Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Eskimo is a Friend of God

 just with one square God will complete the opposite that was torn apart and twisted as one that was going to be pulled apart but remained as One Radiant more that last and the first becoming again, again this new heaven will share their Harvest together and from north to the southern people that will be defended by the weather conditions that had and killed all of its enemies from the face of this earth and these will make the same times that makes the two harvests come together and they will share the same day just as one the other had done. when they were torn in two Heavens with the four winds that gave birth to one more breaking away from the morning sky and joining the evening sky; that ever-beautiful and everlasting purple sunset at birth. the one wind that comes from the north and south of this world are friends forever and ever as the birth of Me at the four corners of the earth shall inherit this earth alone until the day that God had set for to leave a new love. and so will the Thorns of Christ be with them and protect them forever. and one with the crown Of light will be placed as the Image of God who has a good heart and the warmest gentle touch to the softest skin of a man to carry this Crown with delight and may her children bring one beauty of the word on earth to dance with our Maxims and brass (copper) plates of our heart, the first and last wind and hand upon this earth, that had written with the hand of God who had children with the north and southern Kingdoms of God and returned unto its own love for the love of every family that must say i do to your own for a time and return home once more.

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The Contradiction of God's Faith

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