Friday, December 22, 2023

The Living Buries the Dead

 when you die spiritually you will never experience love or joy but you are in a state of negativity that can not forgive or be forgiven. they are unconscious and never understand what was said in their present life that they had tried to return to but could not cross over the chasm where life is abundant with good people and nature, the living can not help them when they have abandoned God the Father in whom they lived many times before they had sinned and could not understand the truth or anything that was living. but those who believed in Roger (West Christ) will find comfort in the Spirit of Truth and those who have the Spirit of Truth upon them during death are a part of the living even though thier bodies had died they still live in the Spirit of God with all the Angels in Heaven. the dead will not know anything because i had created the soul or body to hold everything only holy within it including our memories of the living that can be bought and sold into Heaven, but if your nature was not good to the living when you were alive, your soul could be bought or sold and if you died in sin or while you were sinning and then died will only be given a chance to see God in Heaven and if they choose not to see God because of thier guilt, will be filled up with anger and misjudgment to God who has given them everything will know what they do and will either destroy themselves until the end of days or they will return to the earth in punishment to settle their own deeds that were done in a prior life and to them this may go on forever until they pay thier debts back to the people they had sinned against in thier prior life, and if the first time they return and find thier heart of stone unbalance with a feather then they will suffer many times greater than what they had done in thier past life to others, often leading to a cycle of God's spirit that returns over and over again until you change the things they had done wrong to others before they become a brief impression of a memory that plays over and over again until they change and live again and only until then can they go to Hell so that they may change thier stars and become reborn again. but until then they will go back to that same life and path that led them to suffer over and over again until the end of days shall come upon this earth. when i will say to you awaken and enter into paradise on earth and on this day the end of days when you return to this Heavenly Earth to be punished with every element of pain and suffering that falls out from Heaven and rises out from Hell at the same time to judge this earth and destroy it before it is renewed again, Amen 

on that day the dead will fight the dead and kill each other dead.

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