Thursday, January 11, 2024

When You Left with Your Right in Place

 when your right-hand knows the secret of that one hand who was left was right-minded before it knew the one in the middle or in between what was right and then left after knowing the one God that left the right to know who was and who will be the last and first that left the right unto the next generation is left behind with the right to whose left.

1 comment:

  1. reply to Richmond Grant: PTSD is a sign of this messenger going off track. this messenger was known to eat a dead baby or two in the heat of summer in Megiddo when he left off the track and then as he He drank the blood of children with other people who were just like that one man-monster (Messenger) had done when they were living right off the track. "FTW" was HIS slogan before eating another man-child.


The Contradiction of God's Faith

the words that i write contradict with our religions so that the whole story can be connected and that they may come together as broken piec...