Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The House of God's Name in Heaven

 the time has come to redeem all of mankind because they would not allow us to partake in normal rule so they flood the earth after the time was set, they would just take from us the things that we had from years ago. and Roger had set this day to return but they were hardheaded and liked to take, excuse Me i meant steal everything a man has, and their day is in eternal. hell, Fire is their own reward for trying to fight God when they were not able to fight us on earth. so i drew upon one who would get the job done today after the midnight hour of this present moment and to flood the people that haunt us today with their ugly spirit that holds no tomorrow and no ugliness that cannot be afforded i would rather them be in vain and make up their who entire world with the colors of their skin. they used to be black then they turn back, to white and then from men to woman while losing their rhythm from one skin to other men that had fought the lord and the lord fought back with the Magik of Roger's Hand that had created more justice than more had ever seen. and brought little ideas that made a lot of since. and the He made many understand the Revelations of Jesus Christ because He was the only one that could break the seals off the new scrolls that had awakened everybody that had never understood these time's coming of the Lord. and if you transgress and trespass against Me i will discord your internal spirit with God's new old-world order to destroy our old self and to make a new one beside the new God who is Roger Ramos Grant. the first and last religion on earth and the creator of it as we speak today in His name. and in His favor for others to become like or anew creature in Paradise. that had started from the beginning and had reached to the end of a miracle mile. and those who had drawn their sword upon Me will have their head cut off and buried in river bed that can never fill up and they burn and burn forever because i had given them a chance and they could accept it for the Lord of all creation who the light of this universe was, is and, will be given to Roger Ramos Grant again for their way into a place that they could not overcome. so to the death of them terrorist that fight with the Seeds of God who are unborn and had already falsely gone to Hell, they are the elite the mentally and physically disabled children. and for this it is my cause and my action towards a reaction that was set by an action of their own demise and with a swift strike of my blade they will come in two my domain of body parts that i had been taking from them every day that i had returned for fighting them who are the enemy on Hearth the first House of Grant who became the first House of God that was written beside the mothers name and given to her by hearts of those Dragons that fought with Her every evening of that day with  her wisdom, had made this victory for us come true, and it shall stand forever and ever beside Her name 

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