Friday, January 19, 2024

The Evil Spirits of the Past

 There is a machine called REBEL it was buried deep within the earth long ago for the rebellion of what was to come. this earth will heal itself entirely on its own but needs agents to bring it to God's Speed. after 4000 years the machines were programmed to come up from Earth to destroy a prophetic vision of the end of times that never knew its own the new inhabitants of this earth that had invaded our own planet YEARS AGO... after the first wave of machines surfaced people were afraid of what was to come and destroy our world, many had fought within themselves and other that would disagree on how the end would be, but in all, it would be a failure do to absent minds that had taken thier own oath to destroy thier own people so that a new race, one that they had control over would prosper. but the machines would arise every 400 years to destroy those who opposed the last order. killing all who would have authority with these machines of great technology or man's creation to understand prophecy that had changed since the beginning of time. giving those who had authority the right to rule at that time. and many times that had changed these into the enemy of that last state that would trigger off these machines to do great destruction in killing that last rebellion that was on earth. with the same machines that were ordered to destroy those who would take over in the next generations to a new order. and the world will be destroyed because we had followed these machines willingly to destroy anyone who would fight against these giants that ruled the world before we had come welcomed.

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