Sunday, January 21, 2024

Those Who Die are Still Born

 what is better a day without God or a night knowing. it would be the better of two that one should never become open or speak out loud for many do not know what has set them free before a last night was given to a woman that would become a day without God. can a man stay married to His wife and serve God? if they both serve God the same way day and night or the wife would be jealous of her husband with God. and if they were to stay together and if one serves God alone it would be harder than God being with child in between two neighboring countries that must count the child between the father and mother country as one for each child that has been counted for days to come before the night shall awaken to now as one is reborn through labor and the pains that she bears between the light and darkest moments of childbearing; that is stillborn through one without being anointed but groomed with riches while the other would say that they were poor, but really were Rich. if i had switched them the during the night and one was to become breathless or dead to the right would the thieve had switched them back during the day of God's chance to become the brother and keeper of hope? a Rich man or a man named Richard; a servant to the King. that comes at one time defending the other from the Oracles of Heaven that had vowed to destroy a man between here and there; a man on earth as He is in Heaven and one man will return from the grave to be anointed for the two who were honored before that last light of the day was given today at hand from the morning unto the evening from France unto Germany and England and from Germany unto Russia and then China and Japan. from one day ahead to be one day behind the other for the morning and evening to come the Zenith or high noon to follow the morning star at the sixth hour of the morning and mountain in Eurasia and the evening and mountain's time of Amerasia to be Red and Caucasian Gold and Black or Brown in these lands that became the brother and mother of our children from morning until the nightstands them up like four mountains in that day that surrounds purgatory a place that is measured for a 1/3 of its width and height to be its depth and the four fifth corner of Heaven that stands and sits in the center of our crown that was split in two heavens one without a breath and the other to be living that morning when wisdom took its seat.  

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The Contradiction of God's Faith

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