Thursday, January 25, 2024

She is the Spirit and the Image of God's Ghost

 the fifth element is given to a tree. a part of building blocks that structures the wind and order of our own staff that draws in the breath of man and then releases it in the Heavens as a sign of God's grace handed to man from Her own body to house the new gods of Heaven. we are new to the old Heaven but became a part of the same people on earth. when we burn in the wild who cannot stop the day from falling on tops of Angels that had covered our bodies from head to toe with their wings, even when they were naked in public feeding us. God's bosom is our digesting place and home that had been thrown down to this world for our light to shine again. She is the element and the root of Her creation that had set all the living in us into Heaven again and with the light that will shine again in our presence of Her Children. 

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