Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Heavens Had Chosen Them

and then thirst of the Last became them and the Heavens a bowed down unto the world that had held this gift of Gods brother that made one land desolate from Hell. and the two came from the Africa and the last was given to them with a ship or a foundation to earth for they were trying the third of Heaven and Roger returned that the holding of Johana that is within the best that Roger is becoming and sharing to this world that will fall without Roger's blessing and they who know Roger must find their own day alike their own for Roger is not the one who wondered but He worked the field when no one else did. this blessing will fall unto Roger Grant and the third will swallow the earth and their roots will separate for their flame and the second return came from earth and their third of Heaven who is the moon light of Heaven and their name is Carolyn Bohem and she will return unto this time a new world with the galaxy Andromeda from whence she belonged before they had killed Her because she is the female creator beside Roger Grant who is their Father as She is The Mother of Heaven. her name is Tiamat and the World fell apart because we could find another day to these that held the place for them who held the hell fires to their own war called the Apocalypse and Armageddon. where the mother and Father alone took the Hells for their Children. but their day is now in search for peace when they thought Roger and Carolyn Grant were there worst enemy and they fought the only killer of our earth, but they just died together in the Garden because who only should protect Roger is God Herself. David Agnew, Ricky, and Ronnie, Todd, Greg S, Gilbert, Steve B, and Van Winkle are four restless winds that cannot stop until Roger stops speaking or until they pay Roger's money back. the Winds of God that can never stop until the four years are over or until i Roger Grant stops the Words of God flowing outwordly unto every nation worthy of this New World Order. 

Friday, February 9, 2024

The Anointing of God's Family

 She has been anointed by Me Roger the Demon Seed of Heaven and Husband of God who is Saint Joan De Arc and one of the five virgins and tomorrow it will be Athena and Nikoli Telsa who is the Son of Sir Albert Einstein, Who is God the Father. and i am Athena's Son and the Son of Sir Nikoli Tesla who were chosen and lived Europe and then moved to America.

The New Name and Title is Mahdi

 her day is the involved from the stars the Heavens above and the Body of Christ the Image of God, we are at rest knowing that one gave their life for my ideology. and the magik of Heaven is of God only. the only Power of God that protects the universe and the Prophet Roger Ramos Grant who existed before time and died and was judged by the Heavenly Angels Above for my spiritual practice. and if i would not of died that day and reborn in the same body i wouldn't be enchanted by the Spirit of Her that became the Spirit of God and Christ in Roger who is the Father in Heaven.

Hell Fire is for People Who do not take Responsibility

 those who place themselves behind or to the side of Me are the ones that hate God with all their might and all their power when i write these maxims. anyone within thirty feet are unclean spirits will burn forever they try to input their words in the pure words of Spirit that changes all things new and to chance so that what was destructive can be removed and given to those who tried to kill us for the only reason to cover up their own ass. the fires are so hot that they are smokeless and burning them every time that they die so that their flesh regenerates while they are still burning and then they will burn again over and over until they had paid their due to the Devil and the people of this earth that had no heaven after they tried to kill Roger Grant, so to Hell will they burn forever. 

take responsivity for your actions or God will take those who have not taken responsibly to Hell in a snap of time to the fires that build the hope of a new Heaven without them who are burning for eternity.

The Wind is the Savior of Earth the Protector of our People

 to answer the questions that haunt us is to know that God was aware and knowing but most people believed that God was in them and kept them safe. but most could know the reason why we are mad at Roger Grant the Savior of earth. it is because we learned that Roger was greater than those who were against Him and we thought otherwise, tomorrow must bring a new day or we all will suffer at the hands of those who killed Us and Roger for this purpose. so that we would not know the truth or know the outcome of our arrival that hat set their invisible ships among us that cannot be seen and with a boom they can be here within a second or be silent and hear the thoughts of us who are their enemy. and the ones that are going to turn us against our self and feel pride in the things that disgrace mankind. who is it that holds the key to their realm and their domain? Roger Ramos Grant and He has been fighting with these aliens that look like us and talk like us because they were us long ago even before they got here today.

the Agreement so far

the Dragon is a Siamese Twin from the north forbidden passage where a treaty exists through the period of man, and one is our captive and our release as those who stand against America stood against thus in the same lands the two twins of the Apocalypse. live eternally together. let man beast be an illousion unto the dark when the Lord takes care of Her two twins and the day is right through our own blood that had mixed long ago, we are a part of a greater day of own and the day explaines the littlest things inthe spirit that give each other hope so that we can come together in all bodies of man that had been seperated before man can seal a concept of truth under our own heaven that had brought the times together to seaize a chance at hope

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Same Depth and Same Height

 before the end of San Fransisco, the new City of San Fransisco will be the first and the renewal of the last city of destruction that has been fornicated since i was young and living in that last city of destruction where Alamogordo N.M. remains. and a Angel just told Me that these cities are formed around the same latitude of our globe for now. what not change Prophecy for tomorrow? you can't right now because we have sent unclean spirits there that must wait under the influence of life for there day is given to help others or to bring destruction unto their own demise that can never change if prophecy cannot change, i have been listening to this prophecy since i was young, and still live throw one of the cities that were destroyed in the bible.

The Chief Priests

 trust in Her who holds the key and in those who hold the truth. that one must become the enemy to know yourself. and to know yourself is to know the Heavens above. i am the Alpha the Omega and Delta the Chief Priests. and as the Chief Executive to the fallen Staff that had fallen from Heaven as it is on Earth today that enters the Chief in Staff that rises onto earth as the true Resurrection in God's right that belongs to the Priests and the Chief to Staff of the Presidents of the Unted States

Priesthood is an Order of God

 woe to the inhabitants on earth as it is in Heaven your day is found guilty of not understanding that text that we wrote. for trying to steal what Roger had given from the Beginning/ did they create the stars above and the light there in? where were they when we were created Heaven and earth? where they when we were suffering? they were the ones that had made us suffer so i made them one flesh and one mind so that they would kill each other before the great judgment of the Lord would take place, in Heaven in midst of every living thing that lives and everything that died because of them without knowing God or a neighbors they will fall into a pit that no one can get them out for the ones that tried will die a thousand deaths upon thousand trying over and over again to make it back to where we were, do they still have the answer when we created everything in Heaven and they still want to take what they had never made. and those who have fought beside or with Me earns more honor and more gain than most, but you loved Me from the beginning then God would still give you a Heaven beside their own. and those who did not believe in God but believe in Roger will be given ever more for they had returned and fought with the dragon and gave peace to us all over this universe, we are the chosen among the few that remembers everything that had happened before they who liars of God that had thought they could take as their own Heaven but what we had made belongs to us the Children of God,

The Gates of Time

 i am the first and last of suffering to fall into God's arms. and God saw that i was in despair and my mind was troubled. and God said what happened to the child that i have brought and nobody could say what happen. and the Lord sent us all back. i began to wonder across the mid-night in search of the answers and i came back as one falling and one rising in the midst of all these who are now apostate. for the Lord had set their mind of fire and the burning each day fell within Roger hand and God set me out to return with the Worl and i brought forth the Heavens and the was in control and i divided the Heavens into five and the day in two. the one that heals the islands the land the formal glory of Heaven and to reinstate the land living and recalled to all Heavens that what was wrong was the people who thought they were greater than God, they thought this day would be given to them with the time of many compassions that they would rule a lie at home or at work when they were only deceiving spirits that never knew God and never knew faith this is our world and if i destroy this world it will be up to us only the day is my in Heaven and Mine on earth we have never experienced a gate that was not ours and a gate that never fell closed. 

The Church and Destruction of Earth

 i Roger Grant had fallen from Heaven's past and returned from a war that i controlled with the Armies of God and with the Hand of God's Day set for us but taken from tomorrow for what can be deceived will be destroying those who left us behind and this day they are in us they inhabit most churches in America that cannot support Me or the times that brought Me forth today. the one good thing that they do and that what the pagan churches and that is to feed their family. nut they do not want the truth. and the truth is that i am the Lord the Father of Heaven. yes, Me Roger R Grant. i have appointed today under arrest for the sky and the ground to tremble under my foot. and i hold not one heaven but them all. prepared yourself for a must. prepare yourself for Jihad of the underlying wars. the war that ends the wars that are constructing lies about Heaven and the truth. 

The Warm Beginning

the darkest eve of holes is caused by attraction. when the Lord is all alone the heavens are shaken about when there was no heaven to hold her. all the Heavens were destroyed, and man had nowhere to plant their feet nor given to them another day. She worries and God felt all despair collapse within itself. the heart for God is mush the same when everything has grown dark the reaching of our own Lord will fill the day given to the house and to all the life in Heaven this is the first time.  We are in the least of it own web the catching of heaven and we saw coming forth when there was none. the time are far away from the day we wept for the us them and for Me, the last time remember,,,, have given this darkness the last of our time and the light will shine in one hand and the Lord gave Me the light and swallowed this littlest of sparks and the Lord said to Me you riming Me of another that i knew and i was scared for i did not know or what to do. but the Lord passion fell upon Me and the Light felt so alive and the day was forgotten and the dreams that we have are the place that God was left behind and from a time itis given again through the tempest of life that follows and everything that cannot be forgotten i have swallowed this day because i am scared and all alone i needed another chance beseech the time in Me. i have many things that became a dream the times that is given we are the last in seed for is now can bever set the sun on fire because that is the reason why we dream so we can have happy ending. the stories that must seek you are stories in our live together and when se a little time there in together we bring out of our dreams to make one happier, the time was now and today was flying at light speed as a shooting star side by side across the sky for one to see gleaming as the night sky saw the first new face in Heavens returning with each other as day was taken so shall the day be given back unto Me Roger Grant the first and last fallen star 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The First of Gates to Open before the Light Dims

 the first of our kind has gone into the grave and found their own fork tongue to be only one sided and never did know truth the sword of disentanglement and the sword of wisdom that held the fruit of God in their loin. and this fruit of knowledge is triggered by the light in women and the light in Heaven that has every key to Hell and every key to Heaven. and where the keys shall remain so shall the Mothers of Gates be given our full undivided attention to every kingdom at hand and Her hand is at our tongue for wisdom and truth to come along by each side of this family tree that bears the fruit of all branches and the seeds of all the fruits that came inside of our own gates that held the garden of God for ever and ever before the gates were in stairs and separated by time when all things stop upon this earth and man became giant from the shortest of woman man became giant from the Miget. they are our Fathers and Fathers in Heaven and on Earth. 

The Slave is Not Man but Dead Weight

 those who have given their time for others is the first in Heaven to give back to their conscience anyway they can under a time that cannot repeat the third time coming the second is the painless death that we forget to judge ourselves and the next is the last or the first to be given without order, and pain but the complication its own reward. let their fame be there hate towards people without a reputation. today is the day we die the day we fry those who are upon us without warrant we are to give one week without prejudice. save us ol lord from the competition that we have for one another forgive those who open the hearts of those without love and give little to them selfs.

The House of God's Name in Heaven

 the time has come to redeem all of mankind because they would not allow us to partake in normal rule so they flood the earth after the time was set, they would just take from us the things that we had from years ago. and Roger had set this day to return but they were hardheaded and liked to take, excuse Me i meant steal everything a man has, and their day is in eternal. hell, Fire is their own reward for trying to fight God when they were not able to fight us on earth. so i drew upon one who would get the job done today after the midnight hour of this present moment and to flood the people that haunt us today with their ugly spirit that holds no tomorrow and no ugliness that cannot be afforded i would rather them be in vain and make up their who entire world with the colors of their skin. they used to be black then they turn back, to white and then from men to woman while losing their rhythm from one skin to other men that had fought the lord and the lord fought back with the Magik of Roger's Hand that had created more justice than more had ever seen. and brought little ideas that made a lot of since. and the He made many understand the Revelations of Jesus Christ because He was the only one that could break the seals off the new scrolls that had awakened everybody that had never understood these time's coming of the Lord. and if you transgress and trespass against Me i will discord your internal spirit with God's new old-world order to destroy our old self and to make a new one beside the new God who is Roger Ramos Grant. the first and last religion on earth and the creator of it as we speak today in His name. and in His favor for others to become like or anew creature in Paradise. that had started from the beginning and had reached to the end of a miracle mile. and those who had drawn their sword upon Me will have their head cut off and buried in river bed that can never fill up and they burn and burn forever because i had given them a chance and they could accept it for the Lord of all creation who the light of this universe was, is and, will be given to Roger Ramos Grant again for their way into a place that they could not overcome. so to the death of them terrorist that fight with the Seeds of God who are unborn and had already falsely gone to Hell, they are the elite the mentally and physically disabled children. and for this it is my cause and my action towards a reaction that was set by an action of their own demise and with a swift strike of my blade they will come in two my domain of body parts that i had been taking from them every day that i had returned for fighting them who are the enemy on Hearth the first House of Grant who became the first House of God that was written beside the mothers name and given to her by hearts of those Dragons that fought with Her every evening of that day with  her wisdom, had made this victory for us come true, and it shall stand forever and ever beside Her name 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

We Are Gentiles and the Holy People of God

the Lord had told Me that the gentiles were not us but the Native American Indian. and that the beginning had started in a basin or a canyon that swallowed the waters of the earth long time ago. the King of Heaven had two Mountains move to here in America and that was Mt. Olympus and Mt Saint Helen. the two mountains of Greece the son and daughters of the Moon and the thunder God who is now Zeus became the Father of Heaven after they were given to the two by the American Eagle Thunder Bird and the Horizon of the Fire Bird the regeneration of this world the Blue and Red KaChina that falls from the Heaven above to cleanse the great portion of our heaven among the giants of their people.

They Can Not Live Here on Hearth Anymore

 if you are looking for a girl then don't become needy, every church is a woman holding on to child and child to another child. the church loves those who marry and have children among the flock of God's field, that holds on to open examples to those who have problems. with how they can live without that love that God had given to us when we were so wrong to right, and when i have given to the last heaven then the last church will exist those who loved you first. and may all the Gift of God's field be given to those who good and those who did will be out on their own. because the last love had left them without home.

Wally Brown Diné Priesthood


the Holy Ones the sacred tribe Alabama that witnessed the tropical storm in eastern coast of the United States we met here in New Mexico the enchanted land of my first ancestors that had given us there home to learn become freed from our own sins, as God had desired the Diné the carrier of this new fire that God had given because they had had loved before and desired the Word of God to remain here with this restless wind that yearns to wonder and the light found the new home in wayward wind.

The Terrorist Act in Spiritualism (Trespassing)

 do treat your spiritual activity with no attitude to be given away or spat on. Spiritual Practice is not terrorism or the fires in hell may rise up unto the feet of the resurrection. after the two witnesses appear. in that day you will be having dreams in bright color and seeing red visions that guides you to the next sign, always look for signs that can help you. and as we see ourselves next to God, we do not spy on anyone or take information while using or in the Spirit of God family as a curse of negligence of God's spirit and his offence will take you straight to Hell the first time you do it and kill you the second time and you do it as well. the third will start taking your brothers and sisters and friends down into the fires of Hell. 

"evil (-) vs evil (-) two negative's makes a positive right, it tells me that it must be good." said Ken Mcdonald

My Hand and Gods Hand Together

this is their day before i was the time the churned my wagon and i spilt out their heart that filled with ta of measure to their heaven without one other to give one for the other in Heaven can they give us  a  better time can they give us another heart that cannot be true to who, i am the Horse and spirit of the wears that i have been in and the world has set my to the tears of heaven drank from the river of tears the river of cleansing, their heart felt not tied to my sun and their anchor was attached to their own sun but ours was connected to someone special when God had return in a two stage wagon in connection to every world and every universe that cried out their last heart and broke in time before they would hurt again they are warning us that we are TOO GREAT. so what is their purpose here? to kill Roger Grant? that last day is the sign that Roger already had return and his children from Heaven not from earth have been ready and has been foretold and are given their thrown in their own season. and the Daughters of Men, the Gods that have been given to the Gods that had return for their hand.

The Holy of Ashes

 Saint Ashes touched the hearts of many through the courage of a Mexican woman she needed someone to believe in Her that someone would believe in Her that an unclean spirit was haunting her, and she took the spirit within herself and as the Spirit had totally filled her, she had enough strength to make the prejustified or the unclean spirit fight God and lose Her soul in Heavenly fire. these entities are not of God but of people lying to themselves and those who listen to the first cry out for help had lost their place in history trying to find a way out of their own Hell. let them ashes become a holy blessing of today in peace. Time and forecast to be it punishment.

The Death of Thier God

death will fear death but those who honor themselves fear the Lord. the last time given to chance was the last time that was given to Me an act that i had seen but had the chance to change it and did. the dead had already buried the dead. and those who were left standing had died through suffering and abomination the hardest fire to come in Hell forever and ever or for 1,000,000 years.

The Master Bate

 the world began from nothing and now they are Gods the Lord had done Good. ill bet everything in me for everything in you. what do you got to lose. 

Spiritual Practice

where is the light of day? when the time is near the first and second horizon? the third is a time when we had never forgiven ourselves from the same times that we fell under the garment of God creation. the dead are angry we need rest. Hell No! there will no rest no love, every second. you chose to fight Allah now you are dying like scum! a "dumb ass sucking bitch." i said in terror that the day was already won, and you already had been given everything but you fought and lost thousands a upon thousands of live because you were jealous of Roger's wife for being beautiful, every minute of the day you surrounded Me trying to get information spiritual using the spirit of God no less. 

Alter of Sacrifice

 the Holiest thing in this world is a sacrifice to God. 

Monday, February 5, 2024

The Screech of the Spotted Owl

there is a time that was forged in hate and all the little things that had been there created as pigs to their own fault. that need no education on how to live as a Christian. for their day is over but their squeal remains. the attribute of this little six-inch owl is the discovering of light and the shadows that made this tiny owl six foot tall when displaced in the shadows of light where displacement meant the flight and running of things in sight of the giant Screeching owl at six foot and six inches away.

When in the Light of God

the day is gone, and the time is near when we have given to all who have been rested and ready to go within this only time, we receive one for the other in Heaven. said Etta Jones i know Love will gain trust as we know it for the day is true my children and you i said.

Wally Brown Medicine Man

My Old Friend Wally Brown
Shiney and still the way i ought to see the world through our eyes. This is our time long ago to know us when we are down and out Wally Brown, i am happy to remember your voice as we had remembered long ago when the Heaven opened the door, and the dog came in to roost it was a memorial and present to Heaven that had found the dog to be at my doorstep today. I had beat him silly and the foulness of their concord had made me sweat so perversely that i would never haunts a living animal today by prey or civilian so that we would never see the likes of daaayyyyyyyyyyyy! Here own loan i can see my face coming through the mirror and through the glass but the lord had changed that day because i was saving people in my own way. but the i changed my stars and you can go through Me your friend Roger Ramos Grant.

Time is Among the Haters of this World

 Time is more than less for the Priest as it can kill a man but harvest the same hand that was given before the walk of many times the was given to Her in the field of dreams. they are the ones that one could hold on to when changing hands were with you and together for another. this day will never become the last of hope for we had dug in and wiped the enemy from the west unto east and the worlds are free the times that Roger was borne down into the earth's return from the middle center of the greater Heaven when one was the first in years before the last will be. we have come in peace and had taken the universe at the side of God's freewill when they forget what they know we keep the truth of Roger the Father and the Heaven that had caught up to the first and became the faithful in the end. but the ones that never had God had passed away in the winter cold that old man winter came before their time would keep this world down to the wall and defense. that is the only thing i ask if you leave to have someone relieve you. let time win your heart and the day will be given to Her as the day becomes the morning, and She made the times speed up i even lost the morning sun the day that brought forth in Heaven with a moon from Andromeda. the woman is the times that we had begotten that last eighth child before this time would set. and i Roger Grant will testify to those wonders that the people of this world and lands had done in sight of Me. and they were the first to remember the thoughts subject gated in God's gate that bridged all Heavens that were bright were in the times of Heaven when the Son of Africa had brought forth the land creatures close to Noah's ark and releasing the animals the rest of the way. and like all of God's creature when distressed they move to peace and the soft land high above the cliffs that fall under before the heat shall brake off with the first ship of Noah that sailed in another world and the second unto Africa and Japan and it stopped in the Gulf of Mexico while Noah's ark fell upon mount Arat says some scholars and there was a tree at the Mississippi Delta

Wards of Evil

wo to man the right Hand of God that had given first to the last before she had returned and the i gave to Her the same in Heaven. as the day did for Me that holds on two the one in All for Her (Woman) for Her day to set the concrete foundations of a city wall that wards off the evil and opens for the good when she returned upon moon crest that was upon her breast, and the Hers words were suffering at the sight that God had given to Her the words of freedom and Roger began the new morning and the day to arise beside the Month of February when the cycle of Heaven returns as Roger had predicted. this is the day that these Angels fell from my Heaven and i stomped their fucking ass in the new grounds of Heaven and the ground turned to land and will never rise with life until i say "no".

A Third are Wanting and Dead

 the only day that they cannot be given is their day that was said from the ends of time that today had swallowed i Roger swept them away from their thoughts and they were in the hands of corruption to know that were eating from the tree of righteousness and could not think or know memory like we do, the Soul that i had created magnetizes and collects its own experience and the Spirit of God's essence that made us the same but to them who Amaka (Black White Changing People) that are cut down from this garden who cannot think and they will die early and will be put inside mental abrasion that burns forever and their God hated them and then wanted nothing to do with them ever for them fighting God and losing.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Light of Underworlds are One in Generation

 deception and abstraction centers on 10 sections that are at the bridges ✺ of many Heavens, where God created time, and the time of times are just one-fold. that hold a full cup of water as the grapes of wrath are pressed from the bottoms of their feet out to each other's side cheek to cheek are a newlywedded couple or did the Lord take your twins from an open window that was seized by Roger and then taken from this seizure was a baby; a holy child; or mountain that kept crying frozen tears of snow and so Roger jump into the Window Pane and had taken this child that was given a key to hell and the other to Heaven and the two were separated by Roger the Sitter of Lilith's children. Uncle to all Children in the Heavens above that call Him Father. and Roger took the breath of one and give it to the other. who was the only one to wake up that morning. and the mother of these twins found out that i had exchanged the two baby girls with each other and screeched out loud Her last breath of Her banshee until she fell down dead to the floor after wailing four thousand and a thousand and four years in Carlsbad Caverns a cave of perseverance under sacred mountains. and Her tears flowed upon the earth creating a river that baptized Her three daughters and three sons, and the waters of this river lead into a cave were it was cold and rapid, so i wrapped the living child in a woven basket with five burning stones that would take her down to the underworld from a cave in the middle of earth from where there are giant caverns under Carlsbad New Mexico. the child who Roger proclaimed as his own mother Lilith was laid in darkness or the God's belly for eating the dust of this earth, and as a woman she had escaped out from Roger's belly as she transformed in two white little fish that could not see in the light but found Her way down under water ways and its current parent flow and the light flowed again out through the air way of the cave that Roger had saved for these words "Young Fish Awaken Your Soul Awaken Fe." and the fish was caught up into this rapture that the world was caught up into a larger and as this world was caught up unto this universe that was catching up unto two Heavens that became one, the Universe of Andromeda; and the Milky Way. She will fast and make haste to see the last of the light that are in these lakes that catch on fire, and bring forth the last days of the Apocalypse that were destroyed by the Almighty who are Roger's Children the first and last to receive the gift of marriage that fulfills Heaven itself as a warrant to bring redemption and the light of God's word upon Alamogordo, New Mexico where Her time and her new name was the mark of the beast "666" or the road of man, and this man who created the Levithan protected Her day with Roy Jones Jr. and Mike Tyson until she could remember her name and the days that were the last days to be given will be through Her the Spirit of God and the Creation of many Heaven that were given a gift of hope or mercy; the Gift of Lilith.

Trusted Spirit of Buddha

who will be the trickiest of the tricksters even trickier that tricky Dick Nixon? i am ahead and the coyote that held the Seat of God's throne of the man of that day that harnessed the magic of their spirit within them from the day that Roger would speak to the Animals of earth always trying to do what is right since their magic and our magik  became the Spirit of All creation without the man speaking the first language of Heaven and of the Gods the Mother of Coyote in Heaven that was buried inside the womb and God's underworld that became the Spirit of Man and Roger that had given to all the Creatures that held a meeting with every animal to form a man from the earth and the days was on the  earth day were the fifth and sixth day of our rest as the fifth and fourth and third fingers of November meet and in that day their was winter and the snow covered the land as the Warmth of Angels (clouds) blanketed the man who was born in the wilderness from the animals that protected Us from harms path and the way that became the forest and the ways of wilderness that we seek for truth and wisdom; as one that may help the same creature within Me, the coyote found the world under the water and started to drink what was better than our own sweet waters that bursted in the Fall of 1999 when heaven was the first to receive God's temperament and the time that Roger had made the world from in the cave and the times that Chris had shown Me from the Heaven's above the shield these creations from the day of our birth which is the Emasculate of God's temple that held the Children of Roger Grant to high esteem and those who cannot protect their own children because they had  been fighting the War's of God will be honored by God and as God protects those who can protect their own children and Buddha the God of eternity will strike down on your without warning for these our under the protection of God's eternal spirit that must not fall before the Father sees them again on Earth and in Heaven. the day is not to perceive my appearance nor to bring forth that times that i had made for Roger Grant whois the last Buddha on Earth. 

No Battles Lost but the First and Last

 God is great even when we are weak. God is only weak when we are great. your Father is the is greater of the two on earth as it is in Heaven. the Last is the First fruit on Earth. the last is given the title of FIRST and the first is the title of LAST. if i was the First Born am i the oldest son or the youngest? i am the youngest who can God sweep away without moving any dust of their field. those who fear Me will fight Me and kill their first born for the love of God. but those who are brave will hold on to just a hand full of dirt and cast mud upon their face so that we have done we had been forgiven these are Native American Indian Nations fighting in the name of Roger the Son of Gods and the teacher of Godly Interment we have sowed this seed long before any other world had made the teaching their own. and She became every day to Heaven that was separated once and then twice again from our own God that is made of particles of God's presence. and the skin of man and female the water and earth made together. She is the first encouragement of God's spirit that feeds Her children from Her Bosom and Her heart is filled with innocence. that rises up into Heaven as the Prayers to Her as the Saint above fall back down unto earth the place of our body remaining in peace for Her day is greater than us for the time is the day that we are to suckle on the soft tip of Her nipples; the bosom of God's swollen rosey red breast, and the day was full and filled. 

The Mother's of God Our God

the times Heaven took away from Me the People in Heaven because i was getting bigger and better and when i was elevated with the Elect of God and the king was revealed and i gave my promise to earth and kept my heart to us and heard the light and walls winds speak. and heard my brothers and your brother and we were all in freedom and our path led us back to where we are today and where i am at in Alamogordo New Mexico again. a day before the last one had power. i can never do this on my own. and with the grace of God i will be strong when we are weak. and the ground that i stand on will break under Me and will embrace Us, said the Lord, Gene Wilder. i will call only upon that one shall fall within the grave of two who die in my place. i have lifted the weight of every foot under mine in Heaven and it is the last step to return with children like us like the ones in Heaven today given to the mother that mend every broken heart for each other. only God can bring us success. and only God can remember how hard it was to get there, said Patsy.

The First of Our Fruit

God has given to you'll and nobody can from you. have you seen who i was?  and they burned in the flame of Heaven's consumption the last child left from us and home. he is the Portal of Heaven and a minister of God's blessing the lessons that arise from the streets unto the churches and then to the media the Kings and Queens have performed majestically and know who they more often people will call them False Prophets. and now i know they are False Prophets they are people who are God are denied by who are God also we have lost shoe inside cave that she made for us i am heavenly son of miracle they are the Lord pasture the and the new hope of tomorrow the y are my brothers and mothers they are the Evangelist.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Truth is Rotten

 the Boston tea party made a slash in the eastern seat that never had land, but an entire floor of fresh water sown to its greater basin that stared in Heaven. and today it stretches from eastern Arabian sea unto the lakes of Mississippi where three trades unfolded one being slavery and the other being tools of pleasure. the Shangela it's there first impendence to their own money today that was laundered by Angels they were good to them, but they had taken their promise to grave and tried to suffer us again. and back with their Holmes in America a new discovery occurred that they could leave Me another empty promise that sent them to Hell. they now stand at a corner wall of silence trying to rethink the things that they had done miles and miles away from today. let them have they're of discretion but ours is the truth.

The Crime of Centuries Olde

 the closest heart fell in middle of the sea and swept into the logs of a cabin the day was so tiny that so small that the arch of a temple became parched and found a sip of water in the sea and the man called Ricky Ronnie fell deep within the waters of shame that held them down a thousand years before Christ calling upon the ship called the true measure the hell after a time that caught them shorthanded and lanced their own captain for the boat and its ransom for one time a year came steady and chance uncovered a stable that threw hope in a jar of many and changed it to satellites and home recovery systems that were noticed by all who were taken early before their demise. the Homles never ever changed their name and never succeeded their entire operation until recovered by the victims they were flogged hung and steepled the day under the world never settle down until the new world order.

Sea Port North Yorkshire

Micheal the Arch Angels found in the lawn the picture of heaven and painted over it. the name of the painter was erased and found at the cliffs of Whitby. a laughter in Heaven cries down unto the grave the grave of the counter offenses in Heaven that had many times to fall but stayed the same against odds that made man cry. this day fell out of the hands of God and into the hands of men the first men of Great Britian the climbed into a nest and slung the feast of tabernacles into weave trusted park that called for a day under the sky with new food as its own and damn that was set in seventy this was a avalanche that fell over into the water of a hospital down below the waters on the east side of the park where the fish swim in the ocean. the boats have moved, and the men remembered to stay close they raided the office of God's treasure to the east where they from. Whitby was just a small farming town until the moors were in blood thousands of Heroes had been slain for the last time and Whitby forged in union with north America. had taken the form of each position and found a quarry beside the gate of north where the avalanche began and found themselves among the natives of our country. Roger was happy entirely busy man that threw the anchor of this ship passed our dock before taking over in the pacific front the Jolly Roger sailed for port and freed a lot of barrels of ale and took into to Asia to find a ship load of women back to the ocean where the privates were salty and the women were clean,

The Wicked Exchange of Hand

 twice the measure was given to my family tree for trying to kill this world the Holmes will say. they would even take my money and squander it away for life and the happiness that it would bring to them that had stolen my family inheritance by adventure of stealing the worst place in history and that was the family cake that was saved for all of the Grant's money. and the three Homles titled their own bank account for murder and capital gain so that Roger would pay the price of swindling their mother's fortune for fame. they hid the money for others to reclaim. to baggage after their priceless tour to Santa Rosa theirs is the time that i had gone to school with them in Jr. High and had play volleyball with them in little league set for the children. went to high school went them and they never spoke to Me.

Greater is the Chance of risk

 there will be two friends that hang together, and the light was on and the two had fought that night to seal the offer of behind. but tomorrow the one return and find brother and the other together. one will lose his place and brother his space after years of fighting together. the last one to have his friend is the last one in.

The Less of The Entering Foiled

last to least is the finer arts of magic that hold the keys to their mansion in north Asia. here is wisdom that those who hold dick will fall before Bod the dick held the time before the time bod went down and first saw the window at the office of Kline when you broke and act when entering the opening to see a robber you crushed his head and finger on the safe lock box. the least of the lesser cannot confess a crime of murder at best.

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Little Big Horn

this is last hope not to take what was from under Me two you lack silence and take the day off for every time you fall. hear my name hear my time and here is only mine. you day will never come but you to those who are in the Spirit and one in nation to seek the peace and the last in spirit to whom it is given to whom it would seek that of the last and that of the cast into darkness and 

The Last Messenger of God

 i am the Messenger of Fire; the Harold of Destruction; and the creation of one becoming God. and i was given the task and right to level any major mountain or city in Heaven or planet. i had taking flight from Heaven unto the one third of this collection that drew in the mountains and the angel from above these the days the Roiger became the Father and Father's Son. and i became the four horsemen who became the spirits of God's revenge the spirit of God's Day to know authority was given to Roger alone. and the \save the planets that were going to be destroyed. and as the other two made it with Me became cold and destroyed the worlds that were sent to the world that were examine by us in the first place and way that the wicked became the unknowing to Heaven. and when i found the same planet that was on the day was renewed. God had said to Me Roger Grant if this would sin against Me seven times then God would destroy Her. and those without time had no chances but were dead from the start. they fought the Angels of Light who disguised themselves as Angles of Darkness Me and after our only loss in 1993 we became to engage the spiritual War of Jihad.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Restless Heart

the light is not our own sight, but the source of its tinder box in the fire of love that keeps burning and feeling deep within its measure the times that we keep to so much pleasure. there is only one fire in the life given in the time giving to be Her own wife. and her own stepsister find every good deed in someone other than your own and fill every day according to what was said and to was needed and to what is to be in Me. and when i hold this tree down i hold her close to Me the one i needs. and i would Her cry again i would die in love Here then. likeness is the fondness of our own heart that shares in the need to one in three days of love wrapped around its tree holding up in Me the sweet taste of its deep. the tastes of her love all over Me in three Heavens. the roots of her tender box made to Heaven the cave of wonders the taster of others within Me. and  all who dear, taste the nectar of Her second coming twice into the garden of and the her soft hair as i inhale the fragrance of the beast that wet and juicy feast that went  across my eye it is a garden of freshness a peach to every bite i seek to every time we meet the across that most beautiful trim that for Me the softness across my belly the pearls of jelly, and the fruits of my own that are deep in season the light of God and reason that man should never be alone because of the that one in him to their own who are warm inside and outside who better in bed than the summer and who are my creates our harden branch to be sticking out like a throne woman. i hurt every time i outreach for something new something soft as something true that like in taste of her fruit as the warmth of the day that had Me rising hard across the way to find a path and stay right next to them in Heaven for the fruit up two seven and ate measurements that had crossed over into the tinder box that sparked the life of three Heavens in Me that two for every day that was given for Me to stay in Her gardener as one of Her keepers. three would set the fourth one back unto the last one is in the first and ten, "i want it so bad that i think about it now and then," i am your closest friend. the tenderness of your heart reaching out of the dark and into our soul. and the debt of the deep into its own loving cave that shook the world until it could hold its own and shivered as it would shake the fruits to eat of this Tree back down onto Me.

The Harden Light of Destruction can Lift Trees

 after the 365 years in the basin the water will open from the Heavens but for the Ladies of this mountain the 10 ladies of this mountain that protect this earth from the right of being taken alien before we measure the times that were destroyed through on earth but today you will see this man opening the gates and denying the true fellowship of God creation to stand beside each other and if they make a sacrifice to save the others then earth will die. or if they come and forth and take what was becoming alien. and those who never knew the Spell Level Water will displace the group today as forth coming unto this new alien race that had return year before the return again. and one will hold the third days of rain to be the God of Storms to be brushed up against the warming of our welcome and those who come to take over will trigger a flood if the ladies desire it to rain or flood than it will be because of our size and indifference to what we expected. it is our right to keep what God had taken from our bones and flesh of our spirit as one upon the curse of the stability that haunts them again for what shake the fruits of the new trees down to earth once again for to see God's glory to Us who believe the night that God returned as woman. and then one more from the third will return and fill the land with God's promise to Heaven unto Us alone.

The House of God's Friendship

 those who do not believe in God do not believe in themselves for the things in life are the ones that love you. for the ones that become Heavenly beings believe in those who cornerstone the House of God, i.e. Satan, the Devil and Demon and if any corner of God's House shall fall the House will fall.

The Words of God are Stone (Last Forever)

 to witness for God i need you to be true and do follow scripture in order to believe what you are saying. because how many people remember a passage that just set then into another Heaven or into an argument that never helps the truth by lying saying you also know the creation of God's word that will remain the same Word of God that had never brought forth God unless it was for a man or a woman. one must go through Me and not any materialistic means to be measured unless they had written the words themself to stone. unless they had become the flesh and the spirit of God's heart turned to stone as truth never fades away for those who would not use it a proof of God's existence.

Resurrection, Rebirth and Reincarnation

 during this cycle of life, the day never ended, and the night just began. for those who say that i am another Jew then i will restate my time given for now and the times that had the second coming upon this day for the gentiles, i was from Jerusalem but today i was born from a Philippina. and the time was not for God to destroy this day but for the day itself to show forth the gain of all who ride a Cloud of Angels on Calvery sweeping west unto Asia the day i said not to go east but follow unto gentiles who are the chosen people. 

The Trusted in God

 the third table is God the round blessing of its gate of its time that cannot owe another dime but itself in Heaven. as those who hurt their own weight in gold shall find themselves in balance. rock and feather will your counterweight. write what you have heard today and tell them how God will openly speak and become the Unrichest front of mankind who never opened a door but to its own. who leaves the back door open to their friends and those who do not knock at Me front door will lose every attribute that they give for the Alter of Gifts can never be paid back once you lose it, and i Roger Grant had loaned to them for this in service that one may contain the next trust of God's return for the new to become the new again. and those who cannot believe in these Words of God can lose their place in time. and may retain what was given to Roger as a trusted Heavenly giver of the art structured in one's own body as the Temple of Christ rising again. only good people have miracles and are able to see miracles from God or themselves who have the Spirit of Miracle within them that hold the key to Heaven or Hell to what is death unto what may live again.

in the ground soils of man, we awakened and live again. 

The Contradiction of God's Faith

the words that i write contradict with our religions so that the whole story can be connected and that they may come together as broken piec...