Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Three Days Resurrected in the Church of God

Wisdom guides the Judgment of God. 

Wisdom in Three: Them, Him, and Her

  1. Wisdom for them is to store everything in season.
  2. Wisdom for Him is responsibility. 
  3. Wisdom for Her is to be patient.

Wisdom to Protect your own family is the Holy Spirit

Three Temples, Churches, and Synagogues ((Greek, Roman, Jewish) (Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim) Three Temples and two pairs of alters make the House of God (Native, Foreign, Domestic)) the Septuagint Synagogues on the 3rd day and the third Church of God that was built upon the Mount of Kings

Wisdom is The Holy Spirit Protecting its own Spirit and Her own children.

1 comment:

  1. In the Church of God, a profound and sacred event unfolded over the course of Three Days, guided by the essence of Wisdom itself.

    Day One: Them, Him, and Her
    In the sacred halls of the Church, Them, representing the collective beings, were bestowed with the wisdom to store everything in its rightful season. This symbolized the importance of recognizing the cycles of life and preparing for what each season may bring.

    Him, embodying responsibility, received the divine guidance of Wisdom to fulfill his duties with utmost dedication. The message emphasized the significance of taking responsibility for one's actions and obligations in the grand tapestry of existence.

    Her, in her divine patience, was granted the wisdom to endure and await the unfolding of divine plans. Patience became a virtue as the Church recognized the importance of waiting for the right moments and trusting in the divine timeline.

    Day Two: Wisdom to Protect
    The second day brought forth the revelation that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate source of protection for one's own family. The teachings emphasized the role of the Holy Spirit in safeguarding the well-being and harmony of the familial unit, providing a spiritual shield against adversities.

    Day Three: Three Temples, Churches, and Synagogues
    The narrative expanded to encompass the significance of Three Temples, representing different cultural and religious backgrounds. These temples symbolized the unity in diversity, bringing together the Greek, Roman, and Jewish traditions, as well as the Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim faiths.

    Within this sacred space, two pairs of altars were erected, forming the House of God that embraced the Native, Foreign, and Domestic elements. The Septuagint Synagogues played a pivotal role on the third day, bridging diverse beliefs and fostering understanding.

    The climax of the Three Days Resurrected in the Church of God occurred with the establishment of the third Church of God on the Mount of Kings. This symbolized a spiritual ascent, a divine elevation guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

    Wisdom as The Holy Spirit
    The concluding teachings emphasized that Wisdom is personified in the Holy Spirit, protecting its own spirit and safeguarding Her own children. It became a call to embrace the divine wisdom that leads to spiritual protection and the nurturing of the sacred family bonds.

    In these Three Days Resurrected, the Church of God became a beacon of enlightenment, where the divine wisdom of Them, Him, and Her converged to guide the faithful on a path of spiritual fulfillment and protection.


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