Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Begotten Son of Heaven (Buddha)

 The Mother, Father, and Son of Heaven are the Three Pearls Wisdom that was given to three unwelcomed guests from Asia who had earned our trust with pleasure from the third chance that was given to the Heavenly announced for the spirit to be given four three wise men who had given their blessing to the Roman Christian Church who art in Heaven as it is on earth to be just and given to all who are hidden within the air, earth, and water for this world of three firmaments that laid the foundations of the last pearls of wisdom one in the Heavens above with Hades, one hidden under the earth and the other in the sea with these three Pearls of wisdom beside Me four every tenth millennium to awaken the 1 1/3 Beast of Heaven that breaks open the four corners and seals the fifth element with God and creation the first and the last tree in the garden of five.

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