Thursday, January 11, 2024

Forever Present (Omnipotent)

the American Native Indians are forever present and have been here for the longest of times and they will give the knowledge of those who were holy before them and we will give to their children what they had given to us. we are the children of Heaven, and the holy people that were formed from the earth in the first existence, or the first world where the surface of land is foggy and exists. the second is cloudy. and our third creation is a gaseous planet that still wanders in space. the fourth is the spiritual creation of Heaven and the fifth Heaven was a mist that had been given to Us when there were five suns clustered above and below desolation is the death that had returned back unto earth after we had seen this day return back unto us on Hearth the Heavenly Earth. so we have been gathered today in the fifth wind where it is calm in the middle of the circle in the middle of the four corners of the earth. i have seen the beginning of this Universe and hope to see the end but that was up to you who didn't believe then but do now.

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