prophecy of the Buddha

 the Lord had warned Me that a special event was to occur and that God was going to be born on Christmas day, a begotten son to this world will be born on Christmas. then we measured the Kingdom and calculated the date and margin to come and it came out to be a four-year margin in which we had time to prepare for the Buddha rebirth this margin started in 2017 with only a three-year margin but Mexico had to wait one more year and the Lord gave us the grace period for this margin and then the Golden Child was born 2021 on Christmas Day. and i Roger Grant who had been waiting for this birth to become the incarnation of God and the Garden, Buddha, and the Heaven on Earth. i had given the title of God to Our begotten son Buddha.

The Stars in The Heavens Were Aligned

 before the time that i was told i had already dropped the stars and aligned them, dividing Heaven north and south. God gave me a revelation that someone had done Me wrong a long time ago. when i saw a line of stars from east to west God had told Me to rule and judge the incoming stars one by one. but at first i Roger had given the great cleansing to the universe for the Day of Judgment, which is happening now as i write this maxim. that will free everyone from their sins. and if they do not stop sinning against God the Holy One now then they will have to recover their old account and try to renew this one time in Heaven, that had killed them for doing bad deeds but can not be forgotten their day is the absence of God's time on earth as it is in Heaven forgiving us on that day that i had seen the stars aligned and was given a revelation of God's will to be done. that was almost thirty years ago.

The Words and Manifestation of Bread Alone

 the firstborn were sacrificed to the flesh of their flesh and to the bone of your bone are the stones that are engraved to every word we say in life ought to be true or your words would not weigh anything down, but will rise against you to strike and break against your head. and if you saw a spark from that flint stone striking your head then a thought emerged out from a head wound but if you did not see the light then it killed you to become a Priest, and to become the first Prophet and the last one who kept the garden in the evening time.  as a cane to assist you in knowledge; truth and wisdom; and from the begining the Word of God became manna the bread of life that was made from Heaven on Earth for you to break with others who are in need. 

The Art in Heaven Bought and Sold

  • the art that you paint in Heaven is an enrichment of culture and the many stories that we bring back to life, lore, and legend with our own signature upon it.
  • and what you created in Heaven is what you put your name on.
  • to put your brand or mark upon your art is a guarantee of authentication.
  • what is sold in Heaven is bought on Earth for the one that received the mark. 

The Afterworld Among Us Today

 the dying spirit is attached to the hand that had sent them to the afterlife. i would see these shadows of mice turning corners or running by playfully after i had killed about four or five. that is how it is done in America, blood is attached to your hand. and they will be there for a day or two. 

The Three Blinded Mice

every day that the three blind mice went to eat the last one would deceive them and take more and when they went to eat once again the last one would concede so who looked better in the three eyes of the two other mice? the first mouse would lead the others to a resting place and while the second mouse became humbled the third was exalted. and if the two exalted this third mouse then the other two were greater than the third. the first and last became the second and first mouse whilst the last became the first time returning what was lost but now found by all three mice.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

I AM Therefore and Thereof the One Who Thinks

 the wise man sits and thinks while the murderer takes this thinker's energy and steals it. even trying to put this man to sleep as spiritless in darkness and i had crushed too many of their planets and taken their sun's light away, to think about. if this is how their God repays them for doing good then maybe they ought to do better than fight one man who is destroying them all in west regions of Mid Heaven. so if anyone gets their spirit taken away then let the Lord Who is in Me know right then or before it gets worse, "if thou would take their own light then thou will never have to fight again."

You Reap What You Sow

 the Holmes on Fire will surely warm our hearts in Alamogordo the too-small Holmes can never return here nor there but in the outer stretch of space for wanting to build more Holmes with Agnew and to be Frank they will never have another Holmes to live in until they finish their account off, so that they can RIP. 

The Fruits in Season

 if you keep nagging nothing is going to get done. and when we set this house up into Heaven, let no man nor woman be able to separate what was and is and what will be the same Heavens that make an old and new come together. it is the heathen or the new branch that rules or stems outward reaching twice as hard and long to receive the same light that others reach for as long as they grow, and at the bottom of the tree are always the newest branches. at the same time, the top is pagan the oldest branches of the same tree that needs both old and new to give fruit to the poor and needy and if you were always impatient with Me then come in the right season next time. and remember that you were the Heathen at one time and ruled with God.

Hunter's Prayer

 after your brother or sister of our animal kingdom has quickly sacrificed their life for others of their kind may live that day. "Thanks Given for your sacrifice, that sacrifice given only to a worthy hunter who honors your life until death and so that you may follow into your kingdom and become reborn again within them who are alive." Ancient Native American Indian Hunters had taught me how to pray for life after a sacrifice was made.

One Victor, Victory at Hand

 as i called upon the Angels that had fallen to earth as an enemy seed that may inhabit this new earth in our form if the light would be seen; their word that is still in between us to follow our new world order that states the church separate and equal among its own government in Heaven as it is on Hearth on the Heavenly Earth. at first, they lied and were trying to buy more time and then we showed them the power of God's word that is not to be broken and then they said it again, and again that same lie until today. God set it for a final day that can not hurt us or do any damage but unto those who hold this treaty back in darkness, will learn what the Word of God does to those without the consideration. let their blood pour out of their nose and run down their faces and there will be many focal points of Heavenly forces that find their way into that deep gorges where they hold their military forces in formations. we will block their patterns of thought with God's Holy Hand in Action and Roger will bring the forest to burn and the oceans to flow over the cliffs above so that this day will bring one victor any way that they choose. just show us the light and you will be honored.

The Sixth Heaven Has Been Prepared

there are three chakras one forehead one bosom and one belly. if these three are healthy (forgiven) in the Spirit is what makes you whole and if you are unforgiven your chakras are made from them who are wicked but the Lord had made them a trusting body to His Eye and the Eye of Trinity one in marriage and in spirit and in the flesh thereof one creation and those who are more sensitive will feel the body out of harmony until God (Woman) enters the House without warning causing the doors to open and slam shut again. and when the doors are opened the Lord will loan that what was released to its head to be a shock of energy that was loaned but returned. the spirit flowing again. i know! what a shocker (Chakra) and when one has given life to this world all should abide by the new world order that i Roger Ramos Grant (Trinitatus) had set from the beginning for all in evening apparel to drink, eat, and be married. for the sixth Heaven will be beside each other as Indian one from Mesopotamia and the other from Mesoamerica but still the same Heaven. we ask for your hand in marriage and let Us take you to a newly created Heaven above where We have planned long ago for you.

Far and Near Sighted People

 far-sighted people see from far away and near-sighted see things a little closer. and being a Prophet i am far-sighted and need everyone close to Me to be near.

Trust is Not a Conviction But a Sentence

people will trust you if you tell the truth. many people will trust you if you follow through on your promises. and for the most, people will trust you if you would only trust them first. 

Purgatory is Closer to Heaven

 Purgatory is close to Heaven. and those who do good deeds will go to purgatory if they are Spiritually inclined but need a little more guidance from God who will guide them down into purgatory until they can go into Heaven above or the Heaven on earth again. your good deeds or doing your best is the greater good in Heaven and is given grace.

Trust in God the Possessor of our Soul

Only God's Right to Possess Our Soul and Spirit. Body, Mind, and Heart

if you give this right to another God who is not from our earth they will possess you without understanding you will be taken to another place for others to worship or you to serve others. for the gift of God is the awareness of your feelings without empathy that control you. if you are happy then God is inside of you. but if you are not satisfied then you are sinning or fighting unclean spirits that are given time to die with their natural body that they already possess before they go down into the Lakes of Fire from whence the rivers of fire from Heaven toil deep within the earth that can cleanse the person of sin but the dead will try to bury themselves for being dead and they will detour each other into a greater lake that can not be dried up or let them go. and those who die in sin are given a grave punishment while fighting the mark of God. God will be there to help you because you are God's vessel and a child of the Most High who is becoming stronger in the Eyes of God, knowing that darkness can set you free in the spirit if you are in the early stages of spirituality or will take your life ironically for the deeds you have already done in the spirit or enslave you in the right path for God. transformation is a witness under the Possession of God. there is no other God that can take a brand off a trademark and say that it is still guaranteed. the mystery of all common denominators is God's interaction with nature or any living being. and if anyone should take God's Mark of Possession, in return they will be possessed in God's name and not one day will go without knowing that their soul was bought and sold to God in Heaven who brands you with this mark of protection so that any man needing God's protection may get out of Hell if they will serve the Father of Heaven for seven years or forever until the brand is replaced with a number to a time given to serve God the Most High.

Friday, December 29, 2023

An Idol Before Heaven and the Sun Jupiter

 the Phoenix rose out from under Alamogordo when rising up from its own ashes. that had risen in Arizona where the Zenieth used to be in Pheonix now called Alamogordo, but before the Phoenix rose out from the Thunder Bird ashes, never knowing its Mother that had created the thunders of the earth to Her son and the glory of the native Ancestors that were here before today and stood 7' to 8' feet tall about two thousand years ago in the Apachean desert were the Gardens of God had defended themselves from foreign invasion with thorns and thickets that made the new settlers of this world return to thier foreign lands until the garden would grow once more in that season for the fifth day to occur. and the Grandfather of Native American Indians became the same Grandfather to us All on earth. He had the power to rain with thunder and the ability to cause lightning to strike the earth at will He was born in Arizona while the Thunder Bird was born in New Mexico. when one was born so was the other who was born to one in the highest Heaven and the other below to earth where the Father of Heaven remains today. and to Whom took Zeus in as a begotten son. for His own family tree, and then Zues took over the Heavens and then the Earth after. and when the Phoenix takes flight a new beginning, a regeneration occurs, every thousand years.

  1. Hawaii now has the Zenith Heavens closest point to the SUN AT NOON 
    When you have no shadow below you then you are under the Zenith.

What Was Before and After Death

 the New Begining is placed in Order where We start again before Christ (Bc) and after Christ (Ac) for Christ had never died after death (Ad) can mean that i am dead again and still living, 18 April 2017, 6 pm Mountain Time is when God had told Me that a new beginning had been set to this time for every millennium to be built within a thousand years for each will be (Ac) or the after Christ during easter with every -/+ modifier to supply its own time from 6-9. there were 360 days in a year but since our earth keeps growing we have now 365 with one leap year of 366 every four years, since the new beginning our days have grown to 366-367 with a leap year every four years. it is now the evening of the 1/5 Heaven and the start of the sixth day. where the Woman is created from our bones unto her bone from our flesh unto her flesh in marriage that made them one from the begin. a virgin mother and her sons or from the pulling of the root out from under a tree that stood alone outside Alamogordo New Mexico at GMT (-6) reborn 1969 and when the days modifier gets to the place of the nine we will start over again after 369 days a year, 370 days every leap year going back down to 360.

Those Who Have Authority

 many in America say there are Jews and that they follow a code of God's forgotten children that will come forth in Spirit and believe that they have the Power of Me Roger a Demon Who is also Satan. i rule the Heavens above the earth, and not the earth itself. i anointed the Elect of God to rule itself above as they will below, just like a person who comes home from after work every day among the rest, i am no different than those who are on earth where the Gods of Heaven dwell. and we are no different from each other. and if i am the Spirit of God walking on earth then please do not pray to Me a living person on earth, but pray to the Heavens or your ancestors above to receive healing or knowledge and help. 

Her Number 6.6.6 Given to the Hand of Man

a part of God within itself holds the true meaning of life from one passing existence that becomes familiar in spirit within our soul, as the essence of God's returning life, afterlife until the day we die and go back into the dust of the earth as a passage from a branch and bosom above unto the root and belly of the underworld below that serves one-third Parts of Heaven unto the Mark or times of the beast in witch hour of 6 and 9 is within a time of the day that hears the Voice of God within to rise and be counted or to fall at the end of days when the world will die but the words that i say will never fade away. those who believe in themselves will believe in others on that day of God's return. that day when we all will see the light shining from within the center gardens to guide us back unto our origins on Hearth the Heavenly and Mother Earth.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Word of God Preserved in a Cave

 this Native American Indian Culture had found a place closer to nature that of the divine species called light. it happened before the light spoke in two languages. it would speak from the light of day and then grow darker while speaking from the heart of man that was soon to come to be read from the narrative as if the day had stopped speaking from God's heart or what is to come. and that day from its own day controlled the darkness of our own inhabitants that we had fought and brought back to our own history, story, and shelf that was red in the light of day. and then the light became as dead as sackcloth to those who would stop speaking the Word of God and create another God that was already here and there but had killed the last God in murder with intent to blot out their names from this time that you would remember but as time grew you never changed and wanted everything that people had and you never even cared about what the trail of tears had uncovered. a path to Heaven and what was yours, it would be the same difference as the night time of day would seize the day and the greater light or moon would shine in and out of that day, and if the two shine together upon our brow that sets on the face of this earth. then God would have found this blessing in flames of the spirit that spoke in the beginning the Word of God that has been kept by the Native American Indian Tribes when God was going to give it away to Heaven above the Diné Tribe that consisted of 144 tribes and who are called the Holy People and had kept it to this earth and its inhabitants that had separated from the Heavens above and to whom will come back together again before the God of Peace would return and be given the Word of God back to His own people and to its own world again.

The Mother of Allah

 the Virgin Mary is Allah's mother also. Rebecca and Racheal, Sarah and Hagar, and Mary and Elizabeth. are the same mothers of this blessing the Mothers of Two Religions that stayed side by side. no longer shall these mothers remain in Hell. while the world has turned against itself. for the hand of God to be lifted into the son must remain home bound and the Mother waiting for Her child.

Prophecy: San Francisco Lives

 San Fransico is a place that grows tomorrow especially Little China Town which inflates three levels in height. but in that time there will be silence and the Platinum Age had already taken Lilith's children to a monastery in California only five percent of this population were Priest (in the world) and were gay but became the papacy and the potential of God's truly magnificent servants that will save the world at that time. five and then a six Angel will sacrifice themselves for this remanent to survive, and if they are alive then our world will be saved. the Jorden family has fought with those who were enslaved today to do bad works and call upon a day that can suffer all in California or become the creation of Eastern and Western economies to transpire into a new world order. there will be northern treaties and agreements for all those who were settled and stayed neutral from the North Sea the northern Ports of Europe would unite Sweden Norway Scandinavia and Paris, United Kingdom Eastern towards Russia would all the world to become a part of this new European Trade Agreement and the economy will be a pinpointed grasp of evolution that does not predict but adjusts prior the day to begin as the market tables are turned over in the western world signifying the end of a day.

Prophecy: The Lost Prince

 before a galactic war can break out it would be my duty as a prophet to inform all those who can suffer a chance to live. half a world will be destroyed by a powerless energy to its surface. watch for a marriage that is to come within our universe and is a convoy that disbands away or falls back behind and gets assaulted. within was a Prince and he was going to get married when this happens. there would be a ton of rice in this convoy (ship) when passing close to earth.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Hour at Hand and Mountain Bell (Earth Itself)

the third of Heaven reconized the first hand of God for it was a day given for the last hand or last hour of it. and when Roger awakened i was called up to Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven. and the first hand became the second hand and would accompany the last and first hand becoming a second. then Roger spoke to the Gods in the Heavens above that were under God the Son of Man. "Roger Grant them wisdom" was the Prayer of Saints and had set them from Perdition for Satan or the Devil (Roger) who also returned. and then i said "every one of my words will be established in Heaven as it is on Earth." and as i Roger Ramos Grant rose to Heaven resurrected from my own spirit who was Jesus Christ and King Lazarus. that had returned in Me as three and two witnesses of God's return as one and then two will also return the same way that i had risen to Paradise is the way i will descend back into Hell to rule, over death, to rule over sin, with the Fires of Heaven that stayed beside Them who will rule over the rivers of fire down into the underworld that is under Alamogordo, New Mexico until we unbind all the Spirits and Saints of Heaven. and as the Waters of Heaven lifted up the dead onto this world to be judged and be judged once again until we all who are faithful become the believers of this faith and ascend into Paradise.

Do Not Mistrust Yourself or Others

 when we mistrust someone we learn how to displease God, when we give or show good works to people whom we do not know, but trust anyway. then we will mistrust the Lord of Gods who shows good works to no one because they are a good worker among many who have to show their works above others. if you have doubts about someone then your good works mean nothing to those who know who they are but doubt that they could ever ascend with them who only believe in themselves and reject any others with good works.


 at the top of the Sacramento Mountain where the woman holds the waterline of wisdom at every training field that must perform their duty must receive God's hand in training and every step of training is a merit or another person's life in exchange for quality of their field dressing and equipment. the more you carry on your person are the qualifications of the soldier who can only enter a firmament of death with just a medical kit and camouflage. what you earn is the merit of other merits in battle. training starts at 0600 and ends at 1800 when the sun is in your blind west. then the Surface to air missiles will commence firing in the sun with four and four mountain tops that lift and decent SAR66 that fires incredible speeds of fire and light streaming over the four walls that protect our fronts the mega lithic guns that repeat for 3 minutes and 33 secs until closed they are close and reopened at the same level taken down and one taken up the docking elevator that stacks and remounts under the mountain to cool off after the collation transversion has been fired twice within one rotation a night. and then training reopens again.

The New Name of Heaven is the Mother on Earth

 the sixth sense is common for a woman with the natural gift of Wisdom. she was born on the sixth hour of that day in the sixth millennium that's hidden at a mountainside of time (GMT -6)

Man has Five Common Senses the Woman has Six

 when the time comes i am the Spirit of Trust the complete gift given unto Me on earth as it is Heaven. i was given this trusting spirit so that all would see, hear, and feel from its heart the Heavens that can be touched, heard, and seen from within the Spirit of God, or Mother Nature, the nature of all Mothers that shared their garden with the Sons of God (Woman) who were given "five commons senses that see hear speak and know truth is also knowing the spirit of trust, is to know your honor is more than what love can feel with the heart." said Helen Keller that can only be seen heard and felt without hands through the ingenious of our eyes, ears, and tongue are some of the five common senses that are used for spirituality and to commune with others who have common sense.

Love is Nothing Without an Advantage

 you can trust in a friend that never takes your money when you owe them. you can never trust someone who takes advantage of your money when they are broke. and trust in yourself that you are that good friend and not the broke one who looks for money and then friendship.

Trust in Friendship

 it is easier to trust someone you don't know than someone you already know. when you trust in something and it breaks look for something better. and if you find something better than before you will trust in it more. but if you see the same old guarantees that cost more in the long run. then just go back to the one you already knew and never trusted.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The History of Hearth/Guya is Legendary

when we value something without change we know our true history and to know the Heavens across the desert is to know the mysteries of Gold's true value among tomorrow that returns among shuttles that tour from Mars to see the ancient waterways that were cut by God's people long before they came back. and landways that can be seen from afar. and the gold of God's creation will last forever among these people who dwell on earth still today. more places will built pyramidal half in and out of its natural contour. more like Mesoamerica in the past that looked like the past that was left behind in their culture.

A Fossil of Our Ancient People

 the inheritance of this earth is the ancient Settlements that used to populate this earth. it is the gold that was buried underneath our feet and sets there today as we speak. it is every gold that the newcomer seeks from a far existence other than their own. it is where the Mother's race of children were born. 

Love is Planted in the Garden

 when there is peace within there is God. she is the Enlightenment of America, the weight lifted from our hearts in joy. the uplifting of a seedling above and below the soil of a Plant in Wisdom. and the loving touch of a man.

The Mark of Venus

 the Flower of Heaven has the sun inside the leaves that starts with the burning of a hand that touches that flower or any pedal upon the morning rising. Lindsey of  Sleights N. Yorkshire. when i come out into the light i will see your beauty Mark of Venus and your pretty face with tears of the sun and tears of gold that grow in the sun.

The Great Sword of Valkyrie

 why will the Angel of Death never stop fighting for Me? because God has given Her hand in promise to man and every kind of Human that holds on to these words that were brought down from the Highest Mountain unto this world for one people, world, and order. no more birth pains or suffering for the Souls of Men. and if she would die before i could hold Her one more time then i would die a thousand times just to know Her again. one Mark of God was given to Roger Grant who Champions for this earth in Heaven with the Sword "Valkyrie of Angels" that shakes the Universe with thunder and jolts of lightning that are fired from Her every lasting rooftops in Heaven, from the Great Church in the Heavens above.

The Chief Prophet

 i have been the King of Heaven for thirty years. from a Gardens Keeper to the Most Highest Mountain in Heaven and became the Most High and as Mid Servent descending down the Mountain i became the Wrym (to be alike) of Draca Negra and the First Man in Heaven Who became the First God of Heaven.

this is my last day in Heaven on Earth as the KEY SERVENT. i will join the Helpers of God's Kingdom. Josh the Apostle of God will become the first Prophet of God. the Chief Prophet of America over the five and fifty; 250 Prophets in the United States.

The Bright and Beautiful Stars Fall to Earth

there is a feeling of many Angels Among Us that sweep the streets of death with the Blood of Spirits that rejoice in Heaven. they are the little ones (midgets) who had returned with thier husbands who were the Watchers of Earth (giants). the helpers of Our Fathers and the Helpers of God's Spirit. the Champions of God's Kingdom. many times did the Pleiadians make their fates collide in Heaven as the King of Peace brought the light of Heaven back to Earth with the stars beside it. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

The Third Death

 if you are already on a second death in Hell then you can't be hurt or suffer for your mistakes, then that will be your last time in sin. and when you have skipped out on Hell or Heaven's Judgement that day then you have one chance only and if you can not sacrifice yourself for others then i place a great sign upon your heart and send you to the place that is nowhere from here or there. but a time created before a day's creation to be finished without them in our hair or them gathering back unto this earth for their day is over when God had given them a chance. a curse of the destruction to their own planet is marked upon their hand and will be the third time that they tried to deceive us on earth. and wherever they go or make their home that planet will be destroyed by their past deeds. and the only place that will free them from this destruction is here on earth. and i will be called many damn names but i will be good to those who come here from a distant planet to be saved for this day tomorrow. and i will give them a scroll so that they will fulfill the last prophecy of today. and on the third day of rain, it will come to a stop.

The Lost Lakes

 the Light of Heaven will never fight Me Roger Ramos Grant the donor of heart and the will to die. when the first heaven has given four two then one that becomes its own will be given a time and descent under the Heavens that had led them to a place that only can call itself the Lost Lake of Fire, the last is the first of God's choice that has taken away from there day. they are outcasts and rift raff the drifting wood of fire that moves down the rivers of time on its search for those passing across time to alter their destiny while destroying someone else's. they will find a keeper of time to the river sticks that hold on to the sayings of God. and if anyone should be caught slipping into another dimension will be swallowed and find themselves nowhere. and that is when i will find them in the frozen ice caps.

1000 Wedding Guests

 1000 friends and 1000 family will return to this great wedding at hand and become one covenant under God. and this covenant given to the far east of this world represents the Heavens above that had come down upon this on earth to separate the remanent for peace. and many will say to themselves that what was taught to Me would go against a nation called Israel. but God can not say two things at one time to be the same thing given for Asia. We are not in the habit of making things up like this, but it is a testimony of God's grace given to those before it was received. and what God has told Me shall not be the fear of many nations, but for the peace and accord to God's only begotten son Buddha. and what was prophecies in the Old Testament is of the new testimony that i Roger Ramos Grant had shared to this world for only peace.

One Nation Under God

 the three wise men who had given Israel spiritual Gifts of God came from the Far East to open the gates of God's Kingdom. and as the three wise men decreased in spirit, Israel increased thereof so that the Western World would see the Messiah. We were grateful for that day to appear and more grateful to see God's own day returning to Asia and to its minor Nations of Allah that bind all nations under one God.

The Covenant of God's Grace

 there is only one God above in Heaven and that is the Holy Day that is yet to come in God's name. this day is for the world and not for anyone people that considers another time to be this as we speak today. so that the Lord will not follow in the footsteps of others before themselves. we have given this time to share together in peace and for harmony for all in Heaven to return back here on earth as the Heavenly Gates reappear in the Spirit of Buddha to Grant Her hand and Our hand together in this Great Wedding, and to bring back God's covenant for the whole world to see those who are coming in the name of Buddha and of the Trinitatus. Amen.

Buddha (Christ) the Rising Star of Russia

 today Christ (many) has been born under the star of Buddha. two years ago i saw the Glory of God shine through the Heavens above, and give testimony to the greatness of God's day at hand in exchange for the day that is to become Her own creation and the times that she had been there before us. today Christ and Mother have set precedence among the Kings of this earth that rise with the morning Star of Asia that i had seen on Christmas night. and i saw another sign come from the east. a sign of Tai Chi the Northern Star. i Roger Grant had prepared from the beginning of this day on earth to bring back the Kings of this earth for tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Frog of the Heavenly Seed

 "the Hail Storms build tonight before the dawn awakens asleep along the path of those who bury themselves alive who will bury their dead under the bridges of time that grow the first frog of winter to be white as the storm itself covers the ground that witch is alike for two and then one day given to the light of this world that falls toward the living greens of life and the ones that grew in two stacked frogs that give the light of God's absence unto a greenhouse of tender branches that become chutes of life after death. that had given time to know spring and the springs of water that gulf into the seas of winter that open the Basin of Land to be the first and last rising up from the sea gulping storm from had clamped down unto what was almost eaten by the hail storm that almost devoured the other frog by the Waters of God for its House to be on earth and in the waters of the deep, that gets behind our back and grows again to swallow the small frog whole. but the storm frog slips out of its mouth and bites onto the lip of the largemouth that had a little white frog overthrown by the giant frog that becomes too giant to swallow whole. but swallows the giant down its mouth whole again before it spits out the tongue to draw in prey. and as it spits out the other frog; a black frog spewed out into the desert that gave unto its own skin that shuns the skin and value of these two frogs that had changed to black again from the white skin until the alphas become the sex and the gender of God's body changing from one foot to the other and from hand unto the Mother's day become one for two that will bellow under the highest bridge over God's water below the highest point of the canyon floor that rises up and pushes the river upward unto a cave of fires and a hill of birth where the children of God had been set over the things of nature that return for the hearts of tomorrow in every season." had said ChristTheGoodShepherdChurch.

The Revelations of Jesus Christ (Roger)

                bringing mistrust to God will never be forgiven

 trusted hands can build a church upright into Heaven and build it in three days. trust is the Holy Spirit that trusted you once but, you had blasphemed in it thereof you will never be forgiven. there was a Heavenly being named Roger Ramos Grant that went to wage war with God and His armies that were fighting spiritually in the Heavens above (outer space) thirty-three years ago and even 330 and some even been fighting 3000 years ago this spiritual war that was going to last 10,000 years had now been 5550 within each other, that had trusted in the hand of God for Me to take a stand and build up right in the sight of God's return in the center of all the galaxies that had emerged from the separation of the big boom that had collided within five different times that had eaten itself from the inside out because we did not trust the one who created a portion of the Heavens above and the Hells below as a portion of Heaven on earth. and those who had fought Me four five thousand years that will be cut short to six days only on earth in Heaven. Amen.

and that spiritual being fought with God every evening time and still fights with the Saints today as God's right hand. and many would not believe or trust in *Roger who is the Word of God and the Spirit of God's Holiness that had Judged this Universe correct to be innocent as a young child born in this world so was a young earth born in this universe trusted in our hands as We are trusted in the Spirit of God. Amen.

*Roger who was Jesus Christ 2000 years ago played a part as all the Angels in the Book of Revelations (the revelations of Jesus Christ only)

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Words of God are the Words of Freedom


the Words of God come from truth and wisdom man and woman from the flesh and spirit,

The True False Witness is a False Christian

 the Book of Revelation is about Jesus Christ and how they will return to Heaven. Jesus will be playing the part of all the characters in that book, who was even the False Prophet, and it is up to us to listen. and find correctness in our State of Heaven that will bring forth the Gods of Heaven beside the Children of God. and those who have come before Me had their eyes opened while those who keep an eye out for the false temple prophet and region will do so without any honor given to those unclean spirits that try to take what was from what is, unto what will become that same seed of Heaven in Us all. and those Who try to harm this False Prophet fire from Heaven will fail without grace or any measure given to those who died and remain dead through Christ. they say that they are Christians but don't even know the day or a sign that was given for today at hand. they still believe that Christ will return, but Christ will never return for these fools that think without the Word of God within them who find everything wrong to be right every good word in the bible to be an outlet to kill Jesus Christ from their own teachings that fail every prophet that returned and died in God's name and they will pay for that mistake again and again for they had set us back 1000 years never receiving the goods works that God had sent for us to be renewed, and although we are God they still are looking for the false prophet to come and rule with the elect of God's Heaven so that they could kill Him again. they teach people how to hate the Father of Heaven and never do any good for those who had said that they were Jesus Christ when they really were Christ. or the one in the Book of Revelations that became God, and although everyone was God they still accused God of blasphemy saying who can be God accept the one who is coming, and if they would use reasoning instead of their own stupidity then we would not have to die again and again they were the ones that help themselves do nothing during this advent that i Roger Ramos Grant (Jesus Christ) who is The Word of God and given to your protection as to what i have already done in the past. then they will become for their time that would kill us of this world for their dumb ass mistakes and faith that falsely accuse the innocent of all people and the measure of their wisdom that can not hold any truth that brings us back together again, for they would have to leave every teaching about God behind and learn from this book that i have been writing in and upon the rest of this day that was given to Heaven's return. and those who believe that they can not be God will never be God. just as those who believe that they are God can only be God. and anything that is caught up in between right and wrong shall die as they had intended for God to die without knowing the world or the Heavens above them will suffer for the times that they had killed the Father of Heaven who was the Prophet (1.) Jesus Christ and (2.) Muhhamed Mahdi, who is now Roger Ramos Grant today, and will become the same as the two witnesses who came before Me. 

there will always be a greater and greater.

The Gates of God's Hand Indeed

 seven walls surround the Kingdom of Heaven seven gates plus four in every direction.

  1. 1st Gate: the Gates of Waters that gathers the clear waters of drinking from the future and Heaven.
  2. 2nd Gate: the Gates of Earth-like clay that forms into anybody and any image of God.
  3. 3rd Gate: the Gates of Air that we breathe for all as one within the other that speaks.
  4. 4th Gate: the Gates of Fire that baptizes you with water and then forms us from the earth and fire and then sets us under the sun to harden.
  5. 5th Gate: the Gates of God's Garden is a tree that represents God's family tree.
  6. 6th Gate: the Gates of Darkness that flows like running waters of a river only giving up the past.
  7. 7th Gate: the Gates of Light can be seen through every gate that holds the light of God within.
the Mother of Midget Children will guide us in every direction before we can see Her days above the light that shines in all Heavenly places.

Friday, December 22, 2023

The Supper Table of The Lord

When to Speak Openly From the Heart

the supper table and invitation of God is the prayer that we all have to make in a time of company or guests to many religions, and when we come to eat we come to understand the light of the table that shines "upon the supper table that can not be eaten unless the meat is served. and once served the vegetables and fruit will become the knowledge that we speak until the words are to know what we eat is what we had raised from the beginning of our time together." said my wife Cindy. and when praying it is good for one to bow thier heads and silently pray thereof when the head of the table completes the silent prayer with an Amen, that is heard for all to raise their head. and the passing of time will eat fruit and salad only before the meat is served, and the prayers will be for those whom God desired in the future to speak at this table that was set for all in peace, and the garden grew before the meat had been chosen among the innocent of their plate in Heaven that will come together to speak over the dinner for others to hear. so eat the fruit and vegetables first as we tend to only know knowledge with patience for the wait and for the master to serve the meat. and when the meat is served, you now can speak about what is personal. and if one can not eat the meat or beef that was burnt in the past then they will be forced to let the table feel what was felt before spoken. but if everyone eats before the end of the conversation is over then God has given you a blessing from a garden of fruit that kept the knowledge of our Heaven to be a child or gentleman in all understanding. and if the grand speaker or master can not eat then the table can return when it rains or sometime later when it is clear and when the weather is better than the last time served. when we wait to eat after the prayers of those whom God has accepted as a guest and another toast for those who do the good things that people do without cause. and when we are hungry the food can never taste better than what God has given today beside its peace and the times that had changed this earth forever." said Oprah.

The Dimension of God's Creation are Symmetrical

Trident of Pesioden

 the alpha and the omega are the paratense given between the two which had become the ending and the beginning to function within one incarnation of the Beast which was, is, and will always be that of two or more bodies within one title such as Satan i.e. the meaning many Saints to know what is the designed as God'swill that had started thus in creation for the others within Heaven to be right or left beside many Heavens that were in their mid-creation or in the present-tense of knowledge for Mid-Heaven to receive the Lower-Heavens as a future-tense of Wisdom where the Omega was given to the past-tense of Truth where the Alpha or the Most High-Heaven remains. 

                                    Paratense: 6000 years in creation

2000 years in the future,  2000 years in the present,  2000 years in the past

The Living Buries the Dead

 when you die spiritually you will never experience love or joy but you are in a state of negativity that can not forgive or be forgiven. they are unconscious and never understand what was said in their present life that they had tried to return to but could not cross over the chasm where life is abundant with good people and nature, the living can not help them when they have abandoned God the Father in whom they lived many times before they had sinned and could not understand the truth or anything that was living. but those who believed in Roger (West Christ) will find comfort in the Spirit of Truth and those who have the Spirit of Truth upon them during death are a part of the living even though thier bodies had died they still live in the Spirit of God with all the Angels in Heaven. the dead will not know anything because i had created the soul or body to hold everything only holy within it including our memories of the living that can be bought and sold into Heaven, but if your nature was not good to the living when you were alive, your soul could be bought or sold and if you died in sin or while you were sinning and then died will only be given a chance to see God in Heaven and if they choose not to see God because of thier guilt, will be filled up with anger and misjudgment to God who has given them everything will know what they do and will either destroy themselves until the end of days or they will return to the earth in punishment to settle their own deeds that were done in a prior life and to them this may go on forever until they pay thier debts back to the people they had sinned against in thier prior life, and if the first time they return and find thier heart of stone unbalance with a feather then they will suffer many times greater than what they had done in thier past life to others, often leading to a cycle of God's spirit that returns over and over again until you change the things they had done wrong to others before they become a brief impression of a memory that plays over and over again until they change and live again and only until then can they go to Hell so that they may change thier stars and become reborn again. but until then they will go back to that same life and path that led them to suffer over and over again until the end of days shall come upon this earth. when i will say to you awaken and enter into paradise on earth and on this day the end of days when you return to this Heavenly Earth to be punished with every element of pain and suffering that falls out from Heaven and rises out from Hell at the same time to judge this earth and destroy it before it is renewed again, Amen 

on that day the dead will fight the dead and kill each other dead.

The Nephite and Laminite Unite

 the Laminites and the Nephites had battled in the Heavens above. as of the fifth day of their destruction God holds it against both fractions that did each harm. and God made them change into each other's skin and hate the same person that made them curse the Father of Heaven the Lord took after the time that they were here on earth and the Lord saw what was going to be the last battle on earth. a vision had come to Me (Roger) and i saw an alien race that looked like us on Earth they wore a suit with dress pants and a shirt. and i saw them looking into House where everything becomes a challenge to destroy many worlds without destroying ourselves. so once i get a vision i blog it and let everyone read about new concerns. and they came with intentions to destroy Us on earth looking back at the bigger picture we had chosen the Black Laminite to take victory over the white Nephites and they did but without knowing what was to return with vengeance. that night i had revealed in our second contact with the aliens that reminded me of Mormons and Spencer the Elder who is a Mormon from Alamogordo spoke to them and found out that they were Mormon. so Spencer spiritually spoke with the First and Second Day Mormons to stop this attack. the next morning i was speaking in the Spirit of God what was transpiring in the Heavens above with Spence and Heaven's new cousin from which the two became acquainted with each other. and God spoke out on their behalf saying that a marriage would be given to the last inhabitants of our skin and they would return with children and God provided them with land that was next to their Father's (Mormon).

Thursday, December 21, 2023

God Protects Our Back

God Protects Us

the Lord had saved us from our own sins and those from yesterday to return again. whenever i act strong God knows that i am weak. do not corner anyone, like a wild animal they will fight twice as hard. and do not force anyone to fight you or you will lose a battle that was already won. when the time comes the hardest fight to win is the Victory of God that brings you and your enemies together as stronger allies on the Day of Salvation when Satan is also behind Us and has composed a story to our glory.

Who Has Forgiven God

 when the Day of God is at hand Victory can not come unless one who wins the war is forgiven.

The One True God (God of Gods)

 the one who returns will be from all religions pertaining to God's return. i am that person who was born in another country during a season of God's return. and i am the one who returned as the Trinitatus, Whois Buddha, Allah, and God. i am Roger Ramos Grant the Father of Heaven and the Son of Zeus.

Sin of Sins and Fire of Fires

 when you are no good to every form of flesh then the fires of Hell will draw you in and pull you down from the earth and burn your descendants with you who thought fighting God to open the door would give you a key. but you are the ones who killed the world and then killed everything good and they will never see things the way they did before. not one good thing will be in their possession and they will fall into the fire and try to rise and that's when they who in the fire will become fire and whenever they touch something it burns. even their own time was destroyed in the fire. and they call out for God to help them when they never helped God. when they come close to God they will be attacked by the Demons of Hell who hold all things sacred to our Kingdom. never will they return to earth at any time or the Lord will call upon their families to escape the fires as well enter into them without time never knowing the end. and when they do live again it will be in that day of destruction that everything turns to the fire of Fires in Hell.

The Past is Back in the Past and Future Straight Ahead

 when we start blaming God for our problems then we never learn from them. and to turn back and blame another for today's problems can never solve anything but to know that we all are in the same garden the learns about the things we had done in the past but learn for the future to come.

The Accusers Will See the Face of God

 when we are accused then the accused will be able to see who has been accusing them thereof. and when we all see the Face of God we will regret what was said about the first fruits of Heaven and the fire that we had burnt for their return or suffering. and when every eye shall see the Lord they will all see the incarnation of whom their Father was at the beginning of time. they will weep and reap everything sold within the dust of man's reincarnation that had given to those on earth the Heavenly state of God that holds the Mother and the keep of Her children to earth for they will return as a resurrected building that was built from the earth that rises up to the Heavens above for their own on earth to set up what was and what will always become our heed to the woman that made us from the seeds of God's grace to the ones that watch over us today as they will become the father and mothers of our Heavenly earth as we become their children thereof. Amen.

The Spots on a Cheetah

 we had gathered this morning to find the meaning of spots on a large cat. and then Pope Francis said, "they meant churches, and after a mountain lion loses its spots they become a church upon itself, and the ones on the savanna are the churches that still remain and become a part of its body."

We Are In Charge

 the will of God is not in man, but in women that has many days stayed behind the ones in charge. are they not the Father or Mother in Heaven? the ones that open their window find that the Heavens are made to be blessed and those without a blessing shall be put to shame and will be gathered in the low places of their Hell underworld today we are in charge of Heaven when they are not.

Close Combat in Marketing

 how do we rival God the Father, is He not marked from the beginning? when would you doubt yourself in combat? are not the ones who choose our reminder that God is in charge and the Heavens shall follow through their years that remind one time only.

How the World Sees things Behind

 God can see everything through a window pane and those who are to fear the Lord of God will under the needness of their own renewal at hand. every day God helps those helping others to survive and those who lose their dignity shall fall from their own Heaven to relosen their own grip.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Cockathrice had Risen from a River of Fire

the Heaven tore down into deep and the ash of the underworld opened up from the crust of Salvation and poured out a claw that would open the gates to the underworld. for one did not know where He or She came from just only knew that the world was its father's outer shell and the waters were its mother that had hidden the outside of its shell behind when she would grow a new guarding, two claws ♋ that can kill. one claw was 6 feet in diameter and 18 feet in circumference and could crush three men inside of it tightening up. and the other claw was like a talon it was also as small as one's hand. one claw could dismember you into three pieces while the other could tickle you to death. the body of this Crab♋was Uno Rooster Negro that carried Nero's shield that was as big as its chest and as broad as its shoulders. the rooster was from the deep from under the waters that came together at the bottom of Death Valley. every morning it would crow thrice as long as it was wide, and the Cockatrices spread thier wings at the sun of God telling it it to rise every morning at 6 to 9 at the continental divide where the morning and evening star crosses the four winds of the desert on earth with the Heavens above. just one look at this big stone cock will charm you and then paralyze you.

What is Simple is God (Trust Him)

 many will come in the name of God who will show the world many things through these servants that want to help God. but many will find fault in these people who say they are the Christ. they will become the outcast and be shunned for God had given a chasm that could not bring back what was lost. and the more we lose will be more we have to make up for. a false prophet means that they were God just like you. but you could not believe in the things that they had said because your blight that was taken before the days of return when you did not know better.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The First Legion and Last Flight of Angels

 the first Heaven has ended, and the next begun as the day is elected by God we who are the first Angels of Heaven are still Here on earth. i was elevated to the Elect of God who had only 3000 numbered in Heaven. and they taught Me. they are Generals, Scientists in every category, Priest, Actors, Doctors, Lawyers, Police Officers, Judges, Cooks, Chiefs, and many more Religions, there are Wise Women and those who prayed for Me to continue on the distance in this blessing when there were so many things on my plate, they had cared and crowned Me without their own crown above their head and protected Me as the first man-child and the begotten of Heavenly Angels; these are the first in Legions; God's Elite Heavenly force of Angels in captivity until the days had begun and accepted who we are as we had accepted this day to be ours in Heaven. THANK YOU, LORD. they had hidden the fruits of this day unto a summer day that is two seasons deep that melts away the waters into a valley and cleanses the earth from failure. and the Lord is giving and all tolerant for those who did know Me. and as God speaks the Great Spirit has many as one woman and all were in Her before the day was given for us to be cleansed inside of Her (ocean) and she had already spoken before all could see this day at hand. given to waves and a flood of tears but those who hear my voice will tremble and hide their own children in a mountain that holds Legion, that last child and man to return in 1/3 of the swine devoured or baptized and cleansed from the days of Jesus Christ that had released the Gift of Heaven to suffer them again. for their days is in the cave of preservation and the demons or thereof the first of God's last children that hold the times alike from a basin or a bowl filled with the grapes of wrath that can not hold back the flooding of their own world without a covenant to Heaven on Hearth. We gave them five years, five months, and five days and they could not be the last to know the truth but were crushed and drowned in their own cup of salvation that kept the peace through separation. and that is what happened. the momentum of a rock that was rolling had turned into a mountain and destroyed God's enemy, at the foot of our hill.

The House of God Grant the Mothers of God's Children

 there will be a hidden marriage a Celestial marriage that no one could be invited to until the whole became a notice of those who have been waiting for our return to earth. to heed of your marriage and the times that can never be succeeded or needed from but unto that day may God be with you. for Her is beside mine and She is my bride to be the Heavenly Bride given to the Groom on wedding days assembled from the north to the south of Heaven that stretches unto the farthest reaches of Gods heart that holds no boundary but only the love that i have for Her who are 60 altogether that will become a pearl or bead, a tie, or a knot from three different Galaxies unto one universe. and these marriages will all start from here on Hearth for the Great Church to be the testimony of our Children's House and the times that God had given to them in Heaven as well on earth. Amen.

the mothers and the brides of the House of Grant who are also your mothers in Heaven as well on earth: Carolyn, Patsy, Lindsey, Rosie, Silvia, Jennifer, Pamala, Maria, Maria, Eleanor, Joanna, Louis, Keisha, Shady, Gina, Carolyn, RRed, Racheal Jennifer. Alaina, Meeka, Kayla, Gina, Jenifer, Ellen, Darion, Haley, Cindy, Julie, Linda, Redeena, Mary, Karen. Gina, Surparna, Cindy, Zoey, Marry, Lucy, Gillian, Elvira, Pam, Cindy, Monica, Dianna, Elvira, Sandra, Anna + little Sister, Pochontis, Tanya, Sheryl, Chasity.

The Great Expansion

 when the would come on our day's return then i tried to change what was not changed until i had expanded the Universe in the presence of Zeus the Father of Gods, so that we would may face a flood every 36,000 years instead of every 3600 years, and among that deed i accidentally stopped the universe from collapsing in on itself, from the big boom that i Roger had created for the end and the beginning of times that was going to explode and then implode on its self, but it was Serendipity that brought our day back to light. THANK YOU, GOD,

The Mother of Heaven (First Seven Days in Heaven)

 we should worship man and his image as to know the truth in Us today that had led the first attack into Heaven and succeeded by far what was not expected. Hearth has the Authority in Heaven now, and our divination will rule as a helper sent to those in need. and what was divided between Heaven was also divided on earth, and the Spirit dwells within us Who was created first in God's image, and in Her own image from man was created in his own image and in his own image woman was created in her own image the male and female. fore the woman was here in the garden long before the man and was seeded as God without a man. and the Sons of Gods were the sons of many Heavens on earth and made the first of our kind. who are Her Children the sands of the sea the count and multitude of Heaven on Earth, for the Dragon had fought with Roger and they destroyed the Heavens above so that there was no more Heaven for them but on Earth. and that was the first within creation that was uncreated.

The Great Marriage of Heaven

The Great Marriage of Heaven
when We are in query ask the Gods of Heaven to guide Us so that interaction becomes the bridge of all roads to the Center of Hearth (Heavens) the balance and harmony of this Universe centered all around the planes of God's realm that had created Us before all were created in Her image in the image of God that created man and had given her hand to Him for the day of marriage.

The New Beginning of Heaven (GMT -6) (6:15 PM)

  our new begining started two days after Easter in the year of 2017. (Mountain Time) them two days on earth are the 2000 years in Heaven since we were created in Heaven on Earth the Quran says that the Angels (Gods) of Heaven prayed for Allah who had given the world prophecy. and it was said that the Quran and Mecca were here and were read before the beginning of time. the Gods have revealed themselves to Us and we will praise Allah, Buddha, and God together as One for Their deliverance.

The Breath of God's Nature

 we know the breath of life is given by God alone and we never have to worry about the air we breathe until God has taken it away from our soul (body) so that we may never speak again.

In God We Trust

love the one who loved you first and keep them closer than anyone else who has given you freedom of independence. and trust the ones who have always trusted you in the past. you may love somebody but do not trust the words that they say. some people love to speak lies about others and do not trust what other people say. so to love is an Act of Worshipping love, and trust is an Act of God or faith in one's action.
it's been said that trust is a greater compliment than being loved.

The Contradiction of God's Faith

the words that i write contradict with our religions so that the whole story can be connected and that they may come together as broken piec...